Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 367: The Test Of The Old Dragon King

Long Tian only felt that the spiritual power in his dantian was out of his control. The body of the indestructible dragon kept shrinking and re-formed into a human form. Uncontrollably, he rushed towards Li Xiaobai, raised his hands above his head, and knelt down on the ground , Worship.


Long Tian coughed up blood, and the operation of the kung fu was forcibly interrupted, which caused him to suffer a lot of backlash, and the primordial spirit felt like being forcibly torn apart, and he was in pain.

His eyes were full of horror. In less than a second, the method he was most proud of was self-defeating, and even hurt himself. The most important thing is that he didn't see Li Xiaobai using it from the beginning to the end. what means.

But it's just a light swing of the sword, how could it be possible to have such miraculous power.

"how can that be?"

"Who are you? You have reached the peak of your cultivation. Why do you want to mix with the sea clan? What are your plans?"

Long Tian asked weakly. He was different from other bosses. Facing Li Xiaobai, he immediately thought that Li Xiaobai had sneaked into the Sea Clan secretly and had secrets that could not be revealed. This level of cultivation was half a step. He even believed in immortals, even if he was to be imprisoned, he should be in a prison in the sky. How could he be imprisoned in a dungeon?

His intuition told him that the other party must be planning something.

"My purpose is to ask you to do things for me. I said it earlier, but you just don't want to listen to others."

"You have two choices. One is to do things for me. Not only will I let you go, but I will also give you some benefits. The other is to abolish your cultivation and take over your territory. Choose yourself."

Li Xiaobai said with a stern expression.

"I am willing to help, what do you want me to do?"

Long Tian finally succumbed, it is better to live than to die, his cultivation base is his foundation, if he is abolished, it is no different from death.

"It's very simple, collect all the Ye Ming pearls in the territory under your jurisdiction, and then someone will come to collect them. Remember, no one is left, and no one can keep it privately."

Li Xiaobai said.

"It's that simple?"

Long Tian was a little stunned. He didn't expect that after working so hard for a long time, it would end up like this. It's just Ye Mingzhu, it's not a big deal at all, it's just helping to harvest the beads. Why is it so exciting?

"It's that simple, get it done as soon as possible, this is your reward."

Li Xiaobai threw out a bag of top-quality spirit stones, and then took out the Lamborghini, which turned into a flash of light in Long Tian's astonished eyes, and walked away.

Long Tian picked up the bag on the ground and glanced at it. There were hundreds of top-quality spirit stones, and he couldn't help curling his lips, "That's it, who do you look down on?"

at the same time.

Sea people, in the palace hall.

Everyone was silent, looking at the huge picture in the void, they didn't know what to say.

As expected, Li Xiaobai defeated all the prisoner leaders with lightning speed, and now the prisoners in the entire dungeon are helping him collect Ye Ming beads, which is the worst ending.

And with the development of the plot, everyone agrees with Long Zhan's words more and more. This young man named Li Xiaobai's strength is unfathomable, and he conquered the entire dungeon with almost no obstacles.

Even Long Tian, ​​who had the blood of the royal family of the Sea Clan, was defeated so simply, the civil servants were a little rioted, what kind of existence did the old Dragon King bring back?

"What do you love about this son now?"

The old Dragon King looked around and smiled lightly.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, according to my opinion, this person's cultivation and strength are already superior to ours. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would really be hard to believe that there is such a genius in the world, who is worthy of being a little princess!"

"Such a master, we should win over, so as to stabilize the eternal foundation of our sea clan!"

Long Zhan said seriously.

"This kid's method is indeed a bit weird, but he is not a half-step immortal, and he is fundamentally different from a monk like this king. The next time the fairy energy is released, the king may help him depending on his performance."

The old dragon king nodded, and said lightly, if the other party is willing to accept this marriage, then helping him to capture the spirit of the fairy is nothing at all.

"Your Majesty, the old minister thinks that you must not act like this. Marriage is a matter of the future of the two people. Only those who share the same heart and truly love each other are eligible to marry the little princess. Li Xiaobai obviously does not have this point. "

"According to the veteran's observation, this son has never mentioned anything about the little princess since he entered the dungeon. I'm afraid there is no little princess in his heart at all!"

"Such a person, the veteran will never agree that he is Donghai's son-in-law!"

Prime Minister Gui said in a deep voice, the word "unhappy" was almost written on his face.

"Prime Minister, this person's cultivation is against the sky. If our Hai Clan can marry him, it will be a strong alliance, which will strengthen our strength. May the Prime Minister also think more about Donghai?"

"Is the future of Donghai important, or the prime minister's useless little grandson?"

Long Zhan couldn't bear it anymore, and directly tore Prime Minister Gui's fig leaf.

"General Long, Lao Gui is only thinking about the future of the little princess!"

"Marriage is two things. Li Xiaobai obviously doesn't have a little princess in his heart. How can he entrust the little princess to the other party?"

"Please, General Long, when thinking about the future of the Sea Clan, also think more about the future of the little princess!"

Prime Minister Gui squinted at Long Zhan, and said righteously.

"What the hell am I..."

Long Zhan yelled in his heart that the other party was nothing, good guy, this old turtle made a 180-degree turn in his attitude, and suddenly began to care about Long Xue's living conditions again, and he used this as an excuse to refute him.

This is clearly his previous line, okay? This is too thick-skinned!

Simply don't want Bilian.

"What is going on, I have made a decision in my heart, but since Prime Minister Gui's grandson is also interested in Xue'er, why not let the two young people compete?"

"Who should be chosen in the end, we will directly leave it to Xue'er to judge."

The old Dragon King said.

"My lord, Li Xiaobai's cultivation is unfathomable. Wouldn't it be unfair to let the grandson of the veteran compete with him?"

Prime Minister Gui frowned slightly and asked, did his grandson have the fifth level of the tribulation period, or was he piled up with precious medicines? His real strength is equivalent to the fourth level of the tribulation period. Gap.

"Hehe, Prime Minister Gui can rest assured, it is naturally impossible for me to let the two of them compete in cultivation."

"Since it is decided to let Xue'er be the referee, the test item is naturally to test the sincerity of the two of them. This king will personally describe the formation and infuse the spirit of the fairy. Even Li Xiaobai can't see through it, so he can test it out. What do you think of the two people's true feelings for Xue'er?"

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