Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 656 It's Not A Letter, It's A Fate!

The surrounding people were terrified and looked at the direction Li Xiaobai was leaving at a loss.

"I've got nothing wrong with my ears. What that person said just now is undoubtedly the devil Li Xiaobai?"

Some people asked aloud.

"Old man, there's nothing wrong with it, it's Li Xiaobai, I really heard it!"

"The devil actually subdued two masters in an instant. He really deserves to be a master who can make a big fuss on the execution platform. I didn't expect that this old man would be able to come into close contact with such a devil in his lifetime. It's too scary!"

"Speaking of which, the devil kept talking about nourishment just now. Could it be that he used those two knight-errants as food?"

The people were excited and whispered to each other.

Recalling Li Xiaobai's words and deeds just now, they shuddered. He really was a big devil, and he actually used warriors as nutrients. Could it be that he wanted to eat him raw?

Judging from his behavior of carrying away two warriors, it is very possible!

Thinking of the scene of eating a living person raw, the common people felt uncomfortable in their stomachs.

Fortunately, they are just ordinary people, not practicing martial artists, it is a kind of luck that the devil doesn't like them.

"Thank God for not giving me the talent and aptitude to become a warrior!"

"The outside world is too scary, let's store up food and go home and hide."

"Extremely opposite..."


At the same time, in the government.

A martial artist holding an envelope waited respectfully outside the main hall door.

After a while, a high-pitched voice came out.

"Those outside the door, if you have anything to report, come in and talk?"

The person who spoke was the magistrate, a middle-aged greasy old man with a big belly and a greasy face, who was hugging left and right on the high seat of the hall at the moment, surrounded by Yingying Yanyan, a scantily clad woman was giving him a hand. Feed the grapes.

"My lord, the name of the grassroots is Wu Liang. He is a knight-errant who travels the rivers and lakes. He has met the magistrate!"

The man walked slowly into the hall, knelt down on the ground, and paid respects.

In addition to the green, fat, red and thin hall, there are also a team of officials guarding the left and right sides, standing in an inconspicuous corner, as if secretly protecting the life of the magistrate.

They came here on the orders of the magistrate, and they were very interested when they heard that someone was able to contact Xiaobai. After all, they were siblings with Lao Qi, and they were also very anxious when Lao Qi was captured.

"Well, I heard that you have the whereabouts of Li Xiaobai?"

the magistrate asked.

"That's right. I finally found out where Li Xiaobai is yesterday after a near death. The details have been recorded in this letter. I can't repeat it because the wall is too tight. Please read it."

Wu Liang said with a smile, as long as the prefect above knows the exact location of Li Xiaobai in this letter, he can receive the reward.

When he thought about getting rich overnight, he felt an indescribable excitement in his heart.

Looking at the singing and dancing circle around the magistrate, with tenderness like water, his heart couldn't stop rippling, and he couldn't help fantasizing about the days when he was rich. After receiving the bounty, he would also monopolize ten Several women fought for three days and three nights in the newly bought mansion!

"Submit it."

The prefect gave an order, and the maid who was feeding the grapes stopped, took the envelope from Wu Liang, and handed it to the prefect.

"It contains Li Xiaobai's whereabouts. Finding Li Xiaobai is equivalent to finding your brother. Are you going to arrest him this time, or should I send someone to go for you?"

The magistrate squeezed the envelope in his hand, looked at the official servant by the corner and said.

"Of course I'm waiting to go!"

"Last time, we only caught Li Xiaobai's concubine. This time, our brothers will definitely be able to catch this demon sect disciple!"

"To completely eliminate future troubles, from now on, the world will be peaceful!"

One of the leading officials said with a stern expression that as soon as he learned of Li Xiaobai's whereabouts, he would immediately lead the team to set off.

This time, he wanted to arrest Li Xiaobai no matter what he said, and when he thought that Lao Qi might have encountered an accident, he felt a burst of anger for no reason.

"Hehe, very good, what happened here, I will report it to the imperial court, and I will add an official rank for you."

The prefect was all smiles, and the fat on his face was trembling, that's why he called these officials here.

He was reluctant to let his own people go through life and death, and it happened to let these foreign officials play with their lives. If Li Xiaobai was caught, he, the magistrate, would naturally be credited with all the credit. If not, it would be the full responsibility of these officials. Unfortunately, he let go of the devil.

No matter what the result is, he is not at a loss.

He opened the envelope in his hand and took out the letter inside. The words on it were very short, only a short sentence, but it was this sentence that made the prefect's pupils contract and his breathing suddenly became short of breath.

"This is not a report letter, this is a damn letter of war!"

"Say, who are you and why are you working for that devil?"

"Are you also a member of the devil?"

"You are so brave, you dare to fight in front of the official. It seems that you are ready to die!"

The magistrate roared angrily, his eyes were full of killing intent, he stared at Wu Liang, his whole face was distorted, he crumpled the letter paper in his hand, and it was still on the other's face.

Wu Liang was bewildered and didn't understand what happened. He instinctively picked up the letter paper on the ground and looked down. His hairs stood on end in shock and he trembled all over.

The statement in the letter is quite simple, only one sentence

"Your people are in my hands. I want him to live. At noon on the seventh day, five miles outside Yanhuang City, I will exchange Longxue. I also invite the magistrate to come alone."

"—Li Xiaobai's book."

It was this sentence that caused Wu Liang to fall into the ice cave. He never thought that it was not Li Xiaobai's whereabouts that he tricked from the seemingly honest and honest monk, but a reminder!

And he was the one who rushed to deliver this blackmail letter into the hands of the magistrate, isn't that too life-threatening?

At this moment, his bowels are turning green, why didn't he open the envelope and take a look on the way here?

"It's that guy!"

"He is Li Xiaobai. He deliberately deceived me to deliver the letter for him. In fact, he wanted to use my hand to send the letter into the hands of the magistrate. All his previous actions were just acting!"

"I actually believed it naively, I regret it, I hate it!"

There was an expression of extreme fear in Wu Liang's eyes, he was being played around by the devil, it was ridiculous that he was still full of joy to deliver letters for others, but he didn't know that what he sent was not a letter, but fate!

Then Li Xiaobai is probably hiding somewhere to laugh at him right now!

"Wu Liang, what else do you have to say?"

"How dare you openly challenge the majesty of the government in front of this official, it's totally reckless and daring!"

"Where is Li Xiaobai now, if you tell me honestly, you can still be punished lightly!"

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