Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 655: Killing One, Abducting Two

The time and characteristics are right, the reason why he hides the official's back is probably because he wants to pry the other party's mouth to find out the situation in the government.

Needless to say, what this honest-looking guy in front of him saw was Li Xiaobai, and it was Li Xiaobai's latest whereabouts. As long as he followed along, he might be able to catch him.

But these are what the government should do, and it has nothing to do with them. They just need to find a way to get the bounty.

"Ahem, little seven brothers, you may not know something, the current government has strict discipline, not everyone can see it, if you don't mind, our brother is willing to do it for you, and deliver the letter to the prefect !"

The three knight-errants took a sip of their tea and said with a light smile, their expressions and demeanors were very elegant, as if they really just wanted to do Li Xiaobai a small favor.

But the strong possessiveness and greedy expression in his eyes couldn't be concealed. With just one glance, Li Xiaobai knew that the three of them were completely hooked, and he didn't notice anything wrong with him at all.

This is not to blame for a few chivalrous men, after all, this small town did not post a portrait of Li Xiaobai, but only left a wanted text, so although they were joking, they didn't actually know each other.

Suddenly seeing such a big and profitable business close at hand, it is inevitable that he will be a little bit more careful.

A mockery flashed in Li Xiaobai's eyes, and then he said hesitantly, "I'm afraid it won't work. If I ask a few people to hand it over for me, I won't be able to receive the reward. My father said that I must hand it over to the government office in person." Just do it."

"Brother Xiaoqi, at this time and at that time, everyone in the yamen is in danger now, for fear that Li Xiaobai will stare at him and repeat what happened on the execution ground. Therefore, all the prefects are not allowed to leave the door, unless they are acquaintances, no one will." See you."

"Our brothers have also helped the yamen solve many cases before, so the magistrate is more courteous to us and allows us to freely enter and exit the yamen."

"If Brother Xiaoqi has believed us, how about we promise to hand over the letter to the yamen and give the reward in full afterwards?"


"You let me think about it."

Li Xiaobai said with a troubled expression.

"Little brother, this is not only about the bounty, but also about the peace of our world. Then Li Xiaobai is a devil. He has magic skills in his cultivation, and his methods are extremely vicious. If he is left alone, he will probably give the people a lot of trouble." Bring disaster!"

"And now, as long as we can send this letter with Li Xiaobai's whereabouts to the Yamen, the officials will act quickly to arrest him and bring peace to the people of the world. This is a matter of great merit!"

One of them said with a somewhat excited face, his face was full of justice, and he looked like he was for the righteousness of his family and country.

"Since everyone has said so, I naturally want to do my part for the people of the world."

"But you can only send one person to deliver the letter, and the other two must stay with me. You can only leave after I get the reward."

After struggling for a while, Li Xiaobai made a seemingly simple and honest request.

Hearing these words, the three knight-errants almost laughed out loud. This is really a child who walked out of the mountains. Not only is he easy to deceive, but even the request he made is so new to the world.

In what age did hostage mortgages be used in such a poor way? Don’t you know that they are warriors walking in the rivers and lakes?

Wanting to escape is just a matter of jumping, how can you, a guy who has never seen the world, stop you?

Without much thought, several people agreed directly.

"No problem, Brother Seven, my two friends will stay here and chat with you to pass the time. After I receive the bounty, I will send it back immediately, how about it?"

The older one among the three spoke.

"No problem, it's time to work, I'll wait for you here."

Li Xiaobai nodded, smiled honestly, and handed the envelope out without any thought.

"Hehe, you two like to stay with him, but don't have anything to carry with you. If Brother Xiaoqi gets upset, I'll ask you later!"

After a few words of advice, the elder warrior left in a hurry. He couldn't wait to go to the government to collect the reward. As for that idiot, let him wait there all the time!

At the tea stand, only Li Xiaobai and the two warriors were left. After the older warrior gained faith, the attitude of the two of them obviously changed 180 degrees, and they were indifferent to Li Xiaobai. There was even a strong look of contempt and disdain in his eyes.

"Well, both big brothers are warriors?"

Li Xiaobai asked tentatively.

"So what?"

One of them took a sip of tea and said lightly.

"I don't know what kind of realm it is?"

Li Xiaobai asked with a smile as before.

"Hmph, the state of refining Qi and transforming Qi, and it's the later stage, as long as you practice hard for a while, breaking through the realm of refining Qi and transforming gods will not be a problem!"

The warrior continued.

"It turned out to be two masters, disrespect and disrespect, so there will be no problem, and it is in line with the conditions in my heart."

Li Xiaobai looked at the two people in front of him with eyes full of joy. If it was a treasure, these two people were stronger than the one in Zhi's family, and they must be more enjoyable to suck.

"You... what do you mean?"

"What do you want?"

At this moment, the two people on the table finally sensed something was wrong. Li Xiaobai looked at them with strange eyes, as if he was looking at two peerless treasures, his eyes were full of strong possessiveness and aggression.

"Hey, it's nothing interesting, I just want to take the two of them somewhere!"

Li Xiaobai laughed loudly. Under the horrified eyes of the people around him, he suddenly activated the Huashen Art, and grabbed the wrists of the two warriors with each hand. It sucked away half of the internal force in the dantian of the two of them.

"How is this going?"

"Suck people's inner strength!"

"This is... the God Transformation Art!"

" are the devil Li Xiaobai, you are plotting against us!"

The two finally understood what happened, but then a sense of panic swept over their minds instantly, because in just a few breaths, the internal force in their dantian was about to bottom out, this is Li Xiaobai's evil technique The speed of devouring their internal energy was so fast that they had no power to fight back, and they were paralyzed in an instant and fell to the ground.

"Hey, be my nutrient!"

Li Xiaobai put away his exercises, carried the two of them on his shoulders, lightly tapped his feet, and the whole person turned into an afterimage and ran away!

Only a group of people with dull eyes and still in a state of astonishment were left behind...

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