Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter Six Hundred And Eighty Fifth Minefield Dance

The little golden man laughed strangely in Li Xiaobai's body, which could be clearly heard, and the listeners couldn't help but shudder.

The power of the primordial spirit is not a secret to the level of Huaxu Hedao, but to ordinary warriors, it is a godly method that has no power to parry.

The golden villain is the essence of the old man's primordial spirit, and all his cultivation is reflected in him. Although the ministers don't understand how to use the primordial spirit, they also know that the overlord's primordial spirit has penetrated into Li Xiaobai's body already has an absolute advantage.

Perhaps Li Xiaobai's life and death at this moment are all in the mind of the Supreme Emperor!

"Are you so confident that you can eat me?"

Li Xiaobai's eyes flickered fiercely. In his eyes, the golden villain whom the other party was so proud of was worthless, and he didn't even have the qualifications to resist him. He wanted to use the most brutal means to destroy the opponent's will .

"Hehe, you devil, you don't even know you're about to die, just like your slut junior sister!"

Chen Yuanyuan sarcastically said, in her opinion, the Supreme Emperor has already established the victory, and the devil is just being stubborn. Thinking about it, how can a young man in his early twenties be able to compete with an old man who has lived for more than a hundred years? monster?

She was the one who was worrying unfoundedly before.

"Shut up, you bitch and poisonous woman, are you worthy of mentioning my little junior sister? I won't kill you directly, I will let you suffer the most painful torture in the world, and die unwillingly in endless regret."

Li Xiaobai shouted angrily.

"Hehe, you scared me to death. The young man is so angry, but I want to mention it, my sister. Your little junior sister is a slut. She said no, but her body is very honest. I feel pity for the way you greet me!"

"One more thing you have to understand is that it is a supreme honor to be able to serve the Supreme Emperor to bed. It is the virtue accumulated by the ancestors of that bitch for eight generations. If you still want to accumulate some virtue for future generations, I advise you to kneel on the ground and kowtow. Apologize, maybe the emperor's ancestor is in a good mood, maybe he will spare your dog's life!"

With a sneer on Chen Yuanyuan's face, she said resolutely, touching Li Xiaobai's Ni Lin crazily.

In fact, she didn't know what happened in the Empress Dowager's chamber at all, but it didn't stop her talking nonsense and provoking Li Xiaobai's anger.

"Hehe, let me tell you something, that woman tastes really good, and what's even more rare is that she is still a virgin. I feel sorry for her death."

There was a playful expression in the eyes of the old man, and he said with some teasing.

At this moment, his primordial spirit has entered Li Xiaobai's body, wandering through the eight extraordinary meridians, and will soon reach the dantian. It can be said that the other party's life and death are all in his mind now, but he still has some exercises to master Got it, decided to play around first.

"The world listens to your teachings, regards you as a savior, and calls me a devil, but they don't know that the savior in their hearts is the real sinner. I used to think that good and evil in the world have always been distinct, just like black and white. , either black or white."

"But now, you have taught me a truth. Good and evil are written by the strong. You control the will of the people, conceal the truth, carry out ulterior crimes in private, and play with the world's creatures like fools. It's really pathetic!"

"You said just now that you want to swallow my dantian? An ant can't swallow an elephant."

"Just try, I will let you understand the difference between Yinghuo and Haoyue!"

As the saying goes, anger to the extreme will make people calm down. Li Xiaobai is in such a state now, but only he knows that this state is even more terrifying. He just needs to wait for an opportunity, one that is enough for him to show the power of destruction. The opportunity of the earth's power, and then, he will tear the person in front of him into pieces with lightning speed!

"Sharp teeth, sharp mouth, ignorant of flattery!"

"Wait until the old man destroys you, and see what else you have to say!"

The old man's complexion was quite gloomy, the power of primordial spirit swept across, and his mind was completely absorbed in the little golden man, directing the little man to move quickly in Li Xiaobai's body, reaching the dantian in the blink of an eye.

"Hmph, the old man has arrived at Dantian, boy, let's face the fear..."

The old man's sullen voice came from the dantian, but immediately, the laughter stopped abruptly.

Then came the old man's screams.

"How is this possible, how can this thing be Dantian!"

"How could your dantian be so vast and vast!"

"What demon technique have you cultivated!"

In Li Xiaobai's body, old voices kept coming, yelling, and the surrounding civil and military officials were stunned for a while. They couldn't see the internal scene and didn't understand what happened.

It seems that the primordial spirit of the Supreme Emperor encountered something terrifying in Li Xiaobai's dantian?

Inside Dantian.

The golden villain Yuanshen is located above the dantian, and in front of his eyes is the endless vast galaxy. The rolling river of internal force seems to run through the universe and flow into endless years. Where is this dantian? This is clearly a universe!

The most important thing is that all of these are transformed by internal force. It is hard to imagine how deep internal force is needed. It can no longer be described as deep. I am afraid that adding up all the internal forces of the warriors in the world will not be as good as the scene before you.

In contrast, the small lake in his dantian is like a tiny place, unable to cause any waves in this universe.

"Is this also the effect of the God Transformation Art? It continuously absorbs people's internal energy to fill up the dantian, and uses the internal energy to evolve a galaxy. This kind of thing, I dare not even think about it, but this child has easily realized it. This old man of the Spirit Transformation Art Must get it!"

A stern look appeared in the eyes of the little golden man. No matter how strong the internal force is, at their level, the internal force can only be regarded as a foreign object after all, low-level energy. Only the power of the primordial spirit can It is the purest power in the world.

He wants to use the power of Yuanshen to destroy the dantian of this universe!


The little golden man turned into a beam of sword light and rushed straight into the galaxy, blasting the stars one after another, causing the sky to roll with internal energy, and the thunder roared loudly.

The old man laughed loudly, "It doesn't matter how much internal power you have, if the power of the primordial spirit can't keep up, it's just a paper tiger after all. Let's see how this old man smashes your dantian and blows up your galaxy!"

The power of the primordial spirit oscillated, and the entire dantian set off waves of turmoil, one after another the stars were blown up, and the golden villain was flying all the way. He wanted to rush to the barrier of the dantian, and completely shattered this piece of void with one big method.

What he didn't know was that at this moment, the outside world was completely different.

The eyes of the few remaining officials were all staring blankly at Li Xiaobai's lower abdomen. They could feel the terrifying fluctuations coming from it, and they also knew that the Supreme Emperor was using his supernatural powers to attack Li Xiaobai. Smash the opponent's dantian.

But Li Xiaobai's performance surprised them.

Seeing the young man's stomach rumbling, he stretched out his hand to touch it, and muttered to himself, "Should I eat it now, or eat it later?"

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