Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Six Hundred And Thirtieth Chapter Stalemate

The person who spoke was a man in a white robe with a towering head, his appearance was majestic, and he had a slight resemblance to the old Dragon King.

His name is Long Zhan, he is the eldest son of the old Dragon King, he is in charge of commanding generals, leading the killing in the East China Sea, he has heard about Long Xue's matter for a long time, and he respects his little niece's meaning in everything.

"It's a bunch of nonsense, so what if it's a strong man?"

"After all, it's just an outsider. The little princess of the Hai clan must never be handed over to the monks of the human race. This marriage is not agreed to by the old minister!"

Prime Minister Gui on the side blew his beard and stared, quite annoyed, ten thousand people disagreed with Long Zhan's statement.

"Prime Minister Turtle, after all, isn't it because your grandson and Xue'er have made a baby kiss since they were young?"

"That was just a joke from the second younger brother back then. There are countless things to do. Now that Xue'er has someone she likes, and she happens to be a master, we should help her!"

Long Zhan said lightly, he had already seen what kind of idea this old turtle had in his stomach.

Wanting to disturb the affairs between Huang Longxue and Li Xiaobai, and then let his little grandson take over, is really a good idea.

"General Long's words are wrong. Meals can be eaten indiscriminately, but words can't be said indiscriminately. The old minister is also thinking about the Dragon Palace. Besides, Xiao Sun and Princess Xue'er are also a match made in heaven, especially when they were not born. I made a baby kiss at that time, how can I say that I regret it now?"

"Could it be that Laogui's descendants are not worthy of little princess Xue'er?"

Prime Minister Gui said in a deep voice, his voice was very cold.

"Marriage is a matter of fate, and it must not be a joke. Instead of watching Xue'er spend her life depressed, I would rather let her get married with that junior of the human race!"

Long Zhan is also fighting with reason, his purpose is very clear, that is, anyone can become a Taoist couple with Long Xue, except for Prime Minister Gui's grandson.

Originally, he and Prime Minister Gui were responsible for handling all the affairs of the court. He was the heir of the Dragon King so that he could stabilize the other side. It is not easy to take advantage of the other party in the end.

Fortunately, Long Xue himself had no idea about Prime Minister Gui's grandson, which gave him quite a chance.

"Those who are not of my race must agree, the little princess can only marry a monk from the Sea Race!"

Prime Minister Gui argued hard without giving in.

"The king already knows what you two mean, but you have already brought him back. You might as well take a test first, and let all the lovers see how his strength and character are, and whether he is worthy of Xue'er?"

"If Prime Minister Gui still has objections, then let's let the two young people compete with each other, how about fighting for freedom?"

The old Dragon King stopped the debate between the two sides and spoke slowly.

"Wei Chen has no objections!"

"Good, I don't know where the young man is at the moment?"

The two bowed to each other, and it could be seen that the old Dragon King had made up his mind, and he didn't say much anymore.

"Hehe, I was thrown into the dungeon by this king. Let's take a look at this kid's situation first. If he can't even solve the difficulty of the dungeon, then he is not qualified to be my son-in-law of Donghai!"

The old dragon king stretched out his hand and cast the seal formula in the air. In the void, a picture appeared out of thin air above the main hall, showing the scene in the dungeon.


At this moment, in the dungeon.

Li Xiaobai was chatting with many younger brothers who accepted him.

The faces of Dao Zu and his party were a bit ugly, because Li Xiaobai asked them to get the Ye Ming beads in their respective caves. In this prison, only Ye Mingzhu can maintain daily life. Without the spiritual power and light overflowing from it, these prisoners will live in a dark world that is difficult to practice.

There is a huge difference between having Ye Mingzhu and not having Ye Mingzhu.

What's more, stealing spirit beads is strictly prohibited in the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea, let alone doing things openly in the dungeon. If they fail, all of them will aggravate their crimes. Zhang Dabao has a deep understanding of this.

"My lord, you can't touch Ye Mingzhu, the younger one came in because you stole a Ye Mingzhu."

"If you take Ye Mingzhu in front of the warden in this prison, you will be hunted down by her!"

"Besides, Ye Mingzhu is aided by the spiritual energy in the dungeon. If too many are taken away, not only will the dungeon be plunged into darkness, but the spiritual power will also be exhausted, making it impossible for the monks to cultivate!"

A group of prisoners persuaded them bitterly, they didn't expect Li Xiaobai to give them a big problem as soon as he came up.

The death row prisoner and the warden, these are existences that cannot be offended by either side, they are caught in the middle and it is really a dilemma.

"It's okay, I'll be there for the warden, so there won't be any problems. As for the convenience of practice, I can guarantee that as long as you are obedient, you can practice even if you don't have aura!"

Li Xiaobai said with a chuckle, not paying any attention to what everyone said.

Resources need to be used rationally in order to bring out their value, and it would be too wasteful to just pile them up on the ground.

He casually summoned a ray of hellfire, which instantly devoured and extinguished the Ye Ming Pearl hanging above the door.


Everyone was shocked, they had never seen such a strange method, and the strange black flame gave them an endless sense of crisis.

It is not difficult to imagine what kind of disaster it will be if the flame acts on them.

"Forget it, since your lord wants it, then I will swear to help you to the death, and I will go back to the cave and tear down that Ye Ming pearl!"

"Yeah, yeah, I don't like that thing for a long time, so I'm going to dismantle her!"

Forced by Li Xiaobai's power, the group finally nodded and agreed. There was no way, they might die after they agreed, but if they didn't agree, they might die now.

"Well, Dao Zu stays here, and the rest go back to get the Ye Ming beads. We will gather here in an hour, understand?"


The crowd dispersed, and Li Xiaobai entered the cave with the saber.

Another ray of hellfire was summoned, devouring the Ye Ming beads on the wall one by one, and the light in the cave suddenly dimmed.

Glancing at the attribute value panel, Li Xiaobai sighed in his heart, seeing that the Hellfire's stats hadn't changed at all. It really wasn't that easy for this gold swallowing beast to advance.

"Ahem, my lord, what do you want me to tell you to come here?"

Daozu asked in fear, watching the pitch-black flames climb and spread on the mountain wall, and all the objects in contact with it were burned in an instant.

Looking at Li Xiaobai's nonchalant appearance, a group of people panicked in his heart, just casually using such a terrorist method, the person in front of him is definitely a typical murderous maniac, extremely dangerous!

"I'm new here, and I'm not familiar with the situation in this dungeon."

"Understood, if the adults have any questions, just ask, the little ones must know everything!"

"Very well, then tell me, who is the strongest person in this dungeon?"

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