Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 694 Brother Li, You Are Very Humorous

Although the attribute points brought by the blood sacrifice fragments are temporarily useless, this thing is related to the system's mission achievement. What's more, the blood sacrifice fragments seem to be vaguely related to the conspiracy of mysterious figures in the upper world. This alone is enough to make Li Xiaobai Come and explore.

Continue walking along the corridor, the corridor is very dark, Li Xiaobai walked for a while leaning against the wall of the corridor, a light appeared in front of his eyes, it was the light coming from a small room.

This small house should be the residence of the warden.

The structure of the sky prison is very similar to that of the dungeon. After entering the door, you will first pass through the warden's room before entering the world inside the tower.

"Young master, please come in. I already know about your matter, so please sit down for a while."

A gentle voice came from the room and said, the voice was a man.

"I'm bothering you."

Li Xiaobai responded, pushed the door open and entered.

The smell of books in the house is very strong. Under the candlelight, the rows of bookshelves are filled with various scrolls and parchment rolls, which look antique.

The furnishings in this hut are quite simple, except for the rows of bookshelves near the wall, there is only a table and two chairs left. The room is not big, but it looks a bit empty.

A young man in white was holding a scripture scroll in his hand, got up with a faint smile on his face, pulled a chair for him respectfully, and raised his hands and feet full of bookishness and elegance.

This is a master with extremely high xinxing cultivation base!

"Your Majesty has already sent someone to explain the matter about my uncle, please sit down, my uncle, and let me register for you."

"I am the warden Yang Tian in this day's prison. You can just call me Xiaotian."

"On weekdays, I am mainly responsible for sending the prisoners in, but my uncle's situation is special, and I will be responsible for sending him out later."

Yang Tian said with a faint smile, just this sentence Li Xiaobai understood the subtext of the other party's words. This day, he could only go in and out of the prison, and the prisoners who came in had never gone out, so he just caught them and didn't let them go.

The young man took the pen and paper elegantly, and began to write the basic information of Li Xiaobai in an eloquent manner, then took out an identity token and handed it over.

"This is my uncle's identity token. Please keep it well. It has my uncle's number written on it. Other criminals have their own areas of activity. The token will restrict them from leaving their respective floors."

"However, my uncle's situation is special. In principle, I will not restrict my uncle's activity area, but the pressure on each floor is very different. I hope my uncle can do what he can, and don't hurt yourself in a moment of recklessness."

Yang Tian spoke quite politely, and his attitude towards Donghai's future son-in-law was very good.

"Don't worry, Brother Tian, ​​I know what's in my mind, I won't mess around."

Li Xiaobai took the token, but he was not used to it. It was the first time he was treated so politely. It seems that the title of Mr. Zhuang is quite useful in the East China Sea.

The small token is carved from ancient wood, and the species cannot be seen. It is engraved with the three characters of Li Xiaobai in a flying and flying pattern, and the back is blank.

The other party's arrangement was exactly what he wanted. If he wanted to explore the tower and find the blood sacrifice fragments, he naturally needed permission to move freely.

This Yang Tian is on the right track!

In fact, another person will make the same decision, because as long as you understand the meaning of the above, it is not difficult to find that the old dragon king deliberately wants to sharpen Li Xiaobai, help him consolidate himself and lay a solid foundation.

In this way, it is naturally impossible to block the other party's actions.

"My lord, please practice on the first and second floors. Don't go up to the third floor. The criminals on the third floor are vicious and dangerous."

Yang Tian made a gesture of invitation, still speaking softly.

"Well, I'll be careful."

Li Xiaobai nodded, he didn't understand Yang Tian's real meaning, it was dangerous to just treat the prisoner from the third floor up.

Putting away the token, the ink is no longer there at the moment, and the head is held high, and it is stepping into the world inside the tower.

Taking a step forward, Li Xiaobai went straight to the first floor, and the system attribute value panel was beating wildly at this moment.

Attribute point +5000...

Attribute point +5000...

Attribute point +5000...

The first floor doesn't seem to be as scary as I imagined, and this attribute point is only equivalent to the high-level pressure of the Transcendence Tribulation Stage.

However, the cultivation base of the prisoners in the first floor is only barely enough to enter the Mahayana period, and it is difficult to mobilize their cultivation base after serving the prisoner's special imprisonment. In addition, they have been living under this pressure for many years, which makes their actions very difficult. It was sluggishness, struggling under the weight.

Li Xiaobai can understand their feelings very well. After all, there is no aura in the prison this day, and it depends on physical strength to resist the heavy pressure.

But this is just the trouble of the original residents. For him who has a system, maybe only the top layer will give him a little pressure.

At the gate, Yang Tian watched quietly for a while, and after confirming that Li Xiaobai could move and live freely in the tower, he turned and left.

"Young master is amazing. You can move freely on the first floor at such a young age. You must know that the Sky Prison is a paradise for Mahayana prisoners."

"I, Donghai, may be about to prosper."


There are quite a few caves on the first floor, all of which are prison cells.

Following the guidance of the small token, Li Xiaobai found his own cave. In order to take care of him, Yang Tian set his residence on the first floor, which can effectively avoid accidents.

Perhaps it was because there were no newcomers in the sky prison for too long. After seeing Li Xiaobai's appearance, many prisoners walked towards him slowly.

"Newcomer, what's your name?"

"What did you do to get in here?"

"How's the outside world?"

"Is the old Dragon King dead? He should be dying soon, right?"

"Ten years have passed in a flash, is there still a legend about me in the Fairy Continent?"

In front of the cave, a group of prisoners surrounded Li Xiaobai's cave with water and asked questions in a hurry.

These prisoners are all disheveled and disheveled. They are slightly hunched due to the pressure, and they look extremely miserable.

After counting, there were about ten prisoners, all of whom were in the Mahayana period.

"My name is Li Xiaobai. I actually didn't do anything wrong. The old Dragon King wanted me to be his son-in-law. I said I would think about it, and then he threw me in. But it's okay, we'll go out after a while." , These days, I have to cover you, big brothers."

Li Xiaobai clasped his fists and said to everyone very politely.

The audience was quiet for a while, and then suddenly thunderous laughter broke out.

"Hahaha, little brother really knows how to joke!"

"That kid Yang Tian didn't lie to me when I came in, it's true that everyone here is talented, and they speak nicely!"

"Brother Li, you are very humorous!"

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