At this moment, Li Xiaobai in the picture is rushing non-stop to the residence of the next condemned prisoner.

Lamborghini's speed is extremely fast, like a blue lightning passing through the dungeon.

This time Li Xiaobai was more direct, he didn't even bark at the door, he just took out his long sword and slashed in the void. In an instant, the stone door cracked, and a figure flew out from the smoke and dust, his face full of panic.

Also wearing a red prison uniform, with a handsome face, this is a bookish young man.

Originally, he was cultivating in the cave, but suddenly his body refused to obey his order and broke out, and he knelt at the feet of the strange monk outside. He was completely unaware of what happened.

"what happened?"

"Who are you, why are you so humiliated?"

"I have never met Your Excellency, so it seems that there is no grievance. Why do you want to trouble me?"

On the ground, the scholar-like cultivator's eyes were full of horror. He tried to mobilize the spiritual power in his dantian to break through comfortably, but was surprised to find that he could not even perceive any spiritual energy in his dantian.

It seemed that the power that was originally as natural as breathing no longer belonged to him.

What kind of move is this, what kind of cultivation is this?

He knows all the famous and powerful people in the dungeon, even the strongest Long Tian is absolutely impossible to do this step, although the monks in the dungeon have taken the Imprisonment Pill, their strength is not as good as before, but it is not easy Generations can be defeated.

I'm afraid the warden doesn't have the ability to kill a fourth-level master in the Mahayana stage with one blow, right?

He couldn't figure out who the other party was and why he appeared here.

"My name is Li Xiaobai, and I'm a member of the royal family in the East China Sea Dragon Palace. I'm here today. I need your help with some things."

Li Xiaobai said lightly, his lips became smoother and smoother.

"Royal clan!"

"May I ask which bloodline Master Li is from?"

The young scholar's heart trembled, and he continued to ask, the weight of the words "royal family and family" is heavier than mountains.

"The old Dragon King personally sent me in. Tell me, which one should I be?"

Li Xiaobai asked with a half-smile.

" are a member of the royal family, a direct blood relative!"

"And with such a cultivation level, could it be that he is an unborn senior in the royal family?"

The more the young scholar thought about it, the more afraid he felt. He felt that this kind of thing was very possible. It is common for a senior to practice in seclusion for dozens of years.

It is not uncommon to even make some outrageous acts because of this anger, so the old dragon king personally escorted him to the dungeon for a little punishment.

"It's good to know, don't say anything. I'm a low-key person, and I never show myself. I came to see you today because I want you to do me a favor."

Li Xiaobai said lightly.

"My lord, please tell me, my junior Liu Shuhuai, please let your lord order me!"

The young scholar hurriedly said, emphasizing his own life. His thoughts were the same as those of the old man before. The man in front of him was not only extremely powerful, but also had a terrifying background. As long as he took this opportunity to hold his thigh tightly, he might be exonerated in the future free again.

After finally seeing an opportunity that could help him escape from ascension to heaven, he naturally would not let it go easily.

"Let your subordinates take out all the Ye Ming beads in their respective caves and hand them in, and someone will come to collect them later, do you understand?"

Li Xiaobai said slowly.

"Understood, don't worry, my lord, this junior will start preparing immediately!"

Liu Shuhuai said firmly, without any doubt, she agreed directly.

He knew very well in his heart that a powerful senior with this kind of strength and background was absolutely extraordinary, and the restraint of not being able to move Ye Mingzhu was completely useless to him.

"Well, good, I'm tired."

Li Xiaobai nodded, very satisfied with the attitude of the other party, there was no ink stain at all.

The strength of the old dragon king made him feel a sense of crisis, and now he is taking all the time to improve his strength, and he will never delay.

He wanted to burn all the Ye Ming beads in the entire dungeon in the shortest possible time and find ten blood sacrifice fragments.

With a simple move, the Lamborghini landed on the ground, and then, in Liu Shuhuai's horrified eyes, it turned into a blue phantom and disappeared without a trace.

"Lord Li, you are truly a god!"

"Come on, pass on an order that all monks hand over all the Ye Ming beads that can be found in the cave, and no one is allowed to keep them privately. Anyone who violates the rules will be beheaded!"


Liu Shuhuai actively responded to Li Xiaobai's call, but he didn't know that at this moment, there were hundreds of pairs of eyes staring at him in the main hall of the Undersea Dragon Palace.

"Nonsense, it's just nonsense!"

"This Li Xiaobai suddenly regained a Mahayana master to play for him. What exactly does he want to do?"

"And his mount is too fast, even the vast dungeon space may not be able to hold him for a long time, if this continues, I am afraid that Ye Mingzhu in the entire dungeon will really be taken away by him !"

"This son deserves to die, so he must not stay!"

"That's right, I'll kill you!"

Guicheng and other civil servants shouted in unison.

If it was said that Li Xiaobai blocked Prime Minister Gui's grandson's footsteps before and caused everyone to attack, then at this moment they were completely irritated by what he did.

This ability to pull the tiger's skin and pull the banner is getting more and more proficient. If you open your mouth and keep your mouth shut about the royal relatives, where is the majesty of the royal family?

Do you still have the East China Sea Dragon Palace in your eyes?

"Prime Minister Turtle, this son has been going all the way. Could it be that your concern is only his behavior?"

Long Zhan glanced coldly at the civil servants, and said indifferently, these nerds are just dull, they only look at sesame seeds but turn a blind eye to watermelons, and the East China Sea Dragon Palace will be destroyed by these people sooner or later.

"What does General Long mean by this?"

"This son is so bold that he uses the name of the royal family to bluff and deceive, and is rampant. Could it be that the old turtle was wrong when he said that he would be punished?"

Prime Minister Gui said with anger all over his face.

"That's right, is it possible that General Long still wants to favor that kid?"

"General Long, be cautious in your words and deeds!"

The rest of the civil servants sighed for a while, very proud. They always believed that their judgment was correct and they should kill Li Xiaobai.

"Are you blind?"

"This kid has killed Mahayana masters in two seconds, and Liu Shuhuai is a fourth-tier Mahayana master, but he can't even catch the opponent's sword. May I ask you, who has such a skill?"

"Even if it's a humble minister, he is not sure that he can defeat the enemy with one move without injury."

"And the mount it sits on is also extraordinary. I have never seen this kind of race, and its speed is even faster than that of a flood dragon."

"This son is full of mysteries, and his strength is so strong that it is unimaginable. Prime Minister Gui wants to kill him, so who should be sent there?"

"With all due respect, even if the prime minister comes in person, he will only be caught in seconds!"

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