Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter Six Hundred And Seventy-Eight Invite Truthfully!

In the blink of an eye, more than ten days passed.

Chen Yu commanded the soldiers on the front line to keep chasing them, because the Nanmans were needed to improve the soldiers' cultivation level and they had to keep alive, so the efficiency was much lower. While chasing and taking prisoners, the Nanmans were routed and most of them were captured alive.

Li Xiaobai has been hiding in the city to secretly absorb the internal energy of the captives, and whenever Chen Yu transports the captives into the city, he will suck a breath.

Today, more than 50,000 captive war criminals have gathered in the city, which is an unprecedented number of prisoners in previous wars, and this number is still increasing.

Although most of these soldiers are only in the realm of refining qi and transforming qi, and a small number of them are only in the realm of practicing qi and transforming gods, but there are too many people, Li Xiaobai can absorb the internal energy of 50,000 people every time and turn it into his own use. Feeling, he only draws six times a day, and once every two hours, he can accumulate 300,000 internal energy in his body in a day.

After ten consecutive days of action, the internal force in the dantian has changed from an ocean to a galaxy, and it is impossible to squander all the internal force even if it is used day and night.

Even the power of the primordial spirit is abundant. If the original primordial spirit is an illusory form after being out of the body, Li Xiaobai's primordial spirit is no different from him now, no matter in terms of body size, proportion, or solidity. The degree is no different from that of a real person, even the touch is the same, it has already materialized.

Although there is no description in the exercises, Li Xiaobai infers that this should be at the peak of the realm of Huaxu Hedao, reaching the realm of Dzogchen. As for whether he can further reach the legendary realm in the future, it all depends on luck.

"After fighting for so many days, the southern barbarians have not been completely wiped out. I really don't know whether to say that Chen Yu is cautious or timid."

"However, the situation has become clear. It is only a matter of time before the Southern barbarians are wiped out. I can go back. At this time, Chen Yuanyuan must have made some moves?"

Li Xiaobai murmured to himself, he missed Long Xue in his heart, and he wanted to get rid of those trumped-up charges as soon as possible. Now that the border guards have won a complete victory, it's time for him to retire.

that night.

Chen Yu threw a big banquet to celebrate the triumphant return of the soldiers, which is his must-have item every night recently.

It's been a long time since I felt so happy, and the soldiers under my command were all elated.

However, when Chen Yu heard that Li Xiaobai was going back to the Central Plains, the smile on his face suddenly froze for a moment.

"Don't be in such a hurry, right?"

"In a few days, our army will completely defeat the Nanman, why don't you stay for a few days and witness the victory of the Central Plains with us?"

Chen Yu took a sip of his wine to hide the panic in his heart. He has been with Li Xiaobai for so long at the border, and he has already seen the abnormality of the other party, the bottomless cultivation of internal energy, and that one person monopolizes the 15 soul refining spirits. With the invincible aura of a strong man in the virtual realm, it would be a lie to say that he is not afraid.

At this moment, according to the original plan, Chen Yuanyuan had already sent Long Xue to the bed of the Supreme Emperor, and a bloody storm was about to break out in the court. A good thing is a big one!

Never let the other party go back at this time to disturb the great interest of the Supreme Emperor!

"Nanman's defeat is a foregone conclusion. I miss Long Xue in my heart, and I'm still waiting for my wife to get justice for me!"

Li Xiaobai said with a smile.

"No, no, the court is about to change. At this time, let's not add trouble, so as not to cause complications. When the little sister stabilizes the court structure, it will not be too late for us to go." Chen Yu continued. , still looking like he was thinking of Li Xiaobai.

"I'm just looking for Junior Sister. What happens to the court has nothing to do with me. The general doesn't need to worry about anything."

Li Xiaobai said.

"Young Master Li, you can rest assured that it is very safe for Miss Long to live in Yuanyuan's mansion. There will be no problems. It is better to stay for a few days. At this juncture, it is best to keep Miss Long at Yuanyuan's mansion. The most sensible choice, it is absolutely safe there."

Chen Yu said.

Hearing this, Li Xiaobai frowned slightly. Why did Chen Yu keep preventing him from going back to the Central Plains?

Could it be that there is some kind of ulterior secret in it?

Recalling the sense of disobedience he felt during the conversation with Chen Yuanyuan earlier, a bad premonition faintly rose in his heart. Could it be that Long Xue had something wrong in the capital?

"Actually, there is one thing I haven't told General Chen. To be honest, since I came to the border, I have exchanged letters with my junior sister every few days to report each other's safety. But for some reason, since last month, I have I haven’t received a single letter from Junior Sister.”

"During the period, I also sent an unknown number of letters, but I didn't get the slightest response. This is very abnormal. Maybe Long Xue and Lingmei have encountered some troubles. If I don't go and see it with my own eyes, I really don't feel relieved! "

"Brother Chen, don't worry, if the Chen family is really in trouble, I won't stand by and watch."

Li Xiaobai said tentatively, staring at Chen Yu without blinking, watching the other party's reaction.

The so-called correspondence was all nonsense, and he just wanted to use this opportunity to judge whether something had really happened to his little junior sister, and whether Chen Yu, who had been covering up all this time, understood the truth of the matter.

As expected, as soon as Li Xiaobai finished speaking, he saw the wine glass in Chen Yu's hand tremble suddenly, and the wine spilled all over the floor.

"Hey, I drank too much, I can't even hold the wine glass steadily!"

"Since Mr. Li misses Miss Long so much, I naturally won't do much to stop her. Tomorrow I will arrange someone to escort you back to Beijing!"

Chen Yu's complexion was a bit ugly, but he still squeezed out a smile and said.

"General Chen was joking. The banquet has just begun. You haven't had a drop of wine yet. Why are you so drunk? Or is there something wrong with the Chen family, what is General Chen trying to hide from you?"

Li Xiaobai squinted his eyes and smiled, with a sharp look in his eyes, and filled the wine glass in Chen Yu's hand again.

"Where does this come from? There is a young girl in the Chen family, what can happen?"

"Miss Long had a very good life in Xiaomei's house, and the young master will naturally understand after returning to Beijing."

There was a trace of cold sweat on Jiang Chen's forehead, and he couldn't help wiping it off with his hand.

Facing Li Xiaobai's cold and questioning gaze, his back was soaked. Even though the fire was burning beside him, he could still feel the boundless chill, which was the killing intent emanating from Li Xiaobai.

"General Chen, you are not telling the truth."

Li Xiaobai shook his head, and said closer, "It seems that Madam has some schemes, not one for the public. I don't care what your goals are, but I hope that General Chen can understand that since the Chen family dares to provoke the imperial power, it must have something. My trump card, the 200,000 troops must be the trump card of the Chen family, right?"

"You put your cards in front of me, and you dare to lie in front of me. Your courage is commendable."

"General Chen, if you don't recruit the truth today, I will slaughter the 200,000 troops. You should understand that I have this ability!"

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