He has been famous for decades, and every victory in every battle is won by him with blood. He keeps fighting with geniuses, and when he encounters the strong, he will become stronger until he becomes invincible in the same class, suppressing one side, how can he be as clear-minded as Li Xiaobai , Run away when you encounter a strong one, and come out when you become stronger.

Anyone who has such thoughts in the world of cultivating immortals will be found out and killed, okay?

Moreover, it is impossible to perfectly display one's own strength without actual combat experience. These are big problems.

But looking at Li Xiaobai's current actions, there is a kind of momentum that he will not go down the mountain until he reaches the full level, which is really too stubborn!

In the picture, the scene of internal force sucking went back and forth for several days. Li Xiaobai made a new move. Today is the time for him to exchange hostages with the government. This is naturally a trap set by him. He never returned the hostages at all. idea.

If the other party brought Long Xue over, it would be a good time to snatch it up. If he saw through his disguise, that would be even better. The government will definitely send many experts to surround him. In this way, his leek army can grow even stronger. .

After seven days of cultivation, it would not be an exaggeration to say that Li Xiaobai at this moment has completely reborn. He sucks internal energy twelve times a day, three people at a time, and thirty-six people's internal energy will be absorbed in one day. In a week, his body The internal force accumulated for more than 250 people has already filled two-thirds of the dantian.

It won't be long before he can officially enter the stage of practicing qi to transform into a god. At that time, even if he is above the rivers and lakes, he can be regarded as a master with some achievements, completely breaking away from the category of low-level warriors.

After adding another layer of shackles to the three people in the cave, Li Xiaobai went down the mountain silently and hurried all the way. It is due to the vigorous internal force in the body.

At noon, Li Xiaobai arrived at the outskirts five kilometers outside the city on time.

Here is a wasteland, surrounded by flat terrain, no trees to cover, do not need to worry about being used by the enemy to escape by using the terrain, on the contrary, the other party must think so, and will definitely send more people to support it.

This place is remote, and Li Xiaobai has already found out that there are no masters in the government, and some are just warriors and officials who refine and transform gas.

It's not worth alarming the warriors in the realm of refining and transforming qi, so it's safe for the time being.

Looking around, there was no one around, and the surrounding was eerily quiet.

"Come out, hiding in the dark can't take me down."

Li Xiaobai's ears trembled frequently, and he accurately judged that there were seven warriors lurking around him, all of them were in the realm of refining and transforming qi, which was just right for his leek army.

"Where is my seventh child?"

Seven warriors dressed in official clothes came out from all directions and surrounded Li Xiaobai in the middle. The leader of them had a murderous look on his face, and there seemed to be endless flames in his eyes that were about to be swallowed.

"I left in a hurry, I forgot to bring it out, so, where is my little junior sister?"

Li Xiaobai shrugged and laughed.

"Hehe, sorry, I forgot to bring it out too."

The head of the official's eyes was quite cold, and the veins on his hands were bulging, and he looked like he was about to explode at any time.

"It's a coincidence, isn't it? It seems that we have a tacit understanding, but it doesn't matter, I will send a few of you to reunite with Xiao Qi."

Li Xiaobai said.

"What did you do to him?"

"Don't be nervous, I've raised him and entertained him with good wine and good food every day. It's definitely more comfortable than when he was a poor official. You will soon be able to enjoy this kind of treatment."

"court death!"

"Do it, cripple him, just keep your breath!"

The official officer at the head was furious, with a flash of hostility on his face, and with a swing of the long knife in his hand, he slashed at Li Xiaobai's throat first, and the rest of them followed closely behind, with the sword in his hand stabbing at Li Xiaobai from all kinds of tricky and sharp attacks. other side.

A fierce aura swept the audience, and the internal force of the sword was criss-crossing, blocking all of Li Xiaobai's escape routes.

"Hehe, Li Xiaobai, even if you have the ability to fly into the sky, it is absolutely impossible for you to escape from our hands. Today you are doomed!"

A look of joy flashed in the eyes of the officials. They had won this battle.

But in the next second, their eyes froze.

A total of seven swords pierced Li Xiaobai's vitals almost at the same time, but just an inch away from his body, everyone could only feel a huge force coming from them. outside.

"This is... such a powerful internal force!"

"And extremely pure!"

"You actually want to use your internal force to resist all our attacks. I have to say that you are not an ordinary warrior, but this kind of approach is also extremely stupid. You know, the seven of us are all strong people who refine and transform Qi. How could you If you are stupid enough to compete with the seven of us in terms of internal strength, you are simply seeking your own death!"

A taunt flashed in the eyes of the leader of the officials. Without being able to touch their bodies, the devil would not be able to use the Transformation Art to absorb the internal force in their bodies.

Therefore, the only way for the opponent to go is to compete with the internal force. If the internal force used to protect the whole body is removed, the weapons in the hands of the seven of them will pierce the opponent's body in the blink of an eye.

"Hahaha, big brother, it's God helping me. Now he is so arrogant that he can compete with the seven of us in internal strength, so let's make him come true!"

"It's just right, once the internal energy is exhausted, it will calm down honestly!"

The rest of the people also had the same idea, and they were ridiculed at Li Xiaobai's approach.

The other party is probably drifting away because of the peerless magical power. You must know that no matter how powerful the other party is and how exquisite the kung fu is, they are only warriors who have refined and transformed Qi, and they are at the same level as them. The consumption of internal energy in the body is seven times that of theirs. I am afraid that they can capture the opponent alive in just one breath.

All of a sudden, the seven of them were not in a hurry, with cruel smiles on their lips, they calmly and calmly transferred the internal energy of their dantian to the weapon, consuming the internal energy of Li Xiaobai's dantian.

After one breath, nothing unusual.

After two breaths, everything was still normal.

After three breaths, Li Xiaobai's complexion was as usual, without the slightest sign of exhaustion.

"I didn't expect you to be able to hold on. It should be because of the magic technique. The internal force in your body is several times that of ordinary monks. It is indeed enviable, but today you are doomed to escape. If you can hand over that skill, I can give you a decent way to die!"

In this regard, Li Xiaobai just smiled slightly and said, "Everyone, join my leek army as soon as possible!"

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