Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 668 Get Promoted And Get Rich Today!

"The devil is here too?"

"Last time, I watched him cut off the head of the official, with a click, and soon, the official didn't react at all. Could it be that he wanted to rob the court this time?"

"Should we retreat first to avoid the limelight? I heard that the devil has killed countless people and often plundered women from good families. He is a heinous devil. It is very dangerous for us to stay here!"

"That's right, many women in our village were murdered by him, and their corpses were exposed in the wilderness. It's really not a human thing, it's just a beast!"

"However, if the newly appointed official has something to say, let's listen first. The government should have already made full preparations for the devil's return this time."

The people were in a commotion, whispering to each other, looking around vigilantly, trying to find a trace of the devil.

It's a pity that I got nothing in the end.

"Fathers and elders, don't be impatient, and listen to me slowly."

On the execution platform, the official raised his hand to signal the people below to be quiet. There are masters guarding secretly on both sides of the stage, not only the masters of the inner circle, but also the elders of various sects came to support them, all of them were invited by the prime minister. come.

Therefore, he didn't worry about his own safety at all. Even if Li Xiaobai was killed suddenly, he could only be punished immediately. What he was going to say next was just to take him back without bloodshed.

"I believe that the people who are always concerned about the people's livelihood have already known about the Nanman. Just a few days ago, the Nanman warriors invaded our dynasty. A total of 15 masters who practiced the gods and returned to the virtual realm were sent to help out. There were faint signs of collapse at the border. "

"Those fifteen people were all selected from the barracks, with outstanding combat power, and it is not difficult to infer that there are more masters hidden in the Nanman. They have spent more than ten years laughing at my vigilance in the Central Plains, Slowly developing, enjoying the salary of my court every year, but now showing its fangs and claws to us!"

"The frontier is the defense line of the Central Plains, and it must not be lost. However, with the current strength of the troops and the assistance of the chivalrous men from all walks of life, it is only a temporary team after all, and I am afraid that it will eventually lose."

"Therefore, I am entrusted by the prime minister's order to recruit Li Xiaobai today. As long as this person is willing to contribute his martial arts to help my court's soldiers and horses become stronger quickly, my court can write off his previous actions!"

"Li Xiaobai, what do you think, this is a great merit for the people! If the enemy can be defeated at the border, the people will be saved from the suffering of war, it can be said to be a good thing with immeasurable merit!"

On the execution platform, the greasy middle-aged official looked at the audience and said in a deep voice.

He knew that the other party must be hiding somewhere below, and he must have heard what he said. All of this was the same as what the prime minister said. To fight against the Southern Barbarian warriors, the only way to quickly increase the strength of the soldiers in a short period of time.

And the only method is naturally the Transformation Art in Li Xiaobai's hands. As long as one can possess this technique, the speed of practice will be many times faster than that of taking Tiandibao. The imperial court is confident that within a month, it will create dozens of masters who practice qi and transform into gods.

Of course, the premise is that Li Xiaobai is willing to hand over the Huashen Jue. They directly revealed the full effect of the Huashen Jue in front of the people of the world, in order to use the public opinion of the people to put pressure on Li Xiaobai.

This is not only for the imperial court, but for the entire Central Plains people. If Li Xiaobai still refuses to agree, then in the future, he, the devil, will become a Central Plains scum despised by thousands of people, and even a real traitor!

This is a lifetime of shame, I believe the other party will be able to make a wise choice.

"It's nonsense. The failure of the border gates is due to the weakness and incompetence of the court. It has nothing to do with my senior brother's exercises. You don't think about making progress. Instead of reflecting on your own mistakes, you blame your failure on your failure to obtain my senior brother's exercises. What a shame! With ulterior motives!"

"You talk about heretics one by one, but in fact, you are the real devils, who are doing harm to the world and the common people, and now you are even trying to get my senior brother's ideas, it is really ugly!"

Long Xue's face was indignant, and her eyes were full of anger. She was extremely disdainful of the high-sounding words in front of her.

"This statement is wrong. You and I are very clear about the characteristics of the God Transformation Art. It can absorb the internal power of other warriors and use it for our own use. It is precisely because of this that your senior brother can grow stronger all the way. If it is mass-produced to the military masters Cultivation, you can go to the next level in less than a month, if you let the soldiers practice for a year or so, the Nanman will no longer be a threat."

"At that time, our Central Plains will be indestructible, the people will live and work in peace and contentment, and the world will be prosperous and peaceful. All this is just a matter of your senior brother nodding and offering the exercises. between.

"If Miss Long has the world in mind, she can take this opportunity to persuade your senior brother."

Instead of being angry, the middle-aged greasy man said with a smile.

His speech was nothing more than using the people to exert pressure on public opinion, and it was also a step down for the government. If the court was defeated in the future, the crime could be blamed on Li Xiaobai, who refused to contribute exercises for his own selfish desires. So that the court was defeated, this is a very reasonable excuse.

Today's ending has already been decided, Li Xiaobai will definitely be captured, and the Transformation God Art will definitely fall into the hands of his court.

"You are a new official, what's your name?"

At this time, there was a strong wind in the main city, and a black figure appeared on the roof not far from the execution platform at some point.

Wearing a coir raincoat and a bamboo hat, facing the masters hidden under the criminal law stage, it was Li Xiaobai.

"You... who are you?"

"My surname is Zhao, just call me Mr. Zhao."

The middle-aged greasy man on the execution platform was taken aback. He didn't see the opponent's movement at all, and when he came back to his senses, the opponent had already appeared there.

The most important thing is that the secret guards on the left and right were also unaware, and he was shocked by the appearance of a ghost at this moment.

"I am the Li Xiaobai you have longed for."

The black figure said lightly.

"Are you the devil?"

"Suddenly showing up today, I think I agree with the official statement. Have you made up your mind to hand over the God Transformation Art to the imperial court?"

The officer surnamed Zhao looked happy, looked at Li Xiaobai and said expectantly.

Catching Li Xiaobai is a great achievement, sending Long Xue to the imperial city is another great achievement, obtaining the Transformation God Art and handing it over to the imperial court is also a great achievement. He has a premonition in his heart that the time for a change of luck has arrived!

Get promoted and get rich, just today!

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