Li Xiaobai selected a group of seemingly smart soldiers to teach the first batch of Huashen Jue. Of course, what he taught was only the most degraded version of the art. In the end, you still have to find other follow-up exercises to practice.

But those are not the things that Li Xiaobai should care about.

Let the soldiers who have learned to teach other soldiers who have not learned, the efficiency is greatly improved, and the number of warriors who have learned the degraded version of the God of Transformation has increased exponentially. In just ten days, out of 200,000 soldiers and horses, there are five Thousands of soldiers and horses have learned this technique.

But it is just mastery. If you want to use this technique to enhance your strength and cultivation, you need to continuously absorb the internal energy in the enemy's body on the battlefield. This requires long-term accumulation, and it does not happen overnight.

It also took Li Xiaobai more than ten days to use the captivity model from refining and transforming qi to practicing qi and transforming gods. These soldiers may spend several months without any resources.

Moreover, the number of warriors in the southern barbarians is far less than that in the central plains. Among these soldiers, only some of them can successfully advance to the realm of practicing qi and transforming into gods.

In the blink of an eye, half a month has passed.

Nearly half of the soldiers in the barracks had learned this method. At the same time, the Nanban launched a general offensive.

The team was still led by fifteen masters of Qi Transformation God Realm, and the iron cavalry charged. Chen Yu's side was defeated in the frontal battle, and retreated back into the city in a hurry. It can kill a person, and the warrior has not started to absorb the enemy's internal force before he is rushed and turned on his back.

"It's too passive, bring all the captives up, and let the vanguard practice to practice Qi Transformation God!"

Chen Yu ordered.

"I'll go and kill those fifteen people, and you can just defend the city."

Li Xiaobai said lightly, his body turned into an afterimage and rushed out like a big roc spreading its wings, rushing towards the enemy camp. The vast and boundless internal force surged, and all the attacks of the Nanman soldiers were bounced back. famous master.

"How dare!"

In the camp, everyone looked shocked and angry, and broke into the Nanman barracks single-handedly, trying to single out fifteen of them?

It's a bit too arrogant.


The southern barbarians have no habit of talking nonsense, their eyes flashed fiercely, and their figures struck Li Xiaobai in unison like lightning.

They have been fighting all year round, and their cultivation bases have been honed from the mountains of corpses and seas of blood, and their foundations are extremely stable and solid.

As soon as Fang fought against each other, Li Xiaobai understood that such a group of people were by no means comparable to those from the Jianghu in the Central Plains or the masters of the big insiders. Compared with the fifteen people in front of him, those who had been beheaded before were like flowers in a greenhouse.

Fifteen Southern barbarians have fierce and gloomy eyes, and their every move is very orderly. They cooperate frequently with each other and form a powerful army formation. Climb to the top, full of killing intent!

"It's no wonder that the frontier will miss. The warriors on both sides are not at the same level. It seems that you have already begun to sharpen your own souls, which are just for my use!"

Li Xiaobai muttered to himself, his internal energy surged, and he vented it like he didn't want money. There was a huge wave in the Nanman barracks, and the God Transformation Art was activated to the extreme. All warriors who came into contact with their own internal energy were drained instantly without exception. Internal force, limp on the ground.

All of a sudden, the Nanman soldiers retreated far away, no one dared to go forward.

"What kind of exercise is this? It actually sucked away my inner strength and the power of the primordial spirit!"

"Even the power of the primordial spirit can be absorbed, what kind of evil kung fu is this!"

"This person must be a fierce general of the Central Plains, he must not be left behind, and his head will be beheaded today!"


More than a dozen veterans roared in unison, each using their own methods, swords, lights and swords in the void, moving around, as if they wanted to tear the sky apart.

Even Li Xiaobai, who possesses a huge amount of internal energy, feels a little bit of pressure. The fighters who can cultivate the power of the soul are at least in the late stage of refining the gods and returning to the void. .

Every punch and every kick is full of weight, shaking Li Xiaobai's blood surging.

But correspondingly, Li Xiaobai absorbed the internal energy and the power of the primordial spirit from everyone all the time, and turned it into several uses. Although he suffered a lot of trauma, he showed no sign of exhaustion.

There was a bulging feeling between the eyebrows in the upper dantian, and the eyes became more and more radiant, which was a manifestation of sufficient power of the primordial spirit.

"This person is amazing, and his internal strength is even far superior to mine!"

"This old man has practiced for dozens of years, and this is the first time I've seen such a young master. If he doesn't die young, he has the talent to transform the emptiness and join the Tao!"

"However, the more this is the case, the more we can't keep it. If we let it go, it will definitely become my Nanman's life and death enemy in the future!"

Fifteen veterans are also the bigger and more frightened, each of them is a top powerhouse who dominates one side, fighting alone, it is easy to kill Chen Yu, the border guard, but right now they are stubbornly fighting with a young boy It's unbelievable that people fight inseparable.

What kind of kung fu technique can allow a warrior to possess such a massive amount of internal energy?

The oldest veteran shook his hand, and pulled out a ferocious mace, with pieces of meat remaining on it, and with a strong bloody smell, he smashed it at Li Xiaobai without saying a word.


Li Xiaobai drew the long sword around his waist, still using the basic sword art, urging the sword energy with internal force, and there was a faint black breath flowing on the sword glow, which greatly increased its power. This should be the characteristic of the magic sealing sword technique. As for this black Where the qi comes from is unknown.

The weird black sword light collided with the mace, without sparking the slightest spark, but the ferocious fangs of the mace were corroded away without a sound, and the old man was so startled that he dropped his hand instantly. Don't dare to be contaminated with the slightest black breath.

"It's quite useful."

Li Xiaobai was overjoyed, and with a wave of the long sword in his hand stabbed at the people in front of him, the black sword energy was scattered like a brush, full of freehand and freehand.

"This sword is weird, everyone be careful!"

The standing circle suddenly expanded, and a group of veterans retreated violently, trapping Li Xiaobai from a long distance away. The black air on the sword light made them feel a strong sense of crisis. If they were cut by him, they would not die. That hurts.

Just when the group of people confronted each other, the sound of charging and killing floated into their ears from afar, Li Xiaobai suddenly became excited, and out of the corner of his eye, he saw countless Southern barbarian soldiers attacking frantically under the border city, and the city gate was knocked down A corner collapsed, and the door should be broken into after a while.

These soldiers secretly ran to steal the main city while he was entangled with fifteen masters!

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