These words scared Chen Yu to death.

Why do you feel that the young man in front of you has suddenly become smarter?

Indeed, no matter what the ultimate goal of his Chen family is, the 200,000 army must be his family's reliance. If this army is gone, all the rhetoric will be reduced to empty talk.

His own family knows his own affairs, and in the eyes of others, the army under his command has been extremely fierce lately, but he is fully aware that the nature of these soldiers is still timid and fearful, and they are just trying to survive. Naturally, it is impossible to really wipe out the entire army, but killing thousands of people is enough to defeat the army.

On weekdays, the opponent has accumulated too much power, and the soldiers don't have the courage to resist at all.

If the army is gone, his Chen family will be exhausted!

Seeing Chen Yu's eyes dodging, flustered but trying to be calm, Li Xiaobai's heart sank to the bottom, and his threat worked, which showed that his guess was right, something happened to Long Xue!

"I'll give you a breath to think about it. If you don't tell the truth after one breath, I'll burn all the people in the border cities to the ground!"

Li Xiaobai said word by word.

"I said, I said!"

"All of this is the old idea of ​​the Chen family, and has nothing to do with my brother and sister!"

As he spoke, Chen Yu revealed all of Chen Yuanyuan's plans, including the existence of the Supreme Emperor.

Li Xiaobai's heart twitched inexplicably when he heard that the Chen family wanted to use Long Xue to curry favor with the Supreme Emperor. No wonder Chen Yuanyuan was so kind and took the initiative to invite Long Xue into the mansion to take care of him.

"How is Long Xue doing now?"

Li Xiaobai asked.

"According to the plan, it should have been sent into the palace by the Chen family."

"Mr. Li, all of this was instigated by the old man of the Chen family, and I just did it as a last resort. Please, Mr. Li, please let us brothers and sisters go!"

"As long as the young master can keep me, I am willing to kill the old man for the young master, and help the young master ascend the throne!"

Chen Yu is in a panic now, being caught on the spot, he is a little at a loss, and now his Chen family's hole cards are in front of him, why didn't he think of this in advance?

In fact, he can't be blamed, who would have thought that Li Xiaobai's internal strength would be bottomless? It is not something that ordinary warriors can measure, it is simply a monster!

"If Junior Sister is intact, I will trade your life for her to come out. If she is murdered, your Chen family will bury her with her!"

"Pray for your ruthless sister!"

Li Xiaobai's expression was indifferent, and he patted Chen Yu's shoulder. Before he could react, the two of them disappeared without a trace. There was no sound at all. During the banquet, there was endless laughter and laughter. No one noticed that their leader had disappeared for no reason. Now, they are still pushing cups and changing cups on their own, drinking and drinking.

After half an hour.

Li Xiaobai brought Chen Yu to the feet of the Son of Heaven.

Chen Yu was completely terrified by the speed and speed along the way. The terrifying speed made him unforgettable in his life. It took him a whole day to get there from the capital, and it was still a sleepless situation.

But Li Xiaobai's speed broke his cognition. The other party carried him and moved at a high speed with light work, and it took only half an hour to arrive. What kind of terrifying speed is this?

"You... what is your strength?"

"No matter how deep your inner strength is, you are only in the realm of refining gods and returning to the void after all. How can you have such rapidity?"

"Is this also the effect of the God Transformation Art, which can make people have an unreasonable speed?"

Chen Yu said tremblingly, after he landed, he felt that the world was spinning in front of him, and he hadn't recovered from the terrifying speed just now, and there was only horror in his heart.

Looking at Li Xiaobai's stern face, for the first time, he felt a little uncertain, and the matter might not be easy!

"Go to Chen's house!"

Li Xiaobai ignored his point and said directly.

"Again... In a while, it's time to go to court, we can go directly to the palace hall."

Chen Yu played tricks, trying to lure Li Xiaobai out of the Chen family.

However, he did not lie. Although the sky is not yet dawn, it is indeed almost the time of the morning court.

The time of the early court is very early, because the distances of the fiefdoms of officials at all levels are different. In order to ensure that the court ministers can work normally during the day, they will start to rise to the court one or two hours before dawn.

Originally, this time had been changed because of the little emperor's stupidity, but now that the southern barbarians invaded, the little emperor was also in a panic, waiting in the palace early every morning to listen to the battle reports.

"Okay, don't play tricks, your Chen family has used me and my junior sister, even if I escape to Tianya Cape, I will destroy you all."

"Lead the way ahead!"

Li Xiaobai knew that the other party was telling the truth, so he didn't write any ink, so he went straight to the court.

In the early dynasties, all the civil and military officials of the Manchu dynasty gathered together. This is a good time to ask questions. Immediately capture the little emperor, find out the Supreme Emperor behind the scenes, and save the little junior sister. The only thing that worries him is that the little junior sister has already passed away. He was murdered.

According to what Chen Yu said, Chen Yuanyuan had planned to send Long Xue into the room of the Supreme Emperor early in the morning, and he might be a step late.

If this is the case, not only the Chen family, but the entire royal family will die!

Li Xiaobai's eyes flickered with coldness. Now that he has reached perfection, no one is his opponent anymore.


"Master Li, this way please!"

Chen Yu was overjoyed, as long as Li Xiaobai was willing to trouble the royal family first, all problems would be solved.

The person living in the deep palace is a top expert in the realm of transforming emptiness and combining Taoism, a great figure like a fairy. Although this Li Xiaobai is a bit miraculous, in the opponent's hands, he is just a grasshopper that can be easily crushed to death.

at the same time.

In the main hall of the imperial palace, all civil and military officials have already arrived.

On the throne, the little emperor yawned all over the sky. It had been a long time since he had attended court so formally.

He was very annoyed to be woken up before dawn today to go to court.

And the woman he valued was actually sent to sleep in the emperor's palace, which made him even more upset.

A wretched old man who has lived for an unknown number of years actually robbed him of a woman. If he hadn't looked at his cultivation level as a reference to good luck, he would have had him killed a long time ago!

"How was the battle report yesterday?"

"I heard that General Chen commanded 200,000 soldiers and horses to come out after staying for several months to recharge their batteries. Has he ever defeated the Southern barbarians?"

The little emperor asked, this was the question he was most concerned about.

"My Majesty, in the battle a few days ago, our army won a complete victory. All 15 generals of the enemy died on the spot. The southern barbarians were defeated. General Chen is leading his troops to chase after him!"

The prime minister, Zhang Liang, smiled lightly. He was also relieved when he received the news. He understood that the result of the battle at the border was all because of Li Xiaobai's Transformation Art. , the border has long been razed to the ground.

Now that Chen Yu has defeated the enemy, the Nanman will no longer be a threat, and he can once again focus on capturing the skills.

"it is good!"

"General Chen Yu has contributed to the great prosperity of the Central Plains. He is a hero. If something happens here, let General Chen return to the imperial court. I will give you a big reward!"

The little emperor was overjoyed, and after several months of suffering, he finally got the good news!

"What else do you love to report?"

The little emperor continued to ask, but at this moment, screams and wailing suddenly came from outside the hall.

"Escort, escort!"

"There are rebels!"

"The Chen family is rebellious!"

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