Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Six Hundred And Sixtieth Chapters One Move In Seconds

Li Xiaobai's tone was cold, he wanted to use the team in front of him to forge the realm of refining the gods and returning to the void.

"The devil, he actually uttered wild words!"

"It's too presumptuous. Mr. He is a master of the inner world. When Mr. He is mentioned in the world, no one is frightened. You, a devil, dare to disrespect Mr. He, you should be killed!"

"That's right, and you actually dared to lie to the imperial court, you are doomed today!"

A group of people were furious, Li Xiaobai's words provoked their nerves, the imperial court sent a master to sit in the guard, they were not worried at all, as long as Mr. He took action, the hair in front of them would be completely ungrowth in an instant Capture the boy!

"I'm not targeting anyone, I just want to say that everyone present is rubbish, and you are destined to become my nourishment!"

Li Xiaobai's eyes were full of murderous intent, these were all leeks waiting to be harvested by him, if he absorbed the internal energy of these guys, he would be able to formally enter the next realm.

"You are not very young, but your tone is not small. You are indeed a small man in the mountains. Young man, I will teach you today at the Sajia. This is the truth of others."

The father-in-law spoke softly and said lightly, it seemed that Li Xiaobai was just a plaything he could handle easily.

He has lived in the palace for a long time, and his cultivation is unfathomable. Even if the heads of various factions from the outside world come, they have to respect him as an adult. How can they take such a young boy who has just entered the rivers and lakes in his eyes?

If it wasn't for the order from Prime Minister Zhang himself, he wouldn't even look at this kind of person more.

"Hearing the voice of my father-in-law, it seems that there is a little lack of dragon and yang energy. Is it male or female?"

A sneer flashed across Li Xiaobai's eyes, and he laughed loudly.

"court death!"

Eunuch He's eyes suddenly turned cold. As an eunuch, this kind of question is the most taboo. Li Xiaobai undoubtedly stepped on his minefield!

Stretching out a finger and pointing it casually in the void, a powerful internal force visible to the naked eye gushes out instantly, like a sharp spear piercing Li Xiaobai's chest, trying to pierce it through.

"Hey, good job, today I will try to refine the powerhouse in the realm of returning to the void, what is so magical about it."

Li Xiaobai drew the long sword at his waist, and made a basic sword move, and with the blessing of powerful internal force, the sword energy surged, and instantly hit everyone in front of him.

The long sword was flying, and the sword energy was vertical and horizontal. Except for Eunuch He, the rest of the officials were seriously injured almost instantly.

The sword energy penetrated deep into the bone marrow, and the huge and hideous wounds tore their bodies, and blood spattered everywhere.


"how can that be?"

"The news is wrong. This guy is definitely not in the realm of refining and transforming gas. The court was deceived, and we were all deceived by him!"

A group of officials and officials spurted blood from their mouths, and they kept adjusting their breath in an attempt to suppress the injuries in their bodies. There was an expression of unstoppable horror in their eyes, and they severely injured more than a dozen of them with a sword, which is definitely not something ordinary warriors can do. of.

If you think about it carefully, it is not difficult to realize that with such an unreasonable god-level skill as Huashen Jue, how could the opponent still hover in the realm of refining and transforming qi?

Everything is the other party's disguise. From the very beginning, the other party has been pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger. I am afraid that its real purpose is to attract more warriors for him to absorb his internal strength!

"Master He, be careful, this devil has a big secret!"

"This son is not simple, he concealed his cultivation!"

"Hmph, a bunch of trash!"

"The imperial court has raised you for nothing for so many years, but you can't even take a single sword strike. It's a shame to my imperial court!"

Eunuch He's complexion was ugly, his eyes were full of anger, and his clothes were a little disheveled. He never expected that Li Xiaobai would be a master of concealment, but he was careless.

The situation that the imperial court learned was too backward, and even he felt a little threatened by the internal force of that sword attack just now, at least he was an existence of the same level as him.

However, his eyes became hotter and hotter. Being able to achieve such an achievement at such a young age shows more and more how extraordinary the Transformation God Art is.

The cultivation technique that can absorb people's internal energy, and the news that is blocked in the world, but he is still clear about it.

At first, he thought it was just a small fight, but now it seems that this skill is far superior to his imagination. If he can get it, his strength will be improved to a higher level immediately.

"Boy, I didn't expect you to hide a hand. Such a deep internal force is really extraordinary, but the Sa family is not comparable to these trash, so stop here!"

"Come on, take your life!"

Eunuch He yelled sharply, the internal exercises were running crazily, his body swelled up piece by piece, his horny dragon-like veins burst out, and his whole body was abruptly raised, looking like a humanoid giant ape.

This is the Dragon Elephant Prajna Kungfu, which is mainly practiced horizontally by foreigners. Every day, poisonous substances, swords, giant hammers and other vicious methods are used to continuously temper the mountain of meat, freeze it and bake it. After years of polishing, it can make the body enter the Hunyuan The realm of jade.

A body of muscles has long been invulnerable to swords and guns, and is invulnerable to all poisons, which is far superior to warriors of the same level.


Eunuch He swayed and rushed towards Li Xiaobai, his fists were like millstones, and crazily blasted towards Li Xiaobai's head.

"Old man, you are the one who dies for me!"

Facing the fists that roared towards Li Xiaobai like cannonballs, Li Xiaobai did not dodge or dodge, his eyes gleamed with bloodthirsty light, he waved his palms without retreating but advanced to meet them, the Transformation God Art was running crazily, and the powerful attraction attracted everyone in front of him. The vigorous internal force was completely absorbed.

Eunuch He's face was shocked, he only felt that the huge wave of internal energy surging above his hands disappeared without a trace in an instant, he wanted to distance himself in a panic, but it was already too late.

Suddenly there was a huge pulling force in the dantian, and the internal force in the body poured out like a flood breaking a bank, and was pulled out of the body by a huge force, and injected into Li Xiaobai's body.

Li Xiaobai took the method of reducing ten sessions with one force, and the internal force in his dantian spewed out crazily as if he didn't want money, directly broke Eunuch He's defense, grabbed the opponent by the throat, and lifted him up like a chicken up.


"This Transformation Art, even Sajia can suck it!"

"How can your inner strength be so deep, what kind of cultivation do you have?"

"With such strength, why do you still hide..."

Eunuch He stared blankly at Li Xiaobai with wide eyes. At this moment, he completely understood that the opponent's strength was far beyond his imagination. He understood the gap between the two sides.

People don't need moves, and no one can withstand the overwhelming internal force dozens of times.

"Hehe, I don't hide in Tibet, so why would the imperial court keep sending people to encircle and suppress me? I just didn't expect that this time using the God Transformation Art to make a deal would be able to attract such a super leek like you!"

"To show gratitude, you can die!"

Li Xiaobai said lightly, exerting a bit more force in his hand.

Eunuch He only felt that his internal energy was exhausted, and his vitality was being swallowed up by the other party little by little. His eyes showed unwillingness and remorse, "It turns out that the deal with the God Transformation Art is all part of your plan. From the beginning to the end, your goal It's all the internal force in my body!"

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