Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 647 The Wind Is Very Noisy Today

Li Xiaobai said indifferently, scanning the situation in the audience with a tense string in his mind, looking for a way out.

Although he could completely let the two of them die here, and then directly end this illusion test, but that would seem too narrow-minded. He wanted to challenge this illusion openly, and walk out of this illusion world dignifiedly under the watchful eyes of the old dragon king.

This is the result he wanted.

Killing a turtle grandson at the beginning made him let out a bad breath, and now he is going to take Long Xue to slap him in the face frantically in this world.

"This... Brother Li, what do you mean, do you think I'm stupid and sweet?"

Long Xue's complexion changed, she felt that senior brother Li who had been with him day and night in front of her had become a little different, he was still brave and courageous, but he seemed to have become more arrogant and domineering, and he really had the courage of a member of the Demon Cult.

"That's almost what it means. You are not only silly and sweet, but also a bit of a virgin. If you don't let you see it with your own eyes, it is absolutely impossible for you to sever your fellowship with Guixuan. For the sake of the future, I feel a long pain It’s better to have a short period of pain and directly stage such a drama.”

"Although it's a bit dangerous, it's worth it to let you recognize Guixuan's true face."

While flipping through the memories in the illusion, Li Xiaobai expressed his analysis of Long Xue in his heart, Long Xue's complexion turned red and then pale in anger, but unfortunately Li Xiaobai didn't even open his eyes to look at her.

At this moment, he is searching for all the things related to the cultivation of the martial arts in the illusion.

The world of martial arts is much simpler than the world of high martial arts. It is nothing more than people fighting and killing for a martial arts. In this world, there is no need to use resources such as spirit stones for cultivation. Diligent, there are only two paths to take.

One is to persevere in daily practice, and the other is to touch the scene to generate emotions and trigger some insights. As the saying goes, one thought becomes a fairy, as long as this thought is well understood, it is not impossible to directly become a land god.

In addition, a good martial art will also increase the skill of the warrior more quickly.

After a little perception of my current state, it is impossible to break through with only the strength of refining and transforming Qi.

With a system in his body, he should be regarded as a genius, can he comprehend something in an instant?

Li Xiaobai thought for a moment, sat up straight under Long Xue's suspicious eyes, stretched out his hand slightly to brush the hair on his forehead, with melancholy eyes, and said softly, "Today's wind is even noisy."

A breeze passed by, and nothing happened.

Li Xiaobai felt a little embarrassed. It seemed that he was not a peerless genius, and the road of becoming a fairy at one thought was not suitable for him.


"Brother Li, what are you doing?"

Long Xue almost burst out laughing, the dull and serious atmosphere of the previous second dissipated in smoke at this moment.

"I'm trying to understand the Tao. If I can comprehend the true meaning of life in a single thought, I can break through my cultivation in an instant, sweep away all opponents, and become invincible in the world from now on."

Li Xiaobai didn't hide what was in his heart, and said directly.

"Brother, have you enlightened yet?"

Long Xue couldn't help laughing, she felt that the person in front of her had really changed, at least in the past, the other party would not say such ridiculous words, but for some reason, speaking from the other party's mouth at this moment made her feel There was an inexplicable sense of conviction.

It seems that the other party will definitely realize it.

"The time has not come, and we have to solve this dilemma by ourselves."

Li Xiaobai said lightly, he had a bold idea in his heart.


Long Xue shouted from the side.

"What's the matter, don't hinder my thinking."

His thoughts were disturbed, Li Xiaobai waved his hand, and said a little irritatedly, after entering this world, he became a little agitated, because there is almost no shortcut to become stronger in this world, that is to say, he probably needs Decades of time.

I don't know how long the decades in this illusion are equivalent to the outside world, but I hope it won't be too long.

"Brother, can you untie me first?"

Long Xue said weakly, looking like Xiaojiabiyu.

"So I was negligent."

Li Xiaobai froze for a moment. Indeed, at this moment, Long Xue was still tightly tied to a human stick, unable to move freely, he drew out the sword at his waist, and with a flick of the sword tip, cut off all the ropes.

"Brother Li, how do we escape from this city?"

Long Xue asked in a low voice, after getting close to Li Xiaobai, her heart suddenly jumped several times, and a strange thought came to her mind that the restraints on her body were gone, would Senior Brother Li not hold her in the future?

"Sneak down for a while, catch two civilians, put on their clothes, and go out from the main gate openly!"

After observing for a while, Li Xiaobai said decisively.

The current scene is extremely chaotic, and the number of officials sent to hunt is limited. Even if you search carefully, it is impossible to find every citizen. Just change into the clothes of the common people, choose a remote corner and rush out of the city with the common people. problem.

"This is not good, the people are innocent..."

Long Xue's face was a bit embarrassed. Although she was called a witch, she had never done anything harmful to the world. Asking her to rob people's clothes made her feel a little bit resistant.

"Junior sister, this world is ruled by the government, the world of power and power, haven't you seen it clearly?"

"If you want to survive in the troubled times, you can't have the benevolence of a woman. Those who should be pitted and killed should be killed. Indecision is the most taboo."

"My generation of monks, as long as we have a clear conscience."

Li Xiaobai said lightly.

It feels like Long Xue's temperament in this fantasy world has also changed, and his behavior style is not straightforward at all. This is finding a bottle of oil for himself.

"I understand."

Long Xue bit her lip, a trace of struggle flashed in her eyes, and finally agreed to the plan.

Li Xiaobai was a little speechless in his heart, he just wanted to grab a piece of clothing, and he didn't want to kill people to seize treasure, is it necessary?

Uncovering a few bricks and tiles from the roof, the qi circulated in the dantian, and the whole person quietly bent down into the house like a roc bird.

A young man inside the house was watching the scene outside through the window, completely unaware that a thief had broken into his house.

"Don't move, raise your hands and squat down with your head in your hands."

"Don't look back, and don't shout."

"I am a murderer, if you dare to make any changes, I will send you to heaven immediately!"

Li Xiaobai said coldly.

"Don't...don't kill me!"

"The jade pendant on my neck is the most valuable thing in my family. It was passed down from my ancestors. Brother, take it away, as long as you can let me go!"

Hearing the bone-chilling voice behind him, the young man shivered uncontrollably, and hurriedly begged for mercy.

He groaned in his heart, obviously he just wanted to watch the excitement, how could he be so unlucky to be targeted by a murderer?

I just hope that the other party can let him live...

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