The old Dragon King said slowly that it was his idea to use special means to test the thoughts of the two of them in the morning. With the help of the formation method, he would expose the thoughts of the two of them to the eyes of everyone, and let the civil and military officials distinguish by themselves. Sentencing will save him from spending his lips and tongue trying to persuade him.

"I think there is no problem, and I believe that, then Li Xiaobai will definitely pass the test and become my son-in-law of the East China Sea Dragon Palace!"

Long Zhan was the first to state that with such a fair competition, he was 100% sure that Li Xiaobai would win.

Prime Minister Gui's grandson is nothing more than a pampered and pampered waste, it's just a dream to climb up the high branch of Long Xue.

After all, it is impossible for the mud to support the wall. It is ridiculous that the old turtle is still pushing his grandson away, and he does not urinate to take care of himself.

"Ahem, since that's the case, the old minister has no objection, fair competition, let the little princess choose by herself."

Prime Minister Turtle coughed twice, and also agreed with the old Dragon King's approach.

"Which of the Ai Qing's heirs is interested in this king's granddaughter, you might as well point it out at this moment, and then we will compete fairly through the formation."

The old dragon king turned his eyes, looked at the civil and military officials, and said with a smile.

"Yes, yes, if there are younger generations in your clan who are interested in the little princess, you can say it directly, but don't hide it."

Prime Minister Gui turned his head to look at everyone, and said with a smile on his face, but the murderous intent flashed in his eyes made all the officials flinch, and no one dared to touch each other's brows at this time.

Furthermore, with Prime Minister Gui's pissing nature, he must be determined to put his grandson in the position. If his colleagues dare to intervene, their lives may be lost.

"Haha, I think the little princess and Prime Minister Gui's grandson are a match made in heaven, so I won't get involved in this matter."

"Yes, yes, those younger generations of my family who are up to the challenge will not come out to make a fool of themselves."

"Let's just quietly watch the competition between the two young Tianjiao. It's a good story for the little princess of the Sea Clan to attract such Tianjiao to compete with each other!"

"Anyway, this son-in-law of the Hai clan will be born soon, congratulations to the king in advance!"

Civil servants and generals hurriedly bowed to salute, with cold sweat on their brows.

The old dragon king was kind on the surface, but in fact he gave them a proposition. Whoever foolishly agreed to push his own son to the front of the stage would be the real cheater.

"Hehe, since all the lovers have no objection, then this matter is settled, Prime Minister Gui, you will send someone to pick up Li Xiaobai in a while, and I will check his attitude first."

"Also, General Long, go and bring your younger brother out as well. After staying in the dungeon for so many years, it is enough to make up for his previous mistakes. Just now the reputation of the Hai Clan was damaged. He is the only one who fought desperately with Li Xiaobai. Based on this, it is enough to prove that it is still loyal to the Sea Clan."

The old Dragon King said.


"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

"Weichen will do it now!"

Long Zhan's expression brightened, he didn't expect that his suffering brother would be released one day.

Both he and Long Tian are the sons of the old Dragon King. Prime Minister Gui had advised him to take down the human disciples, but Long Tian tried his best to dissuade him, and was thrown into the dungeon by the old Dragon King for dozens of years in a rage.

Later, the Hai people were subdued by the second head of the East China Sea, and they gave up the idea of ​​​​invading the territory of the human race, but the matter of Long Tian was over and no one cared about it. This stay lasted for twenty years.

I didn't expect to be able to meet the brothers today, it is really a happy event!

the other side.

In the dungeon.

Li Xiaobai returned to the room where Dao Zu was. A group of younger brothers had been sent out to collect Ye Ming beads. When they returned, he would have more than 200,000 Ye Ming beads in his hands.

"My lord, what else is needed, just ask, as long as it can be done, the subordinates will do their best!"

In the cave mansion, Dao Zu said flatteringly that he already fully understood that the master in front of him is a true god.

In just a quarter of an hour, the entire dungeon has been swept up and down, defeating all the big bosses including Na Longtian, and the family dominates. This is something that has never happened in the dungeon.

He was more and more convinced in his heart that as long as he followed the other party, not to mention just going out of a small dungeon, it would not be impossible to dominate one side and become the ancestor in the future.

"Well, no need, go out and watch."

Li Xiaobai waved his hand, and said calmly, thinking about the next plan in his heart, if the old dragon king didn't follow up for a long time, then he had to consider the escape from prison.

After checking the system, after over 10 million, the obtained attribute points are still valid, and have been accumulated, and have not disappeared.

Host Li Xiaobai.


Half-step Immortal Physique (101.151 million) in defense (faerie spirit has not been obtained) can be advanced.

The attribute points overflowed by 150,000, which reassured Li Xiaobai. If the attribute points were not increased after being attacked after the defense was full, he would be at a loss. I don't know how many attribute points are needed for the next stage of defense. Order, presumably would be an astronomical number.

Just as Li Xiaobai was checking the harvest of this period of time, there was a knock on the door suddenly.

"My lord, Prime Minister Turtle's attendants are asking to see you!"

Dao Zu's voice came from outside.

"Prime Minister Turtle's attendant?"

"Let him in."

Li Xiaobai was a little puzzled, he didn't know Prime Minister Turtle, could it be that the other party came to deliver news for the old Dragon King?

A person walked in slowly outside the door. It was a woman in a long plain dress, with a water snake waist swaying, and an unusually charming smile on her mouth, but there seemed to be indescribable arrogance and contempt in her eyes.

"You are Li Xiaobai, and you want to compete with my son for the little princess' waste?"

The woman's red lips parted slightly, and she asked with a look of disgust on her face.

"Shut up, you woman dare to insult my lord, do you want to die?"

Outside the door, Dao Zu was furious, as if he was about to rush in.

"Back off."

Li Xiaobai waved his hand, stopped the other party's movement, looked at the woman in front of him, and asked with some displeasure, "Who are you, and who is your young master?"

"Hehe, I am Prime Minister Gui's personal maid, so my son is naturally Prime Minister Gui's grandson."

"This time, I have ordered you to go to the palace hall. I really don't know why the king would like you, a lowly species, a mere human cultivator, who has no blood power in his body, and is worthy of competing with my son?"

"A word of advice to you, surrender and admit defeat as soon as possible, so as not to be ashamed in front of others!"

The alluring and charming woman smiled lightly, her eyes full of contempt.

Li Xiaobai frowned, the superiority of the woman in front of him seemed a little too much.

"It turned out to be a maid who warms the bed. Who am I, so the old Dragon King meant that I was going to compete with that turtle grandson for Longxue?"

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