All on defense!

Half-step Immortal Physique (faerie spirit has not been obtained) can be advanced in defense.


Achievement Troublemaker available.

Li Xiaobai was a little excited in his heart. After several months, he finally filled up the 10 million attribute points, and also obtained ten blood sacrifice fragments.

Looking at the cave in front of him, he turned his wrist and took out a long sword. Li Xiaobai was going to do the same to recover the last person.

But at this time, the stone gate of the cave suddenly opened wide, and a cold light suddenly appeared and went straight to Li Xiaobai's eyebrows. In a trance, Li Xiaobai felt that he saw a long silver dragon zooming in front of his eyes until his body was hit and flew upside down. That's the way to react.

Attribute points +20000...

Attribute points +20000...

Attribute points +20000...

The values ​​on the system panel surged, Li Xiaobai didn't expect that the last person was so vigilant and able to attack before he could do it himself.

Standing up slowly from the smoke and dust, he patted the dust off his body. If I remember correctly, the biggest and strongest person in this core area is the legendary Long Tian who has the blood of the dragon clan.

From the point of view of the system's attributes, the strength of the opponent is not as simple as that of the ordinary Mahayana stage. Even if he takes the Imprisonment Pill and his own strength is greatly reduced, he can still display such a fierce offensive, and his cultivation is probably close to the peak of the Mahayana stage.


A long gun inserted into the ground next to him hummed, and the body of the gun was almost completely submerged in the ground, and the strength of that blow just now can be seen.

The spear trembled, broke through the ground, and suddenly flew back into the cave.

"Who is your lord, if you stir up trouble in this dungeon, aren't you afraid of being punished by the sea clan?"

Inside the cave, a gentle voice said lightly.

"My servant, Li Xiaobai, is from the royal family of the East China Sea. I need you to do one thing for me when I come here today."

Li Xiaobai also looked indifferent, with his hands behind his back, he spoke slowly.

As soon as this remark came out, the complexions of all the civil and military officials who were spying in the palace hall were almost blackened. Good guy, now this kid doesn't even talk about the emperor's relatives, and he directly turned into the royal family of the East China Sea. Why don't you God?

The old Dragon King didn't say anything, he was still staring at the screen, looking forward to the next development in his heart.

"The royal family of the East China Sea?"

"I've never heard of a young expert like you in the royal family of the East China Sea. Whose descendant are you?"

Inside the cave, the man's voice was a bit suspicious.

"Hehe, the old Dragon King sent me in personally, tell me, am I the royal family of the East China Sea?"

"The king personally sent you off, could it be Brother Long Zhan!"

"No... no, brother Long Zhan has a lot of things to do every day, and it is impossible to have time to mess around. Who are you? You can have such a cultivation level at a young age. Even Xue'er doesn't have such talent. On the Fairy Continent It can't be someone who is in danger!"

The voice muttered to itself, thinking about Li Xiaobai's origin.

"Hmph, who is Long Zhan? I don't know him, so the old Dragon King is not allowed to play around in the world?"

"The old Dragon King's entertainment activities in the outside world, are you able to guess?"

"If you are sensible, be obedient and do things for me honestly, otherwise, you will suffer a lot!"

Li Xiaobai said viciously, the other party also has the blood of the Dragon Clan, if he was allowed to continue analyzing, he might be exposed.

"What the hell am I..."

In the palace, the old Dragon King only felt his heart twitch. Li Xiaobai's remarks made him feel that he was not well. What do you mean by his entertainment outside?

Civil and military officials also have strange expressions, what the hell is it that they recognize their father when they disagree with each other?

In other words, could this thing really be an illegitimate child?

"Nonsense, the old dragon king is old, how can he move the hearts of all people, you don't have the slightest reverence for my sea clan, you can't be a member of the sea clan's royal family!"

"Today, in order to protect the reputation of the Bai Nian of the Hai Clan, I will definitely suppress you!"

The voices in the cave suddenly became angry. It was obvious that Li Xiaobai succeeded in irritating the other party by talking about the Dragon King. For the sea monks, the old Dragon King is a patron saint, sacred and great, and cannot be desecrated.

"bring it on."

Li Xiaobai nodded, and raised the long sword in his hand again. Now that he has collected 10 million attribute points, he doesn't need to spend too much time accumulating attribute points, and everything will be settled quickly.


There was another cold light in the cave, and then the spear shot out like a dragon, stabbing straight at the center of Li Xiaobai's eyebrows. The powerful and fierce wind mixed with a terrifying aura swept the audience, which was stronger than that shot just now.

Li Xiaobai understood that this was the opponent's serious trick, so he didn't dodge or dodge at the moment, allowing the spear to stab at his body without any injuries.

Attribute points +30000...

Attribute points +30000...

"Good job!"

"Your honor is so high, I have never seen it in my life. If I can fade away today, I will never be held accountable for infringing on my territory!"

A young man dressed in white came out of the cave slowly, his face full of amazement. He didn't expect that the two consecutive strong methods didn't even hurt a single hair of the opponent. This was the first time in the world. archenemy.

"As long as you can obediently do things for me, I can spare you the pain of flesh and blood."

Li Xiaobai stepped on the spear and said casually.

"A fight!"

The young man in white was furious, with bulging robes all over his body, tall and tall, with a protruding back, his eyes were red, and his face gradually became ferocious. Pieces of bright silver dragon scales manifested, dragon claws, dragon tails, dragon horns, knots. section climbed.

The powerful savage atmosphere spread layer by layer.

In this state, Li Xiaobai knew that when Longxue manifested the real dragon body before, it was also such a terrifying scene. It seems that the dragon blood on Longtian's body is not low, not the kind of trivial branch, but the real one. Orthodox blood, otherwise it would be impossible to transform into a dragon.

But these are meaningless to Li Xiaobai, whether it is a dragon or a human, as long as it does not exceed the scope of the Mahayana period, it is absolutely impossible for him to be an enemy.


The silver dragon roared, its huge figure swayed, and turned into a flash of bright silver lightning, charging towards Li Xiaobai with supreme power!

Opening his teeth and claws, the scorching breath gushes out from his bloody mouth, intending to burn everything.

Feeling the ever-rising aura in front of him, Li Xiaobai calmly and casually swung the long sword down without any waves in his heart.

"100% being caught empty-handed!"

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