"Two brothers, what's your name?"

"Wang Da, Wang Er, brother, you were also captured by that devil, why don't you join hands with our brothers and let's escape together!"

The two warriors looked at the dark cave around them and said slowly.

"Cultivate honestly, we won't be able to run away with that devil around."

Xiao Qi's eyes were complicated, looking at the two people in front of him, he seemed to see himself at the beginning, what a naive idea, actually wanting to escape from Lao Mo Li's hands, it is just a dream.

"You... are you an official who was carried away by that guy?"

Seeing the official clothes on Xiao Qi, Wang Da and Wang Er's eyes revealed a look of astonishment. They both heard that an official was murdered by Li Xiaobai, but they didn't expect that they were also imprisoned here.

"Yeah, they are all Tianya's hard-working people. Just call me Seventh Brother. From now on, I will hang out with my brother and be a laborer honestly. I can save my life."

Xiao Qi glanced at the two who were about to move, closed his eyes and rested his mind, and seized all the time to practice and restore the internal strength in his body.

"Hehe, our leading brother has already gone to the Yamen to report to the officials, and soon there will be officials coming to encircle and suppress this devil. It won't be long before we can escape from the trap."

Wang Dawang Er was disdainful of Xiao Qi's remarks, and did not believe what the other party said at all. According to their observations, Li Xiaobai is now only in the realm of refining and transforming Qi. Famous warriors are not without the power to fight.

"Hehe, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. The two of you will understand soon."

Xiaoqi looked pitifully, shook his head and ignored the two of them, he would not give up if he hadn't received the beatings of reality, and when they realized that the precarious day had come, the only thing they could do was to practice hard and be a leek for Li Xiaobai. The road can go.

That night, Li Xiaobai came again, this time he brought back three roast chickens and threw them to the three of them respectively.

"Devil, die!"

"You asked for this, kill you, and take your head to the government to receive a reward!"

Before the other party could react, Wang Dawang Er suddenly burst into trouble, his whole body surging with internal force, he broke free from the rope, and attacked Li Xiaobai with both left and right bows, two powerful heat waves swept across, and the blowing made Li Xiaobai's skin hurt, it's a pity It's useless.

After absorbing the internal force several times, now Li Xiaobai's strength has greatly increased, and he is not afraid of the attack from the realm of refining and transforming qi. The time of breathing sucked out the internal force in Xiong Daxiong's body.

"Hehe, I didn't expect the two of you to be able to break free from the rope, and you are still so energetic. It's really good, it's the best nutrition."

Li Xiaobai chuckled, and threw the two of them who were limp into mud to the corner of the wall and tied them up again.

Then he routinely absorbed all the internal energy in Xiaoqi's body, and absorbed the internal energy of three warriors at once. The internal energy cluster in the dantian grew rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it was already ten times the size of ordinary warriors. Judging from this speed, it is only a matter of time before the dantian is completely filled.

"These two are handed over to you. From now on, you will be responsible for leading them to practice together. Don't let what happened today happen again."

"Understood, don't worry, my lord, I'm sure the little ones will obey them."

There was a strange light in Xiaoqi's eyes. Although they were both exploited, it felt good to have the opportunity to be the boss. He couldn't get out anyway, so it was great to take this opportunity to show off.

Outside the cave, Li Xiaobai continued to hone his magic-sealing sword technique. In terms of internal strength, it was enough to find someone to absorb it, and he didn't need to practice it by himself.

Day after day, Li Xiaobai has practiced basic sword techniques, and has already mastered the movements of stabbing, picking, chopping, and chopping. With the blessing of powerful internal strength, even the most basic sword moves can have impressive power. .

Constantly looking for raptors and beasts to fight in the mountains and forests, the actual combat experience has also become more and more abundant.

For several days, Li Xiaobai absorbed the internal energy of the three people every hour, and spent the rest of the time practicing swordsmanship. In just a few days, he absorbed the internal energy nearly a hundred times, compared to walking in the rivers and lakes outside. It is much more efficient to be a chivalrous man.

The internal force in the dantian is becoming more and more powerful, and it has already filled one-third of the dantian. Now facing the enemy, even if he only uses the internal force to bombard him, he should forcibly shock him to death, and there is no need to consider the issue of consumption.

However, the situation of the few people in the cave is not good. Even if Li Xiaobai often brings roast chicken to nourish the three of them, he can't hold back the internal strength that is drained twelve times a day. His physical condition was declining day by day, and his spirit was exhausted to the extreme.

But as long as we grab some more leeks and harvest them together, we should be able to solve this problem.

On the surface, the situation looks good, but Li Xiaobai has gradually discovered that something is not right recently.

As the days passed, he was living more and more like a person in an illusion, and daily retreats to practice swordsmanship were not like things he would do at all.

Logically speaking, with a cheat like the God Transformation Art, he should spend all his time kidnapping the knights of the rivers and lakes, harvesting leeks, becoming a powerful magician in the shortest time, and breaking through this fantasy world, but now he is acting more and more. More mediocre.

"I'm afraid it's because of the illusion formation. That old thing is half-human fairyland, and the formation should also contain the power of fairy spirit energy. I can't fight against it until I get the fairy spirit energy. It seems that it will soon I will completely become the Li Xiaobai of this world."

Li Xiaobai muttered to himself, he could feel that his memory was fading rapidly, and he might be completely integrated with the fantasy world in a few days.

"Made, that old clapper is really nothing. To create a formation, you need to release the spirit of the fairy, but with my intelligence, even if I integrate into this world, I can still achieve perfection."

Thinking of this, Li Xiaobai lightly picked up the long sword in his hand, and quickly carved characters on the cliff wall, stone chips flying, sword energy flying, and lines of jaw-dropping words were engraved.

After a long time, he retracted his sword, and Li Xiaobai let out a long breath, so that there would be no problem.

What he didn't know was that at this moment, the old clapper he was talking about was trembling righteously, and his lips were trembling.

East China Sea Dragon Palace, inside the palace hall.

The old Dragon King's face was livid, Li Xiaobai actually called him an old clapper in front of all court civil and military officials, but he still couldn't refute, after all, he was in the illusion formation, who let him eavesdrop on his whispers?

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