"Yeah, he actually raised warriors like cattle and sheep for them to absorb internal energy. What does he think of people?"

"Such an approach is really contemptible, and the veteran will never agree. The real strong should be killed from the mountain of corpses and blood. Only in this way can we sharpen the heart of a strong man who is not afraid of hardships and dangers, but Li Xiaobai's operation in the underworld completely loses his status as a strong man!"

Some civil servants frowned slightly, and they quite disagreed with Li Xiaobai's actions. In their view, killing an enemy before the battle should be a bloody fight, even death is considered dignified.

But the other party actually imprisoned low-level warriors one by one and became his nourishment. This kind of captivity not only violates the principles of ethics, but also shrinks to the extreme. One person secretly hides in the deep mountains and silently absorbs people's internal energy, preparing to wait until the magic power is achieved. Did you sweep the world that day when you were born?

Is it too obscene?

"Hehe, and this person is so bold that he dares to insult the King in private. What the old minister said before is right. This son has no respect for the Hai Clan at all!"

"What's more, looking at the words carved on the stone wall, it is enough to see that the other party doesn't take the little princess's matter too seriously. I'm afraid he wants to use the power of the formation to comprehend something?"

Prime Minister Gui's eyes were gloomy, staring at the picture in the void, sneering again and again, and Gui Xuan beside him also had a look of hatred on his face.

Judging from the characters carved on the stone wall by the other party, it is enough to judge his plan in this fantasy world. If it can be successful, returning with this successful experience will be a valuable wealth, and this wealth should belong to him!

It was Li Xiaobai who used means to drive him out of the fantasy world and cut off his chance!

"Li Xiaobai, I remember you, even if you have three heads and six arms, I will definitely take your life!"

Guixuan's eyes flashed with hatred, originally he only thought this was an opportunity to test his heart, and didn't think too much about it.

But after witnessing Li Xiaobai's practice for the past few days, if he hasn't realized that this illusion is also a chance, then he can really be exiled.

Being in the fantasy world, everything that happened is a real experience. To the outside world, the experience of decades may be just a snap of the fingers. This is an opportunity to increase the monk's experience and vision, and even comprehend it in this world. The things you get can also bring out the illusion, and the benefits you can get by confirming what you have learned are huge.

But because of Li Xiaobai, he completely missed such an opportunity.

In this regard, the rest of the civil and military officials also saw it clearly, but it is really no wonder who made Gui Xuan automatically give up the opportunity to continue the plot at the beginning of the game?

Put all your hopes in the small scene at the beginning, so naturally you can't consider the harvest of continuing to walk in the future.

Maybe this is what people often say, focus on picking sesame seeds so that you lose the watermelon.

"Prime Minister Turtle, I don't think it was a whim that the king specially created such a complete fantasy world. If it is just to test the two people's feelings for the little princess, it is enough to create a few different small scenes for the test. .”

"It took so much effort to construct a world, in addition to testing the two people's feelings for the little princess, I'm afraid there is another meaning in it, right?"

Long Zhan, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke.


"Then tell me, what is the other meaning of this king?"

A light flashed in the old Dragon King's eyes, and he looked at Long Zhan with interest and said.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, I believe that whether it is Li Xiaobai or Mr. Guixuan, as long as you marry the little princess and become my son-in-law in the East China Sea, it is equivalent to being the pillar of my East China Sea Dragon Palace in the future. It is inevitable to assist the little princess to govern the East China Sea together." things."

"Therefore, it is necessary to see the vision and pattern of the two of them clearly in the illusion, who is the one who can achieve great things, but what I didn't expect was that this trial was already judged from the very beginning. And up to the current position, Li Xiaobai can be said to have made all kinds of tricks, never playing cards according to common sense."

"As the saying goes, soldiers are cunning. There are not so many rules on the battlefield. As long as the final victory can be won, the process is not important. This person, Li Xiaobai, interprets it quite well. A man does not care about small things. Li Xiaobai Xiaobai is not ashamed of his current weakness, but chooses to face it squarely and solve this problem quickly, he is a rare talent!"

Long Zhan said neither humble nor overbearing, whether it is Li Xiaobai's cultivation strength, or the strange and strange moves shown in the fantasy world, he admires Li Xiaobai very much.

"So, do you agree with Xue'er's marriage to Li Xiaobai?"

The old Dragon King glanced at him and said lightly.

"That's right, I agree with it with both hands. Such a talent is worthy of the title of my son-in-law in the East China Sea!"

"If he can join the East China Sea, it will be a rare help to our clan!"

Long Zhan said.

"Your Majesty, it is absolutely impossible. Even though Li Xiaobai is very kind, as long as he does not have a little princess in his heart and no Hai Clan, he must not allow this kind of person to lead the Hai Clan in the future. Push it!"

"What General Long only saw was the powerful side of this man. This veteran does not deny it, but his bad nature and contempt for the majesty of the Hai Clan should not be underestimated. Please think twice before acting, Your Majesty!"

Prime Minister Gui hurriedly said that what he said was the truth, if such a young man who had no sense of belonging to the Hai Clan became the son-in-law of the Dragon Palace, it would probably cause chaos in the future.

The rest of the ministers also echoed their opinions repeatedly. In the illusion, Li Xiaobai behaved like a lone ranger, completely free from any restraints, and he was completely different from them royal ministers.

"It's enough to develop a sense of belonging slowly, but such a master can't be cultivated casually. Besides, with the little princess around, are you afraid that he won't be able to cultivate a sense of belonging?"

Long Zhan expressed disdain for Prime Minister Gui's remarks. As time went by, he appreciated Li Xiaobai more and more.

"What you said is all reasonable, and you are indeed thinking about my sea clan, but don't forget one thing, what the king wants to see is his performance after he has fully integrated into the illusion world, not his posture when he is awake. The things that are happening now are not enough to judge whether he is qualified to be my son-in-law in the East China Sea."

"My loves, please be safe and don't be impatient. Continue to watch. When his true heart is exposed, we will judge whether he is suitable to be the little princess's son-in-law!"

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