Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Six Hundred And Sixty First Chapters Capture Seven

"My internal strength is as vast as a sea of ​​smoke, and it is inexhaustible. Since you are not enough to exhaust it, just follow me obediently. You can also reduce the pain of flesh and blood, at least you can be decent."

Li Xiaobai said with a faint smile, also looking calm and relaxed.

He discovered that a lot of internal force is really good, as long as you have enough internal force, you don't even need to pull out your sword, you can drown your opponent directly with internal force.

If I had known this, I would have to work hard to practice swordsmanship. Anyway, the swordsmanship depends entirely on comprehension, and has nothing to do with swordsmanship proficiency. Why not cut more leeks!

"Huh, sharp teeth and sharp mouth, hair hasn't grown yet, but mouth is quite smooth!"

"I want to see how long you can last!"

The chief official looked annoyed, and the strength in his hands increased a little, stabbing Li Xiaobai's body to protect his internal strength.

It's just that for Li Xiaobai, these are just scratches. Now, two-thirds of his dantian is occupied by internal force, and the mere seven warriors in the realm of refining and transforming qi can't beat it even if they fight for a day and a night. It is possible to completely consume his internal energy.

Four breaths passed without incident.

five breaths...

six breaths...

The effort of a cup of tea...

A little bit of kung fu...

At this moment, a few people finally realized that something was wrong. At least a quarter of an hour had passed, but Li Xiaobai still looked comfortable, and the internal force of his body against their weapons hadn't weakened in the slightest.

On the contrary, the internal force in their dantian is getting less and less, and it is almost bottoming out.

This is how the same thing?

Where did this devil come from? How could he have so much internal energy?

A bad premonition rose in the hearts of several people. Could it be that, as the other party said, the internal force in his body is inexhaustible?

If that's the case, how about knitting wool?

"Boy, what is your cultivation?"

"How can there be so much internal force in the body?"

The faces of the few people finally changed, their internal energy was about to be exhausted, but Li Xiaobai was completely fine, and even had the energy to tease them, showing no sign of exhaustion of internal energy at all.

What is this guy's dantian made of?

How could it accommodate so much internal force?

Let alone the realm of refining qi and transforming qi, even a monk who is practicing qi and transforming into gods can't have such a large amount of internal strength. He has seen the masters in the main city and knows the strength of the stage of refining qi to transform into gods. The sign of this stage It is able to completely release the internal force from the body.

The more genius the internal force in the body is, the more vigorous it is, and the more it can extend farther, but no matter how talented the internal force in the dantian is, it is impossible to be like the devil in front of him. It is almost inexhaustible, and the seven of them are still like Like a normal person.

It's appalling!

"I'm the same as you all, just refine the realm of Qi Hua."

"As I said just now, if you disarm and surrender, I will spare you the pain of flesh and blood. If not, you will suffer."

Li Xiaobai said lightly, the internal energy competition with seven people made him feel a little pained, and he was unable to absorb the huge amount of internal energy while he was watching, this feeling was quite uncomfortable.

If you can enter the realm of practicing qi and transforming into gods, you can really release your internal force to the outside, or even the initial transformation of internal force, there will be no such problems. Even if you are far away, you can use internal force to absorb, but this is all That's another story.

"It's nonsense, do you think that this will make me wait for surrender?"

"You took my seventh child away, I haven't settled the debt with you yet!"

"The government has already grasped your whereabouts, and will soon send troops to encircle and suppress you. You can't escape!"

"Now the rumors about you from the outside world, apart from the endless insults, there is only endless murderous intent. Li Xiaobai, I'm afraid you don't know that you have become a thorn in the side of the people in the Jianghu, right?"

"Soon there will be an endless stream of masters coming to take your head!"

The leader of the officials shouted angrily, then his body flickered, and he retreated instantly. After a few vertical leaps, he appeared a hundred meters away, and the rest of them did the same, fleeing in all directions.

It seems that he is ready to use up the last bit of internal strength in exchange for a glimmer of life.

"too naive."

Li Xiaobai chuckled, and his figure instantly turned into an afterimage, criss-crossing the wilderness. The reason why he chose such an open space was to catch all the fugitives without any effort.

Relying on the massive amount of internal force in his dantian, Li Xiaobai was several times faster than the fleeing crowd, dragging afterimages to get close to the fleeing officer, and without thinking about it, he used the Huashen Jue to give everyone the last trace of internal force left in their bodies. Suck without a trace.

After a few breaths, Li Xiaobai put the limp seven people on the ground, and tied their hands one by one.

"You... how can you be so strong?"

"It's no wonder that even the government wants to obtain that skill. If it can be mastered by a master, it will not be a problem to dominate the world!"

There was a frightened look in the eyes of the officials.

"Because of your brother's great help. Speaking of it, I have to thank him. Without his hard work day after day, I wouldn't be able to get such fertile nourishment."

Li Xiaobai said with a sinister smile, pulling the rope in his hand, the officials lined up, and one after another was pulled into the deep mountain.


Half an hour later, in the mountains and forests, in a certain cave.

Li Xiaobai brought in a group of seven figures.

"Xiaoqi, I brought all your relatives and friends. This way, the atmosphere of everyone's cultivation will be better."

"From now on, these people will be under your control, so you can take care of them and let the newcomers understand some rules."

"Understood, don't worry, my lord, I promise to complete the task!"

Xiao Qi seemed very excited, but also very excited. He never expected that Li Xiaobai went out for a trip and brought back several of his elder brothers directly!

It's just that when I think that my brothers are about to become leeks under the knife of others, I feel sad for no reason.

If he knew that Li Xiaobai was using him as a bait to lure his brothers to miss capture, he would be even more sad.

"Old Seven!"

Jian Jian's good brothers from the past are still alive, and they are also happy from the bottom of their hearts.

It's just that after seeing the scene in the cave, several people were all stunned. There were three people in the cave, and they were all staring at their bloodshot eyes at this moment, concentrating on their cultivation.

Lao Qi, who chatted and laughed with them on weekdays, now had an extremely thin face, listless spirit, and a serious lack of energy and blood.

"Lao Qi, what's wrong with you?"

"In just a few days, why did you become like this?"

"Also, why are you practicing non-stop?"

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