Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 684 This Is The Old Man's Primordial Spirit

If it weren't for his personal experience, he would never have dreamed that the young man in front of him would be the same as him, a strong man in the realm of transforming emptiness and harmony. The person in front of him is only a young man at such a young age, but he has also achieved this step, how can he not be surprised?

Looking at Li Xiaobai, his eyes became even hotter. Of course, he didn't think it was because of the other party's extraordinary talent. You can get a glimpse of the legendary terrestrial fairyland.

"The emperor is still alive!"

"The emperor is fine!"

"Let me just say, the Taishanghuang is a super strong man in the realm of transforming the void and the Dao. How could a big man like a living god be killed by a mere Li Xiaobai? The Taishanghuang must be trying to tease the other party!"

"But what did the Supreme Emperor say just now, so Li Xiaobai is also in the realm of transforming emptiness and harmony?"

"How is this possible? There must be a mistake somewhere. That kid is only in his twenties. I feel reluctant to say that he is refining the gods and returning to the void. How can he have the same level of cultivation as the Supreme Emperor?"

"But if he wasn't a warrior of the same realm, how could he easily break the neck of the Supreme Emperor?"

Seeing the movements of the Supreme Emperor, all civil and military officials felt a burst of horror.

The neck was twisted at 180 degrees, but it can still be straightened by itself. It looks so easy, as if it is just resetting a dislocated joint.

As expected of a martial artist in the realm of transforming emptiness and harmony, he would look like a normal person with a broken neck. This kind of method is already a living god.

It's just that what he said made their hearts even more horrified. This fairy-like figure actually said that Li Xiaobai is also a strong man in the realm of transforming emptiness and combining Taoism. Isn't this just nonsense?

Although the previous opponent's performance was indeed a little invincible, but to say that he was in the same realm as the Supreme Emperor, they couldn't accept it anyway. In their hearts, the Supreme Emperor was a symbol of invincibility.

"Impossible, impossible!"

"How could he be a martial artist in the Hexu Hedao realm? It was obvious that a few months ago he was only refining the gods to return to the void, and he should not have the lower half of the exercises in his hands. How could he be promoted!"

"No matter how strong he is, he is just a junior cultivator. Insufficient background is a flaw. The emperor's ancestors will definitely be able to kill him. There is only one fate for this devil today, and that is death!"

Chen Yuanyuan muttered to herself like crazy, Li Xiaobai's toughness refreshed her cognition again and again, tugging at her heartstrings, she felt that she almost didn't know him.

At this moment, the nearly mad Li Xiaobai made her feel deep fear. If the Supreme Emperor hadn't stopped her, she would have no doubt that she would have been torn to pieces by him at this moment.

"The emperor's ancestors are invincible, so Li Xiaobai will definitely die!"

Chen Yuanyuan kept comforting herself.

As long as this demon is dead, the world will be hers and the Chen family will let it go!

"Hehe, I didn't expect to be lucky enough to meet such a young talent today. If you give you some more time, you might really be surpassed by you. It's just that geniuses often die young. This old man will abolish your cultivation and torture you I will reveal the secret of your cultivation method, and then I will send you to reunite with your junior sister!"

The old man's tone was cold, and there was already a murderous intent in his eyes when he looked at Li Xiaobai. To break his head in public, this crime is much greater than that of a regicide!

But as soon as the words fell, he felt warmth on his face. At some point, Li Xiaobai's two big hands climbed up to his cheeks again, and then a huge familiar force came, and the strong internal force broke through easily. The line of defense on his neck, in his slightly astonished eyes, skillfully and smoothly turned his head 180 degrees again, hanging on his back.

"There's so much nonsense, did you let me talk?"

Li Xiaobai's eyes were violent, and the strength of his hands remained unabated. He twisted the neck that had been twisted 180 degrees again.

There was a constant cracking sound in the hall, and everyone who heard it was terrified. Even if the old man was prepared this time, he still could not escape the fate of having his neck broken.

Looking at the severed head on the old body, all civil and military officials were petrified.

This time they saw very clearly that the young man put his hands on the old man's head and twisted it off with brute force, without any fancy moves, only the most primitive visual impact.

Now it's not as good as before, the Supreme Emperor was obviously prepared, but his head was still twisted off by Li Xiaobai. Could it be that this demon is really in the realm of transforming emptiness and harmony?


"He actually broke the Taishanghuang's neck again. This time, he twisted it around and a half. Will the Taishanghuang be fine?"

"I have a hunch that an extraordinary battle is about to start here. If we continue to stay, it may shock us, or..."

"It doesn't matter who wins, let's withdraw first, and we will support whoever wins!"

"The wind is tight, shit!"

Many officials felt the tranquility before the storm. At this moment of life and death, they would rather believe what they have or not. If two masters of the realm of transforming emptiness and harmony were really fighting, none of the civil and military officials in the hall would survive .

The best option is to run away.

"Jie Jie Jie, you are so courageous. After so many years, you are still the first person to break the old man's head."

"The old man is more interested in you now. I didn't expect that after more than ten years of retreat, there would be such a genius and mysterious skills in the world, but you are still too young. , without any tricks, it can only rely on time to accumulate precipitation."

"The old man has come to the point where he is today, and he has honed his time for decades. The solidity of the primordial spirit is not comparable to that of a warrior like you who has just entered the realm of transformation and integration."

"If the old man's guess is correct, your primordial spirit should not be enough to manifest. Today I will let you open your eyes and see what it's like to stand at the pinnacle of martial arts!"

The old man laughed strangely, golden light flickered between his brows, and a small golden figure flew out of it, exuding a terrifying aura and drifting towards Li Xiaobai, almost without any hindrance, it burrowed into Li Xiaobai's body.

"See, this is the old man's primordial spirit. After decades of work, it has already materialized!"

"It will penetrate into your body and eat up your dantian, which is as small as dust, and that feeling will definitely make you want to stop!"

"Speaking of which, when the old man cut open your junior sister's lower abdomen bit by bit on the bed, the painful screams made people linger forever!"

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