There were endless flames in Zhifu's eyes, wanting to devour Wu Liang on the ground.

The officer on the side also picked up the letter paper that fell on the ground at the moment, glanced at it, and in an instant, his face also changed.

Li Xiaobai's sending such news is undoubtedly against the government and provoking the majesty of the government, but there is also a lot of information conveyed between the lines, at least they know at this moment that their seventh child is still alive, as long as they live, there is still hope.

"Master Zhifu, the little one doesn't know about it, and the little one is also being deceived!"

"My lord, please be able to see clearly..."

Wu Liang was so frightened that his heart was about to burst, he hurriedly told the story of meeting Li Xiaobai at the tea stall, don't look at his usual bragging without borders, at this moment, he immediately froze.

Now he just wants to save his life.

"Hehe, I just said, you look like a villain, how could you have the courage to deliver this letter in front of my eyes?"

"According to what you said, your two brothers are looking at Li Xiaobai at this moment?"

"Where are they?"

The magistrate looked at Wu Liang and asked in a dark voice.

"Reporting to my lord, then Li Xiaobai told me that he would always wait at that small tea stall, and please give me a chance to make amends."

Wu Liang said with a hint of crying, he was really scared.

"Finally, it's still useful, some useful information, a few, what are you going to do?"

The prefect asked several officials.

"I'll go to the tea stand to look for Li Xiaobai while I'm here. You don't need to go there in person after seven days. Our brotherhood will be responsible for capturing that Li Xiaobai."

The leader said lightly, and after finishing speaking, he took a few people and set off immediately, ready to go.

"Wait, bring this guy with you, clean up your movements, don't dirty my mansion, you know what I mean."

The magistrate stopped several people, pointed to Wu Liang who was kneeling on the ground, trembling, and said with disgust on his face, he didn't care whether the other party was intentional or unintentional, as long as he offended him, there was only one end, that is die!

"My lord, my lord, I know I was wrong!"

"Give me another chance!"

"The little one was also deceived by that Li Xiaobai, so you can't blame the little one!"

"grown ups……"

Wu Liang struggled frantically, his face twisted, but he was no match for a group of officials, so he was thrown out of the courtyard. Soon, the crying stopped abruptly, and the courtyard became quiet again.

"Come here, release the news, saying that Li Xiaobai killed innocent people indiscriminately at the tea stall outside the city gate. He is really an evil heretic. Let the common people report the other party's trace as soon as they find him!"

"Those who conceal and do not report will be guilty of the same crime as this devil!"

Inside the house, the magistrate summoned a servant, and after a few instructions, he threw himself into the gentle village again.

"Ma De, the little girl who was just captured is really a water spirit, it would be a waste of money not to enjoy it, but it's a pity that those few brains took strict precautions against me, and she couldn't even get close to her, she really doesn't know how to flatter her! "

A fiery look flashed in the magistrate's eyes, and when he thought of Long Xue's beautiful face, he felt thirsty for no reason, that appearance, that figure was like a fairy descended to earth, I felt pity for it!

It's a pity that those officials forbade him to approach the woman in the name of another yamen, but they made him very angry.

These officials are all from the main city, and their status is naturally higher than his. Although he has a high official position, it is not easy to offend the other party, so he can only bear with it.


At the same time, within the forest.

Li Xiaobai walked into the cave with two knight-errants on his shoulders, threw them beside Guancha Xiaoqi, took out a chicken leg, and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Eat, you will have the strength to work for me when you are full."

Li Xiaobai placed a whole chicken in front of Xiao Qi.

"My lord, you are..."

Xiao Qi was startled, she couldn't care less about the chicken leg in her mouth, and stared at the scene in front of her with wide eyes.

In such a blink of an eye, Li Xiaobai actually brought back two living people directly, which was a bit scary.

"Seeing that you are lonely and lonely in this cave, I specially found two playmates for you. We will practice together when we are free. This way the atmosphere is good and the cultivation is full of energy."

Li Xiaobai said cheerfully, skillfully and slickly tied up the two of them, sealing their actions.

Xiao Qi's heart was full of speechlessness, didn't he just find two more tool people to come over for internal strength? What are you talking about so mysteriously?

Still the atmosphere?

There is a sharp and sharp knife hanging above the head all the time, and it will fall down if you slack off. This kind of precarious life needs a fart atmosphere!

"Don't say that I don't care about feelings. In the future, I will ask you more humanely, and I will ensure your safety to the greatest extent. Of course, the premise is that you are indeed practicing non-stop. After all, I am here You don't need a donkey that doesn't move."

"Hehe, I understand. Thank you for your concern, sir. If three people can take turns to absorb internal energy, the burden of sharing will indeed be much less."

Xiao Qi forced a smile on his face and squeezed out a stiff smile. After seeing Li Xiaobai's terrifying speed of absorbing internal energy, he didn't feel relaxed at all. At the speed of the other party, not to mention three, even thirty It can also absorb all the light in one breath.

In other words, he still has to practice non-stop. This Li Xiaobai is simply the originator of leek cutting!

"Where is this place?"

"Why did I faint?"

"No, it was the devil who knocked us out and brought us here!"

"Devil, what do you want to do, I tell you, no matter what your purpose is, our brothers would rather die than surrender!"

"That's right, if you dare to tie us two brothers here, won't you be afraid that my elder brother will bring officials to come to your door?"

"Let me tell you, it's still too late to let us go, otherwise you will definitely regret it!"

Just as Li Xiaobai was talking to Xiao Qi, the two people who were tied up on the ground woke up slowly, and their expressions changed immediately when they saw the situation in front of them. This is a dark cave with only a few candles for company.

They couldn't see through what Li Xiaobai wanted to do at all, only the sense of fear was constantly sweeping over their bodies.

Being tied up in such a desolate place is definitely not a good thing.

"Hehe, it looks like you're quite energetic. That's great, Xiao Qi. I'll teach them the rules later. From now on, you'll be a group, and you need to help each other, you know?"

Li Xiaobai said with a smile, the Divine Transformation Art in his body was running, swallowing up the internal energy of the two of them again, and then walked away.

The two of them were limp on the ground, their eyes were dull, and their lips were trembling. At this moment, they seemed to understand why they were tied here.

"Devil... Devil!"

"You are a devil!"

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