Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter Six Hundred And Ninety Fifth \"Very Evil\"

Looking at the many laughing prisoners in front of him, Li Xiaobai spread his hands helplessly and said, "I'm not joking, I'm telling the truth."

"I really didn't do anything wrong!"

"I understand, brother, I understand everything!"

"Yeah, I actually didn't do anything serious, but I was brought in by the old Dragon King."

"People here don't really do anything wrong."

Hearing this, all the prisoners showed a look that I understand, and looked at Li Xiaobai with a look of sympathy. Compared.

"Well, you guys really misunderstood me. I am really Dong Hai's son-in-law, and that little princess is my future wife."

"We came here to experience life, and we can go out after a while."

Li Xiaobai was speechless, why no one believed the truth these days?

"Then what is Brother Li's cultivation level? He can walk freely in this prison at such a young age. He must be a rising star among the famous families?"

A prisoner continued to ask.

"I'm just a passerby walking on the road of invincibility, and my mere cultivation is not worth mentioning."

Li Xiaobai said proudly with his hands behind his back.

"Yeah, another stupid guy."

"The old Dragon King is too fierce, this time he actually beat people to the point of brain damage, and he is still as fierce!"

"It seems that the prison escape has to be delayed, let's wait another ten years."

"To the extreme, to the extreme, let the old dragon king be exhausted first, brother, since you have entered the sky prison, we are brothers on the same boat, we will escape from prison and run away, we will not leave you behind."

Listening to Li Xiaobai's remarks, the prisoners looked at him like idiots.

In the past, there have been prisoners who couldn't recognize the reality, but at most they just thought that they were strong and wanted to be the boss of the prison. After undergoing some realistic beatings, they quickly recognized themselves.

But it was the first time I met someone who said that he was Donghai's son-in-law as soon as he came up like this.

Going out in a while?

Are you coming to travel?

This is a sky prison, there is a place where there is no way out, and the boss who came in has never seen it and was released again. Even the terrifying existence that was thrown in a month ago has not seen how big it can be found in this tower. spray.

It seems that the old dragon king really gave his brain a watt, and it should be fine in a few days.

"Are there only a dozen or so prisoners like us in the prison today?"

Li Xiaobai didn't want to get entangled with them, and started to inquire about the situation in the tower.

"That's right, we originally had fifteen prisoners on the first floor, and with you, there are sixteen people. This prison is no better than other places. The prisoners are all elites. If you don't have a Mahayana cultivation base, your head will be sharpened." Don't even think about coming in."

"And we have the largest number of people on the first floor. There are only seven or eight people on the second floor. From the third floor onwards, each floor only detains one person."

"If the existence in the sky prison is released, they will all be shocking figures!"

An older prisoner saw what was going on in Li Xiaobai's mind and explained it. It could be heard that this guy seemed quite proud of being able to live in the prison.

But what the other party said is not wrong. The prisoners in the sky prison all started at the Mahayana stage. Even if they are only the weakest Mahayana stage outside, they can be regarded as top masters. It is indeed impossible to detain too many prisoners.

To have more than twenty people is already considered a very large dark force.

"Why is only one person detained on each floor starting from the third floor?" Li Xiaobai continued to ask.

"Because starting from the third floor, the imprisoned are poor, vicious, extreme, and evil. The strength of these four people is all at the high level of the Mahayana period. It is said that the last villain is infinitely close to the peak of the Mahayana period. Realm, strength is unfathomable, for prisoners like me on the first and second floors, those upper floors are forbidden!"

"However, the tokens we are waiting for are all restricted, and there will be no prisoners running around on various floors. It is still very safe to stay here."

The prisoner continued.

"I see."

Li Xiaobai nodded, feeling dumb in his heart. Hearing what Yang Tian said before, he thought that the prisoners in the tower were vicious criminals, but he never thought that these vicious criminals were the code names of the four criminals.

Only one person is detained on each floor, which is enough to show that the East China Sea Dragon Palace attaches great importance to these four people.

"When I came here, someone once told me that the seventh floor seemed to imprison an extremely powerful existence with unfathomable strength."

"I don't know who is imprisoned on the seventh floor. Could it be that they are more tyrannical than those four people who have committed the most crimes?"

Li Xiaobai thought about it, recalling what Long Zhan had said to him before, he was a little curious whether the boss on the seventh floor was the one he knew.

"Hehe, Brother Li is quite well informed. Yes, the person imprisoned on the seventh floor is a taboo existence. It was the old dragon king who personally carried him to the seventh floor. I can’t even forget it, it’s a deterrent from the soul.”

"I dare to use my lower body to bet that the big man on the seventh floor is definitely half-human immortal!"

"However, he forced him to be strong, and in the prison, there is still only one end to be suppressed!"

"Yeah, I don't know how he provoked the old Dragon King, it's too miserable."

A prisoner interrupted and said that goosebumps would appear on their bodies as soon as that person was mentioned, and the horror scene of that day is still vivid in their minds to this day.

After all, after all, these prisoners only felt the destructive aura from a distance, and did not see the appearance of the big man with their own eyes. They wanted to confirm whether the other party was the sea clan boss they knew. Gotta go and see for yourself.

"Thank you for telling me. Hearing what you said, I immediately feel that the prison is much safer today."

"By the way, why did you brothers come in?"

Li Xiaobai blinked, changed the topic, looked at the people in front of him and asked.

"I didn't do anything. I just sat on the dragon chair in the palace hall, but I was caught. I have to say that the Dragon King is a bit petty."

"I am more wronged than you. I just sewed a leather bag with dragon scales and dragon skin, and I was going to give it to my sweetheart. It was made of dragon skin, but the woman was so scared that she went to report to the police. Mad, she didn't know How much hardship I have paid for skinning, I was cheated by my own family!"

"All of you are just making troubles. It's nothing compared to the old man's crimes. You all know the biggest and kindest Ye Ming Pearl above the imperial city. More than ten years ago, the old man Yidong Haiwu Fish ink smeared that Ye Ming pearl into black!"

"That was a feat. The old man became famous in one battle, and everyone in the East China Sea Dragon Palace knows about it!"

"Fuck, it turned out that senior did it that time, disrespect and disrespect!"

"My role model!"

As soon as the "brilliant deeds" of the past were mentioned, all the prisoners became energetic and talked up, spitting stars flying around, pointing Jiang Shan, and berating Fang Qiu.

Looking at the excited crowd in front of him, Li Xiaobai stroked his forehead, feeling that these people's brains were a little abnormal.

In the future, I should avoid contact with subtleties, and I will be infected by them...

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