Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 646: The Official Was Also Chopped Off

Li Xiaobai's eyes flickered with brilliance.

"Brother, you can die!"

The gold-threaded big ring knife raised high in the void drew a graceful arc, and cut off Guixuan's head without the slightest hesitation.

Before he could make a sound, Guixuan felt chills all over his body, and the back of his neck felt cold, and the next second, the head fell to the ground, and blood spilled on the execution ground.

There is no life!

The whole audience was silent, only the head that was fighting for unwilling eyes kept rolling down on the ground, as if expressing the resentment of his life.

"Hahaha, very good, Li Xiaobai, I didn't expect that he looks gentle on weekdays, but he is really unambiguous in his actions. He looks like your senior brother, and he is indeed from the same division!"

"I am not mistaken, you are very good!"

The official behind him laughed loudly. He didn't want to see blood, so he turned his back and listened to the crisp sound coming from behind him. He felt a lot of joy in his heart.

The person he chose was right. He was an obedient dog with a vicious heart. He was very suitable to be a dog for the imperial court.

"Thank you for your compliment, my lord."

"My lord, what should I do with my little junior sister?"

Li Xiaobai asked with a smile, and quietly made a booing motion under Long Xue's puzzled eyes.

"Kill them together, don't let me say the same thing a second time!"

The official looked a little displeased, and said coldly, there is no such thing as pity and pity on the execution ground.

"Hey, I see."

The voice behind him was mixed with sarcasm, and a bad premonition arose in the official's heart. Just as he was about to turn his head to look at the situation, there was only a golden thread across his eyes, and the blood blew out.

He felt the world spinning before his eyes, and then saw his headless body slowly fall down on the stage.

The whole audience was silent, and the common people watched what happened on the execution platform dully, their mouths grew unconsciously, and their pupils contracted unconsciously.

what did they see

The prisoner killed the official in charge of the execution?

Moreover, there was no rescue, and one-on-one actually killed the officials. Suddenly, all the people in the audience looked terrified, panicked, and rushed outward like a tide.


"Master Guan, the devil is killed!"

"The devil actually killed the official!"

"Run, we will die if we go too late!"

"I didn't expect this devil to be so arrogant and arrogant. He was so bold as to attack and kill the people in the government. After today, the court may be furious!"

A group of people ran wildly, crowding people, and rushed out of the city. No one knew better than them what it was like to be in close contact with a devil.

"Don't panic!"

"Back back, keep quiet, and don't let that devil have a chance to escape!"

"Those who create chaos, kill without mercy!"

The guards angrily shouted, and drew their swords one after another, trying to drive the hundred believers back to the criminal law stage.

There are too many people gathered here to watch the excitement. If they are allowed to cause panic and chaos, Li Xiaobai on the stage may take advantage of this opportunity to escape. It is difficult to catch each other.

And if they are held accountable by the higher-ups afterwards, they, the low-level officials, cannot absolve themselves of the blame!

It's a pity that they underestimated the power of the people and the fear that Li Xiaobai brought to everyone. No one listened to their dissuasion. Seeing these officials draw their swords one by one, the common people were impatient. They rushed forward and directly broke through the officials. The formed defense line rushed out of the city.

"Damn, these officials are not afraid of the government as their backing. If we ordinary people are in danger, who will support us?"

"Every small calculation is very loud, and in the end, don't you want to use me as a gun?"

"Go to Nima's official post, dare to cut off the uncle's life, believe it or not, I will take you to the underworld with me?"

The common people cursed one by one, if they were not afraid that the devil Li Xiaobai would stare at them, they would have been beaten into pigs' heads by these officials.

On the execution platform, Li Xiaobai looked around, all the knives and axes stood in place, looking at a loss, the sudden death of their immediate boss made them not sure what to do for a while.

Moreover, they were not sure about each other's skill, so the scene of killing the official with a knife was quite intimidating. For a while, no one dared to act rashly.

Looking at the cautious crowd, Li Xiaobai grinned, picked up Long Xue who was bound by five flowers, turned around and ran away, and performed the Qi Luck Dantian Kung Fu naturally as if it had been integrated into the blood.

"Hahaha, court eagle dog, come and kill me if you have the guts!"

"I, Li Xiaobai, beg on my knees to die!"

Li Xiaobai raised his head to the sky and screamed, jumped several times in the void, and after flying over the eaves and walls, he disappeared without a trace, leaving behind only a group of sharp-eyed sword-axes.

"Brother, he ran away!"

After a long while of silence on the execution platform, a strong man reminded.

"Well, I saw it."

The eldest brother nodded and said.

"Then shall we still chase?"

"Fuck you, the official has been fucked to death. Let's catch up with him. If we can't beat that kid, wouldn't we have to lose half of his life?"

"The officials in the yamen will arrest him, and we will be responsible for the execution. You don't have to worry about other things."

The elder brother who took the lead yelled angrily, and with a wave of his hand, he led everyone into the attic.

They are only responsible for beheading off-the-shelf heads. Let those officials do this kind of life-and-death business.

In front of the gate of the city, Li Xiaobai held Long Xue in his arms, hid on a roof, and secretly looked at the scene below.

The people below are moving, the crowd is crowded, and the people are in a panic, but a small group of well-trained officials can be vaguely seen among the people walking among the people in an orderly manner, looking for Li Xiaobai's whereabouts whereabouts.

He is no stranger to these people, they are the same group of officials who teamed up with Guixuan to arrest him and Longxue before, just in case, they have been guarding the edge of the execution platform, everyone is a refined The cultivation level of transforming qi is not what Li Xiaobai can handle now.

"Senior Brother Li, you have planned it a long time ago, right? You already know what Senior Brother Guixuan is doing, right?"

"The condition that the imperial court agreed to just now was also to rescue me, but I don't understand why Senior Brother Li would allow Senior Brother Guixuan to act like this and put us in danger since Senior Brother Li knows everything?"

At this moment, Long Xue had thousands of problems accumulated in his heart and wanted to blow them away.

Li Xiaobai's behavior just now was in an orderly manner, obviously planned long ago, not on a whim, which shows that the other party has already betrayed Dong Guixuan, but since this is the case, why not have a showdown with the other party earlier, if the turtle can be resolved in advance Xuan, they will not be arrested by the government.

"Hehe, Junior Sister, before you say this, think about how stupid you were before. With your silly and sweet personality, will you believe me if I tell you directly?"

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