Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 635 Blood Sacrifice Fragments

To judge whether a monk is strong or not, it is natural to judge from the perspective of cultivation base, just now Li Xiaobai did it, and as the peak of the Mahayana period, he thought it was impossible to do it.

I'm afraid only a half-step immortal like the old dragon king can do this step.

In addition, recalling that Li Xiaobai was captured by the old dragon king himself, the meaning is self-evident, and he had a bold guess in his heart, could it be that Li Xiaobai's cultivation level should be higher than his, so the old dragon king would Do it yourself, and didn't let them do it for you?

If this is the case, it would be too shocking. A half-step immortal who is less than thirty years old?

Thinking about it makes me feel crazy, he doesn't want to believe this fact in his heart, he prefers that the other party has a treasure, and the monks in the prison are under the imprisoned Tango, and their cultivation base is greatly reduced, maybe they can be opportunistic. .

"It's a bunch of nonsense. All the prisoners in the prison have been fed with Imprisonment Pills, and their strength and cultivation base can't save one. It's no surprise that they can defeat them."

"General Long is a bit too alarmist."

Prime Minister Gui's expression was a little displeased, he didn't expect Long Zhan to say such a thing.

He has been in a high position for many years, and his cultivation base has already entered the ranks of the Mahayana period. Although he is not as good as Long Zhan, it is not impossible for even a junior to win.

A mere junior cultivator is at best a newcomer, how strong can he be?

At most, like the little princess, she is about to reach the peak of the tribulation period.

"The Prime Minister also said just now that all the monks in the prison were fed with the Imprisonment Pill, which naturally included Li Xiaobai. Under the same conditions, he can instantly kill a Mahayana monk. This is an indisputable fact. Even if I It can't be done easily, and its strength can be seen in general."

"Besides, since he entered the dungeon, none of the treasures he took out were of ordinary quality. Whether it was the weird black flame or the giant steel beast mount for transportation, they were all things we had never heard of or seen before!"

"My lord, I speculate that this son is very likely to have acquired a certain ancient inheritance, inherited these treasures, and at the same time made his cultivation level greatly increased. Only in this way can it make sense why he can obtain such treasures at such an age. Achievement."

"Such a young talent must be on good terms with each other. I agree with the little princess's marriage!"

Long Zhan said sternly, this was not just random nonsense out of selfishness, the facts were in front of him, and he vaguely understood why the old Dragon King brought this person back in person.

"The old minister disagrees!"

"This son is too domineering and reckless. Such a monk will not be controlled by others. For us, it is a serious uncertainty. I don't need such a person in Donghai!"

"The old minister's meaning is still the same as before, he should be killed, such a talent is not my race, and he must not stay!"

There was a dangerous light in Prime Minister Gui's eyes. Although he didn't fully believe Long Zhan's words and thought they were exaggerating, he finally noticed the difference in Li Xiaobai.

Indeed, along the way, this person's gods block and kill gods, and Buddhas block and kill Buddhas. No matter what kind of master he faces, he can defeat the enemy with one move. His own strength and cultivation must not be underestimated.

But considering his age, no matter how he looked at it, he felt that there was a problem. In his cognition, no matter how talented he was, it was impossible for him to have such a cultivation level at this age, which was really puzzling.

But the more extraordinary the other party behaved, the stronger the killing intent in his heart. If such a talent cannot be used by the Sea Clan, he can only be destroyed, otherwise he may threaten the Sea Clan in the future.

What's more, it must not be allowed to threaten the lifelong event of his grandson.

As long as their family can marry with the blood of the Dragon King's direct lineage, their status will rise, and then they will be able to stabilize the Dragon War and gain an advantage in the court.

"Let him be my Donghai's son-in-law, won't he be on the same level as me?"

"Prime Minister Turtle, you need to take a long-term perspective and plan, and don't give up a vast sky for the sake of the petty profits in front of you."

Long Zhan looked indifferent, and said in a cold voice.


Prime Minister Gui was angry, his face turned blue, and his already ugly face became even more depressed.

"Okay, this king has his own decision, let's look at it now, this kid's ability is not as simple as it seems on the surface, taking him into the sea will naturally have to be tested."

The old dragon king said slowly.

He had already experienced the strangeness of Li Xiaobai. Although he didn't say it, he knew in his heart that those ten destructive monsters seemed to be still vivid in his mind at this moment, and he could control this power. Naturally, he is no longer an idler.

Such a force is top-notch no matter where it is placed, and he actually has the intention of wooing him, but he is the king of the sea clan after all, and his every move is watched by all civil and military officials.

So no matter what you do, you need to convince the public.

While everyone was thinking about it, Li Xiaobai on the screen acted crazily again.

The blue phantom galloped all the way, passing by every house, targeting the bosses in various regions, no matter whether it was a gray-clothed prisoner or a red-clothed prisoner, there was almost no single enemy, and they were all killed without even seeing Li Xiaobai's appearance clearly. conquered.

All the orders received were surprisingly consistent, that is, to hand over all the Ye Ming Pearls within their respective territories, without leaving a single one.

A large-scale commotion started in the dungeon, and all the prisoners were busy at the moment. In addition to the Ye Ming beads in the cave, many monks also began to dig out the Ye Ming beads on the mountain wall, and even excavated the Ye Ming beads from the soil.

Li Xiaobai counted the number of Ye Ming pearls in his mind, and before he knew it, he came to the last territory, which was the largest territory in the dungeon, where Longtian was.

It is said that this person also has the blood of the royal family, his cultivation base is strong, and he is the strongest in the dungeon.

This is inevitable, with the power of the dragon's bloodline in his body, it is impossible not to be tyrannical, but Li Xiaobai didn't take it to heart, as long as he is not a half-step immortal, everything is easy to talk about.

The blue lightning rushed all the way into the core area, which is Longtian's cave and the most core position in the entire dungeon.

As soon as he approached the gate of the cave, Li Xiaobai saw several streamers of light flashing by, which seemed to sink into his eyebrows, and at the same time, the values ​​on the system panel were beating.

Attribute points + 100,000...

Attribute points + 100,000...

Attribute points + 100,000...

It jumped nine times, a total of 900,000. I didn't expect that all the nine blood sacrifice fragments were in Longtian's place, but it was also expected. After all, this is the core area of ​​the dungeon. It is reasonable to place the fragments here.

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