"Without the existence of the chief general, he was able to calmly discover the flaws in the main city, and organized a large-scale attack on the city in an orderly manner. The quality of the soldiers of the Southern Barbarians is much higher than that of the Central Plains!"

Strong strength, strict orders and prohibitions, and fearlessness of death are all qualities that soldiers in the Central Plains lack.

It can even be said that this is a quality that the entire court lacks. The upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked, and the corrupt atmosphere is sweeping. Naturally, the soldiers at the border are a little less bloody and a little more weak.

"It will take some effort to win this battle."

The long sword in Li Xiaobai's hand flew up and down, and the strange black sword energy forced back a group of veterans. He forcibly tore a hole in the standing circle, and rushed out with a flash of his body, and swept towards the city with his sword in hand.

"Stop him!"

"Don't let him go back to the city!"

More than a dozen veterans were chasing after them. They all saw this opportunity. As long as they can hold Li Xiaobai for a while, the border city will be breached. Forget it!

But in terms of speed, they are far inferior to Li Xiaobai. The powerful internal force that is enough to fight against fifteen masters is not something they can catch up with. Just in the blink of an eye, a white figure arrived at the city, bringing bursts of internal force The storm sucked away a large amount of martial artist's internal energy.

Without touching the ground, he soared upwards, and he felt a little swayed all over himself.


After seeing Li Xiaobai's figure on the tower, the Nanman soldiers retreated decisively, without any intention of fighting, and ran away, leaving only a charred ruin.

Li Xiaobai was speechless, the style of play of this southern barbarian was a bit wretched.

Chen Yu's complexion was very ugly. His own city gate was directly breached. This was a great shame for the defender. It was unbearable but helpless. His subordinates were too good-for-nothing, not only his subordinates, but even him. Being beaten has no temper.

"Mr. Li, I didn't expect to have such a cultivation level at such a young age. One person can monopolize the fifteen veterans of the enemy army. He can already be said to be an unworldly master. If this continues, I am afraid that within ten years, I will have a Void Transformation Hero in the Central Plains." Dao realm master!"

"Now that Nanman is keeping a close eye on the loopholes at the border, I'm afraid I will have to bother you to sit here for a while in the future."

Chen Yu spoke very politely, and his eyes couldn't stop showing surprise. He obviously didn't expect Li Xiaobai to have such strength. Got him?

"General Chen, you are being polite. How profound and unpredictable is the state of transforming the emptiness and combining the Tao? I, a junior, can pry into it. What's more, I only have the first half of the exercises in my hand, and I haven't found the second half. It might just be to strengthen yourself first.”

"As for defending the border, that's what I should do."

Li Xiaobai also said humbly.

He had sucked a lot of benefits from the fight with the enemy just now, and a few more times would be enough to reach the state of ecstasy and sleeplessness, the gazing of the soul and the mortal body, and then he can step into the path of transforming the void and become a real one. of the strong.

"As the saying goes, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. Mr. Li understands righteousness deeply, and I admire him in my heart. I will trouble Mr. Li to worry about it in the days to come."

Chen Yu cupped his fists and cupped his hands, a playfulness flashed in his eyes.

At this moment, there are only four words in his mind, unload the grind and kill the donkey.

He wanted to drain every drop of Li Xiaobai's value, and then let him be crushed to death by the Supreme Emperor in boundless anger and regret.


Time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, several months passed.

Under Li Xiaobai's guidance, the 200,000 soldiers at the border pass have thoroughly mastered the most elementary art of transforming gods, which can absorb people's internal energy and turn it into their own use.

During this period, he fought bloody battles with Nanman generals many times, and fought dozens of times. He single-handedly resisted hundreds of thousands of Nanman troops. He was seriously injured countless times, but the benefits he gained were huge. It is said that nearly a million people's internal energy has been absorbed, and the skill has been greatly increased, and they have successfully entered the realm of Huaxu Hedao.

It's just that everything is changing quietly in the dark, without anyone noticing.

Chen Yu continuously sent captives to feed the soldiers, and the number of warriors who have successfully stepped into the realm of Qi Transformation has exceeded 10,000, which was unimaginable for the former team.

"Thank you, Mr. Li, for your help in the past few months. Our border guards are well prepared and can completely defeat the Nanman soldiers!"

"Build walls high, accumulate grain widely, become king slowly, and win kings and defeat bandits, right now!"

"Fight the southern barbarians back, kill them!"

With Chen Yu's order, 200,000 troops were mobilized, and the number of warriors who broke through the realm of Qi Transformation increased by 10,000. If they couldn't defeat the soldiers of the Southern Barbarians, he could really take the blame.

Looking at the majestic army below, Li Xiaobai nodded, his strength and cultivation base increased, which gave these soldiers great confidence. With those 10,000 warriors who practiced Qi Transformation God Realm standing in front, the soldiers who had no fighting spirit could Become daring to charge.

With a shake of his figure, he swooped down and stepped lightly, just like before, Li Xiaobai rushed into the Nanman camp, his fists shook the mountains and rivers, and he defeated the fifteen veterans one after another.

Having been sucked away by others for many times, their internal energy and primordial spirit power have already weakened their aura, and they have become a little depressed. Facing Li Xiaobai who has stepped into a new realm, they have no power to fight back. After exhausting his internal strength, he fell limply to the ground, watching the soldiers of the Southern Barbarians being sucked into human beings.


"Can you turn the internal power you sucked into your own use?"

"This is the true secret of your endless internal energy!"

The leading veteran was unwilling, but within a few months, the opponent had changed from a warrior who was evenly matched with them to an existence that they could look up to, and the gap was too appalling.

It's a pity that they realized the Tao too late, Li Xiaobai has already achieved a positive result through their hands, and they are no longer needed.

"That's right, I respect you for being a man. Compared with the people at the border, you are the real warriors with blood!"

Li Xiaobai nodded and said, there is no right or wrong on the battlefield, but judging from the qualities of a warrior, the Southern barbarians are more dignified and proud, like a scorching sun, while the Central Plains people are poisoned by corruption and are entering their twilight years.

However, the Chen family will soon overthrow the imperial court and establish a new king. Then everything will be very different, and a new era without filth will begin soon.

"Quick, kill them!"

"These can't stay!"

Seeing that Li Xiaobai has been chatting with the local veterans and has not made a move for a long time, Chen Yu is a little anxious, taking advantage of your illness to kill you, now that the fifteen mainstays of the local area have all lost their combat effectiveness, it is a good time to kill them .

As long as these people die, it is tantamount to declaring their victory.


A group of soldiers rushed forward with long spears, brushed past Li Xiaobai, and stabbed the fifteen veterans to death.

Li Xiaobai was expressionless and his eyes were cold. He realized that he was wrong. He should not have the slightest expectation of these border guards, especially for Chen Yu. Even though the border guards have such a great advantage now, they still have not changed It's a stupid fact.

After confirming the death of the fifteen veterans, the nervous expressions of eagerness and relieved smiles all told Li Xiaobai about their cowardice.

"I hope the new king can do something practical. This world is too corrupt."

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