Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 667: Coming To The Execution Platform

"Hmph, most of the court eagles and dogs are criminals, but they wear the skin of self-proclaimed justice, and they deserve to die!"

Li Xiaobai snorted coldly, threw aside Eunuch He who was being sucked, turned his head to look at the crowd, licked his lips and said, "It's your turn."


"Report to the government, this person hides his strength, pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger, he must not stay, he must immediately send a master to subdue him!"

"Ma De, I haven't seen you for a few months, this devil has become a thing!"

The rest of the officials looked at Eunuch He, who was completely lifeless on the ground, and their eyes were about to pop out. He was a real master in the court, and he could protect the emperor Zhouquan in the court. At this moment, he had no strength to resist at all. It was beheaded by Li Xiaobai.

What kind of cultivation level is this devil? They all felt the pure and profound internal force at that moment just now. It is a completely different level. That kind of massive internal force can never be possessed by the state of practicing qi and transforming gods. .

At best, their state is purer internal force, and they can control the force more precisely when walking around the body. It is absolutely impossible to have the internal force as vast and boundless as the sea.

Could it be that at such a young age, the other party has already cultivated enough to establish a mountain and become an ancestor?

"If you can't escape, let them all stay."

Li Xiaobai circulated his inner power, and formed a big hand that covered the sky in the void, grabbing all the monks present into his palm.

The Huashen Jue was running, without last words, without screaming or begging for mercy, more than a dozen officials were drained dry in an instant, shriveled, rolled to the ground, and the dead could not die anymore.

At the same time, the last checkpoint in Li Xiaobai's body was completely penetrated, and the meridians and acupoints all over his body flowed with endless internal force, exuding vigorous vitality.

Li Xiaobai felt that his body was completely melted into a brand-new vast space, vast and extending in all directions, without the slightest feeling of shackles. This is the feeling that can only be felt when stepping into the realm of refining gods and returning to the void.

The limbs and bones are completely unblocked, so that one can nourish one's own spiritual consciousness while accumulating internal strength, that is, it can react on the spiritual consciousness hidden in the eyebrows of the upper dantian.

Once the hatching of the divine consciousness can be completed, there will be a primordial spirit conceived in the dantian on the brow, reaching the supreme realm of Huaxu Hedao, but the later realm is only recorded in the second volume of Huashen Jue, which needs to go to the sect Find the location of the ruined door.

However, there is no need to be in a hurry. At present, in the arena, there has never been an ancestor of the realm of transforming emptiness and harmony.

The heads of the various sects are only in the realm of refining the gods and returning to the void, and they are considered to be the peak combat power.

"Let's go save the little junior sister first, and in two days I will be killed in the main city, just in time to learn the tricks of those court eagle dogs."

Li Xiaobai muttered to himself, his body turned into a breeze, invisible, and disappeared in the same place in an instant.

Two days passed in the blink of an eye.

In the main city, Li Xiaobai was wearing a bamboo hat and sitting in a restaurant.

In the past two days, he has also learned a lot of news from hearsay. The Nanman invasion is the top priority of the court. Not only the masters in the barracks are pouring out, but also the court is recruiting masters from all sects to fight against the enemy together. Defend the homeland.

Relying on the righteous men of the rivers and lakes to jointly fight against the Nanman, it shows that the imperial court has been driven to the end of the road, and the border is most likely not the opponent of the opponent, and it may only be a matter of time before it falls.

But these are all things for later, the most urgent thing is to rescue the little junior sister immediately.

It was less than half an hour before it was three quarters in the afternoon, at this moment Long Xue had already been brought to the execution platform, kneeling on the ground, waiting for punishment.

Looking at the familiar scene in front of her, she felt no disturbance in her heart. In the past few months, Long Xue had heard some news about Li Xiaobai from the mouths of the guards. , Without exception, all lost contact. There is no doubt that Li Xiaobai's strength has improved by leaps and bounds. She believes that the other party will definitely rescue her today.

"Hmph, little beauty, don't look at it, I'll tell you the truth, a team of officials sent out recently has mixed with a master from the palace!"

"That's the real state of refining gods and returning to the void. It is said that the prime minister personally invited the existence out of the mountain. Your little lover is already dead at this moment."

"Another thing to remind you, I heard that the emperor is interested in you, so in the days to come, set your mind right, if you are lucky enough to have the opportunity to serve the emperor, it will be a blessing from your cultivation in the past three generations!"

On the execution platform, the newly appointed official lord whispered to Long Xue while pacing.

Yesterday, the prime minister raised a point, and after drawing out Li Xiaobai today, he directly pressed Longxue to the imperial city, the meaning of which is self-evident.

This is the emperor looking at this girl, if he can get the emperor's favor, he, the person in charge of the escort, will also get a lot of rewards, fame and fortune, that is a lot of wealth!

Maybe in the future, the official luck will be smooth, and the sky will rise all the way!

"I bother!"

"What kind of dog emperor is just a scum wearing human skin. The upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked. Looking at the corrupt appearance of you court officials, it is not difficult to deduce that the dog emperor is not a good thing either!"

"Now that the southern barbarians are invading and the enemy is in front of us, you are still thinking about such nasty things. It's shameless. The people are ruined by your hands. You are the real heretics!"

"My senior brother will definitely come to save me, and will wipe out all of you evil spirits!"

Long Xue's expression was indignant, and he spat, his eyes were full of anger.

The border is about to fall, and the emperor actually wants to take her body. Even if she has never met, it is not difficult for her to judge that the other party is a fool.

Fortunately, the common people have always regarded the imperial court as a protective umbrella. The savior is really pitiful and ridiculous. She shouldn't have the slightest expectation for such a dirty place!

"Hmph, I don't know how to praise, I will let you watch with your own eyes in a while, how your senior brother was divided into pieces by five horses!"

The official's face was also ferocious, with unstoppable anger gushing out of his eyes. If the woman in front of him hadn't been favored by the little emperor, he would have enjoyed it first, and then sent her to the frontier to act as a military prostitute, subjecting her to all kinds of humiliation and torture and die!

But right now is not the time to worry about these things, the prime minister has more important things to tell him.

After looking around and confirming that all the masters had arrived around the execution platform, the official took out a letter from his waist and said loudly in front of the people below.

"Fathers and elders, I think you all know this witch, so we don't want to gossip. Today, I have a few words to say to you, and also to the devil hiding in the dark!"

"The Buddha said that the sea of ​​suffering is boundless, turn your head to the shore, put down the butcher knife, and become a Buddha immediately. I know that you will definitely rescue this demon girl today, but before that, I am ordered by the current prime minister to request you on behalf of the court. thing!"

"If the young master agrees, the imperial court can save this demon girl today!"

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