Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 669 Do You Dare To Swear To God?

On the execution platform, Long Xuemei's eyes sparkled brightly, the senior brother really came to save her!

"Master Zhao just made a speech, which was so impassioned, I admire it in my heart, but I have something I want to ask Master Zhao, if Master Zhao can answer truthfully, I will immediately hand over the God Transformation Art!"

Li Xiaobai looked at the people on the high platform and said with a chuckle.


"If you have anything to say, just ask. Today, I represent the imperial court, and I will definitely give you a satisfactory answer in front of the people of the world!"

The eyes of the middle-aged greasy man were even more joyful. As long as the other party is willing to cooperate, everything will be easy to handle.

"Then tell me how the imperial court wiped out my whole family for a copy of the God Transformation Art, and even labeled me as an evil heretic?"

"Or to put it another way, how many of the crimes committed against me are framed by officials of the imperial court to use the name of my devil to do evil among the common people?"

"Master Zhao, can you tell the truth?"

"As long as you tell the truth, the God Transformation Art is yours!"

Li Xiaobai smiled casually, he seemed to be completely indifferent to the dozens of warriors around him, in fact he did not pay attention to these people, judging from the aura, almost all of them were warriors in the realm of Qi Transformation, Among them, there are three or four masters who are in the realm of refining gods and returning to the void.

A Taoist, a monk, and an eunuch are definitely big figures who stomp their feet in the world, but in the eyes of Li Xiaobai today, they are just ants that can be slaughtered at will.

As soon as the words fell, the face of the greasy middle-aged man on the high platform changed drastically. He never expected that the other party would be so shameless and ask such a question directly as soon as he came up.

If he answered, let alone his official career in the future, he might lose his life.

"What does the devil mean?"

"Could it be that the government wants to blame him for all the corruption, bribery, and seizing of civilian girls, and let him take the blame?"

"Impossible, the court has always treated us kindly. My family can live in a thatched cottage, thanks to the government!"

"That's right, if it weren't for the government's frequent introduction of policies to benefit the people, my land would have been abandoned long ago."

"How could such a dirty and indecent matter of seizing a civilian girl be what the government calls it? It's clear that the devil is speaking viciously at each other, deliberately disgusting the official!"

"That's right, the devil didn't scream for nothing. I heard that there were eight thousand people who died at his hands. There were even rumors that he had an affair with the Nanman, which is definitely not a good thing. And that demon girl, a From the looks of it, she is a slutty woman, relying on her beauty to cause harm to the world, she deserves to die!"

"Master Guan, stop talking nonsense with this devil, kill him quickly!"

The people below were discussing and guessing the deep meaning of Li Xiaobai's words.

Living at the feet of the emperor all year round, their awe of the majesty of the royal family has already been deeply rooted in their hearts.

In the hearts of the common people, the image of the imperial court has always been dedicated to the welfare of the people, and thanks to the protection of the imperial court, their life has indeed improved a lot, so they are not half convinced of what the devil said.

Li Xiaobai looked at the commotion among the people below with an indifferent expression, and felt sad in his heart.

These people think that they are living in the welfare of the court, but they don't know that the court just treats them as lambs to be slaughtered.

The so-called thatched cottage was taken up and occupied by the house where it was supposed to live, and a dilapidated thatched square was randomly allocated afterward. The land to support the whole family was when the court officials turned the entire mountain into their own territory. It's just a small piece of wasteland that was donated at will.

It's a pity that the common people don't know anything about these things, they just live in the petty profits in front of them, and they don't realize at all that they have greater wealth, which has been snatched away without knowing it.


"Master Zhao, why didn't you speak?"

"It doesn't matter if you don't want to answer these two questions. I have one last question. As long as Mr. Zhao can answer it truthfully, I will offer you the God Transformation Art with both hands immediately, and I will bind my hands and feet and let me do whatever I want."

Li Xiaobai looked at the greasy middle-aged man on the execution platform with an embarrassing expression, and said indifferently.

"Devil, you talk about the imperial court indiscriminately, and even slander and slander others. If you are willing to bow your head and admit your mistakes now, I will still abide by the promise just now, and let you be lenient!"

A killing intent flashed in the eyes of the officer surnamed Zhao, but he still suppressed his anger and said.

"Okay, then just treat what I said just now as nonsense!"

"This last question is about Mr. Zhao."

"May I ask how many good women have been drugged and used by Mr. Zhao over the years? Or, how many women have been raped overtly and secretly during these years of official career?"

Li Xiaobai smiled lightly, looked at Master Zhao and asked loudly.

"It's nonsense. You actually want to spread rumors to slander me. You are really stupid. I gave you a chance. I didn't expect you to be so ignorant. Sure enough, the devil is the devil, and you can't listen to people's words!"

On the execution platform, the greasy man was furious. He knew what he had done, but how could he say it.

At this moment, Li Xiaobai has been shaken out so directly in broad daylight in front of the world, where is his face?

What's more, his wife and wife are watching from the audience right now!

"Then how dare you swear that if what I just said is true, then your family will have no children or grandchildren from now on!"

"If I was the one who spread rumors and slandered where I was, it would be a thunderbolt!"

There was a cold light in Li Xiaobai's eyes, staring at the middle-aged man on the high platform, and said word by word.

"Quick, why are you still standing there, take him down quickly!"

"Such a false statement, slandering the imperial court officials, trying to cause panic among the people, with ulterior motives!"

"And now that your family and country are in crisis, you actually don't have the slightest intention of helping, and you only have self-interest in your heart. You are really worse than a beast!"

"I will personally take your head today!"

A flash of panic flashed in the eyes of the official surnamed Wang, and he quickly scolded dozens of officials around.

He had already seen the displeasure on the face of the lady sitting below, and even glanced at him coldly.

Li Xiaobai's actions just now formed a stark contrast to him, who swore a poisonous oath without hesitation, but he did not dare to prove his innocence, and was suspected of being a thief calling for a thief.

He knew that his wife had already started to suspect, he had to take down that devil as soon as possible and shut the other party's mouth!

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