Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter Six Hundred And Eightieth: Anti-Bone Boy

The screams and wailing spread throughout the palace hall, and the faces of civil and military officials suddenly became shocked, and they looked out a little dull.

One by one heads were thrown high, and the blood splashed on the spot. Those heads belonged to the guards of the imperial city's imperial guards. They were all qi transforming warriors, but at this moment, they were randomly beheaded like chopping melons and vegetables.

Dazzling cold lights shot out, and the shining sword was raised, pointing at the little emperor on the throne.

"Listen well, the current prime minister is causing chaos in the court, endangering the people, the little emperor is obsessed with beauty, has no intention of governing the government all day long, and is incompetent. Today, my Chen family will act on behalf of the heavens and establish a new king, so as to restore the world to a bright future!"

Groups of soldiers outside the hall poured into the hall, wearing silver helmets and silver armor, full of evil spirits, the leader was a veteran, none other than the Patriarch of the Chen family, Chen Dian.

Today, he brought all the dead soldiers of the entire Chen family here, and they all practiced Qi Transformation to the Great Perfection state, crushing the imperial city guards.

In the past few months, he has been using the incomplete God Transformation Art passed down from the border to train the dead soldiers, and he has forcibly piled up the realm of these soldiers and horses to this level. He is a force that cannot be underestimated anywhere. .

"Come on, escort!"

The little emperor screamed in fright. It was the first time he had encountered such a scene in his life. How could someone conspire against him at such a time!

"Chen Dian, you are so brave, you dare to murder the emperor!"

"Scorning the majesty of the royal family is simply treasonous. Could it be that you want to bear the infamy of regicide?"

"The Chen family intends to rebel, what are you doing in a daze, take it down quickly!"

"I didn't expect that this Chen family actually grew a rebellious bone!"

"The Chen family has always been deeply trusted by His Majesty. Who would have thought that they would harbor evil intentions and have such vigorous ambitions, but it is really not wise to rush into the palace hall like this. You must know that His Majesty's guards with swords and secret protection The masters of the big inner world are all masters of the realm of refining gods and returning to the void, and they are not comparable to ordinary people."

"Now the main force of the Chen family is at the frontier battlefield. I really don't know where they got the courage!"

"There are so many imperial guards and masters in command, Chen Dian, you will definitely die today!"

Frightened by the little emperor's screams, all the civil and military officials reacted, and moved hastily shrank into the corner by the wall, commanding the guards with swords in front of the imperial court to step forward to vindicate him.

"Hahaha, kill me, you idiots are also worthy, the world should be governed by a wise monarch, a foolish monarch, you are not qualified!"

Chen Dian laughed loudly, swiped the big knife in his hand, and the dead soldiers behind him rushed forward, wanting to chop up the little emperor and the prime minister Zhang Liang into meat paste.

"Dare to murder the emperor, kill me!"

The commander of the guards stepped forward, swiped the long knife in his hand, and swept across the sword. With one move, he split several soldiers of the Chen family in silver helmets and silver armor. opponent.

The few remaining guards resorted to their own means, swords and swords criss-crossed, the palace hall was devastated in an instant, and the dead soldiers of the Chen family fell one after another.

"Don't be afraid, Your Majesty, the Sa family and others are here today, but this Chen Dian is acting so boldly, we will definitely let him come and go today!"

Several father-in-laws in front of the palace comforted, which made the little emperor's heart calm down a lot.

Thinking about it carefully, his combat strength is not weak. There are more than a dozen experts in the inner circle plus the guards with swords in front of the imperial court.

What's more, he still has the trump card of the Supreme Emperor in his royal family. With his old man around, it is enough to quell all rebellions.

"Prime Minister, if Chen Dian dared to force his way into the palace hall, he must have something to rely on. You quickly take my jade pendant and go to the deep palace, and ask the Supreme Emperor to take action to quell the rebellion!"

The emperor took out a small token made of jade, and said to Zhang Liang beside him that the scene was too chaotic, and he didn't dare to run around.


Zhang Liang took the jade pendant, and a look of disdain flashed in his eyes. In his opinion, as long as there is the Supreme Emperor, Chen Dian and his like will not pose any threat at all. This little emperor is really too cowardly.

"Kill them and take off the dog emperor's head. Today, I, Chen Dian, will be the new king!"

Chen Dian waved his hand and said calmly, there was no wave in his eyes, and his face was full of confidence.

A large number of silver dead men outside the hall poured into the hall continuously. No matter how the master guards in front of the hall killed them, more and more dead men gathered in the hall.

"Changing the dead, how many dead soldiers did he bring!"

"How to kill this?"

Several guards and eunuchs rushed for a while and found that something was wrong. There were at least hundreds of corpses on the ground, but the number of people in the hall did not decrease at all, but more and more.

On the contrary, their internal power is being consumed at an extremely terrifying speed. They are just ordinary spirit-returning spirits, and their internal power is limited. Facing this endless army formation, no matter how powerful they are, they will be weak. I don't know how many warriors outside the hall are ready to come in and charge.

"Father-in-law, protect the emperor and go first, let's break the queen!"

The commander of the guards shouted angrily, but before he could finish speaking, a human head was thrown to his feet, which belonged to another imperial guard.

At this moment, Chen Dian was stepping forward on his corpse, slashing wantonly with his knives. The pressure on the several guards increased sharply, and they were tired of parrying. A guard stabbed it into a hornet's nest.

At this moment, the powerful guards with knives in front of the imperial court were easily beheaded like a child with no strength to restrain a chicken. Blood was everywhere, and the scene was extremely bloody.

Chen Dian used to be a veteran who guarded the border as an adult, and his strength was stronger than these masters who were raised in the deep palace. Coupled with the endless supply of dead soldiers around him, it didn't take much effort to kill a group of guards. After everything was clean, only the commander of the guards was left.

Frightened eyes flickered in the eyes of the remaining masters. If things go on like this, they will have no choice but to die. Now is not the time to show loyalty. Life is the most important thing, and they still have great opportunities. The years have not passed, and there are still countless gold and silver treasures that have not been squandered. There is no need to die with this trash emperor.

"Master Chen, I'm waiting to surrender!"

"Master Chen is a good teacher, his soldiers are dedicated to the master, they are brave and not afraid of death, the Zajia and others admire them, if Master Chen is willing to take us in, in the days to come, we will be ready to go!"

"That's right, this trash emperor Zajia has long disliked him, and it's fine if he dies!"

Before waiting for Chen Dian's next move, the knees of several senior experts went limp, and they knelt down and begged for mercy.

"Bastards, the reward of eating the king, and the matter of loyalty to the king, the court has raised you for so many years, but I didn't expect to raise a group of white-eyed wolves!"

The guard commander's eyes were about to burst, and he was full of anger, wishing he could kill these dead eunuchs immediately.

"They all surrendered, what do you say?"

Chen Dian looked at the commander of the guards and asked with a smile.

"Hmph, let me accept the surrender, it's just a dream, if you want to move the emperor, you can't step on my dead body!"

The commander of the guards shouted angrily, and casually chopped down several dead soldiers around him.

But as soon as the words fell, he felt his chest was burning, and when he looked down, his eyes were full of astonishment.

At this moment, a palm had already penetrated his chest, and he could even see his heart still beating in his hand.

Turning his head to look dully, a gentleman was wiping the blood from his palm, with a look of disgust on his face

"Now that you are dead, Mr. Chen can step over your corpse."

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