Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter Six Hundred And Sixty Fifth: Ouchi Master

At the same time, in the court.

In the main hall of the imperial palace, among the civil and military officials in the early court, a young emperor was sitting in the middle, about fifteen or sixteen years old, with sunken eye sockets, and a serious lack of energy on his face.

"Start playing if there is something to do, and leave the court if there is nothing to do!"

The eunuch on the side shouted.

"Loves, I've been very tired these few days. If you have anything to do, you can take care of it yourself. I'll go back first."

The little emperor glanced around the civil and military officials, yawned and said, the prime minister sent him a pair of twins in the past few days, also only fifteen or sixteen years old, they are a pair of beautiful girls, he can't wait to see them again Taste it.

"Ahem, I have a book to play!"


The little emperor sat back on the dragon chair with a displeasure expression on his face.

"Three days later, the demon girl is about to be killed, and she will definitely attract the demon leader Li Xiaobai. To ensure nothing goes wrong, I want to borrow a few experts from Da Nei to go there."

"I wonder what His Majesty thinks?"

It was the Prime Minister who spoke, named Zhang Liang. He had long admired the legendary Transformation God Art. As long as he could reach the legendary realm, no country or court would be able to restrain him.

"It turns out that this is the matter. The prime minister is very directional in handling things. If you value a master, just take it away."

"But don't behead that woman named Long Xue, catch that Li Xiaobai and send her to my bedroom, I want to ask her something."

After thinking for a while, the little emperor added that he had heard that Long Xue was a beautiful woman, so it would be too violent to kill her directly.

If she really looks like a fairy, it will not be a problem to make her a concubine later.

"Hehe, the old minister knows!"

A look of disdain flashed in the prime minister's eyes, and he saluted.

This emperor is not only young, but also lustful, and the other party has all the faults that a faint king should have, but this is just right, only in this way is it convenient for him to control.

It's just that sending a pair of twins is to make him fascinated, and he doesn't think about government affairs. In the future, he will have a lot of ways to monopolize the power and turn the court into his one-word hall.

"Okay, it's okay, I'll go back first."

"Report to Your Majesty, the final general also has important matters to announce!"

Before the little emperor could get up, a loud and energetic voice rang through the palace. The person who spoke was a general named Chen Yu, who had been guarding the border all year round, and he never expected to come to court today.

"Aren't you annoying? Solve things by yourself. What's there to start with!"

The little emperor was furious, and good things were interrupted one after another, which made him very upset.

"Your Majesty, General Chen has been guarding the border all year round. If there is something important to report, it is better to listen to it."

Zhang Liang reminded from the side that you don't have to listen to what other people say, but only General Chen knows the news about the border. If the other party deliberately came to the morning court, something must have happened at the border.

"Okay, then follow what the Prime Minister said, General Chen, what do you have to report?"

The little emperor asked patiently.

"My lord, the frontier is in an emergency, the southern barbarians are invading, there are so many masters, and the leaders of the team are all strong in the realm of refining gods and returning to the void. We are far from being opponents. I am afraid that the defense line will collapse in the near future. Please also please your majesty as soon as possible." Make a decision!"

General Chen said loudly, the trembling beams trembled three times.

It's just that no one paid attention to the humming in their ears. At this moment, all the civil and military officials in the court opened their mouths in surprise, and the words "border emergency, southern barbarian invasion" and other words repeatedly echoed in their ears.

This is something that hasn't happened for many years. The border has been peaceful for many years, so how could there be a sudden fight?

They were completely unprepared!

Not to mention them, even Zhang Liang's complexion has changed at this moment, but at this juncture, a war broke out, which is too sudden.

The little emperor was frightened into a fool at this moment, knowing that at this moment he remembered that there were packs of wolves around the border!

"Prime Minister Zhang, what should I do in the face of the Nanman army?"

The little emperor asked a little confused.

"Your Majesty, please be patient and don't be impatient. The old minister will come up with General Chen to come up with an idea on this matter."

"The Southern barbarians seem to be well-prepared for investing their money this time. Does General Chen know how many masters they have in the realm of refining gods and returning to the void?"

Zhang Liang asked.

"No more, no less, exactly fifteen, and all of them were trained in the barracks, not from the rivers and lakes, and their combat effectiveness and cohesion cannot be underestimated."

Chen Yu said with a heavy voice.

Anyone who knows a little bit about the art of war understands what the other party is worried about. It is also in the realm of practicing qi to transform into a god. The strong men who come out of the barracks are not only strong, but also fearless. Forming a cooperation is not something that the stragglers on their side can resist.

Years of peace and stability have made the imperial army used to being pampered, and their combat effectiveness has dropped sharply.

In the barracks of the imperial court, there are only two masters who practice the state of Qi Transformation God. The rest of the masters have not started wars at the border all year round. The strength is much worse, and it is impossible to be the opponent of the intruder.

"Let's summon the righteous men of the rivers and lakes. At this time, we alone are not enough to deal with it."


Zhang Liang's eyes flickered, perhaps this was an opportunity, a chance to use both force and force to obtain the skills in Li Xiaobai's hands.


The next day, a group of people arrived as scheduled and arrived at the five-kilometer outskirts. They were all masters of Qi and God Transformation, but Li Xiaobai quickly discovered something unusual in the dark. Warriors are completely different, and the aura exuded by their bodies is also quite different.

Obviously, it is not in the same order as these official differences.

It should be in the realm of refining the gods and returning to the void. The charm is restrained, and there is no trace of internal force, which is enough to explain its extraordinaryness.

"Come out, the Sa family saw you."

The old man said in a soft voice, pinched the orchid finger in his hand, and pointed to a certain bush.

"The imperial court really looked down on me, and actually invited a master of this level."

Li Xiaobai said with a chuckle, and slowly walked out from the shadows. Hearing the voice, this is a father-in-law, he should be a master from the university.

It's just that now he is not afraid of the state of refining gods and returning to the void. The internal force in his body is so vast that even if he can't beat it, it is enough to resist one or two.

"You are Li Xiaobai, Sajia has no patience to waste time with you, what about the exercises?"

The father-in-law looked contemptuously, glanced at Li Xiaobai, and asked lightly.

"Where's Long Xue?"

Li Xiaobai asked back.

"The Sajia has no intention of exchanging with you. You are not worthy to be equal to the Sajia. If you honestly hand over the exercises, the Sajia will make you die with dignity!"

"Hahaha, what a coincidence, isn't this, and I have no intention of exchanging with you."

"Come here today, I just want to kill everyone, or be killed by everyone!"

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