The huge heart behind Li Xiaobai was thumping wildly, its blood color was ferocious and coquettish, emitting a strange light.

The tentacles were covered with bloody bones and flesh, dripping down.

Compared with the scene like a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood in front of us, the illusion of the underworld created by the "fierce" was as childish as a child, and it was not worth mentioning at all.

"Take it away, take it away!"

"You guys actually bully children!"

"Uncle and baby knew it was wrong, you quickly absorbed this supernatural power!"

"The baby's thin skin and tender meat are not delicious, you can eat it when the baby grows up!"

'Fierce' fell to the ground and burst into tears, the surrounding walls full of bloody tentacles terrified her. In his eyes, the current Li Xiaobai seems to have become a demon who eats children raw.

The bloody tentacles in front of her eyes and the beating heart of the gorefiend were all teasing her nerves.


Li Xiaobai said that he was very speechless. He didn't know what to do. The little girl was scared and cried. It seems that the previous cruel appearance was all faked. This guy is also a strong outsider.

In desperation, he put away the Gorefiend's heart, looked at 'Fierce' and asked, "You are 'Fierce', do you have a name?"

"I am so surprised!"

"The baby's name is 'Ji', a name bestowed by the old Dragon King."

'Fierce' patted his small chest, and his pale little face regained a trace of rosiness, as if he was still in shock.

"Why do you want to swallow monsters alive here?"

Li Xiaobai asked.

There was deep fear in the 'fierce' eyes, and he said cautiously, "Uncle, although the baby's appetite is small, he still wants to eat meat."

You have a small appetite?

Li Xiaobai's forehead is full of black lines, the stumps of monsters all over the floor have never been broken, do you call this a small appetite?

But he didn't bother much, and continued to ask, "Then what kind of race are you, and you actually need to eat monsters alive, why don't you just ask the warden to serve cooked food?"

"What is cooked food? This baby has always eaten it directly. Yang Tian said that eating this way can keep more spiritual power contained in the flesh and blood, and it is good for the teeth."

The 'fierce' eyes were a little puzzled, obviously not understanding what cooked food meant.

But immediately she stood up with her head held high, her small face full of pride and said:

"Baby is a Heaven-swallowing Beast of the Moonlight Clan. Its bloodline can be traced back to the upper realm. The ancestor lived on the moon. He is a powerful and coquettish figure!"

"This baby will definitely become a famous big shot in the future. Uncle, if you let me go today, this baby will definitely protect you in a hundred years!"

'Fierce' patted his chest, and said in an old-fashioned manner with a look of all-encompassing.

Li Xiaobai was speechless suddenly, God is so kind to his teeth, the prison warden Yang Tian looked gentle and refined, but unexpectedly he was also a black belly.

This guy obviously thought it was troublesome to cook, so he just threw the corpse of the monster in.

However, according to what the other party said, he also understood the general idea. This little cute creature has a lot of origins. The monster that can live on the moon is a big man. Although the Sky Swallowing Beast has never been heard of before, it should be as famous as the legendary species.

The power of the bloodline actually comes from the upper realm, and the main purpose of devouring the flesh and blood of monsters is probably to absorb the remaining spiritual power in these flesh and blood.

It's just that the spiritual power that can be obtained by devouring corpses is too thin, and she is a big eater herself, so she will continue to devour flesh and blood.

"Swallowing beast?"

The name seems to be a great beast, but from this little guy's mouth, no matter how it sounds, it feels so unreliable.

"Then tell me, what is so strange about this Sky Swallowing Beast?"

"My clan's magical skills are so great that they can swallow the sky with one mouthful. Everything in the world can be swallowed!"

'Fierce' pointed to the sky with one hand and the ground with the other, as if he was the only one in the sky and the earth.

"Show yourself and let Uncle see."

Li Xiaobai said lightly.

"This is not very good, the Tuntian clan is born with extraordinary martial arts, revealing the body will scare you, uncle."

Hearing that he needed to show his real body, 'Fierce' suddenly twitched.

"Don't dawdle, my patience is limited, so hurry up and change your body, or I'll just suck you up and fuck you."

Li Xiaobai said quietly, there was faint blood flowing in his eyes, and a bloody heart faintly emerged behind him.

"Don't, don't kill me!"

In an instant, the 'fierce' hair stood on end, screamed, and his body twisted and quickly revealed his body.

The smoke and dust cleared, and a giant creature appeared in front of his eyes. It was a ferocious beast in the shape of a toad. Its body was white, shining like white jade. The faint cold air blew, making people feel a burst of coldness.

Li Xiaobai's forehead was throbbing with blue veins, and his complexion was even darker. This thing was a toad at all. From all aspects, it was just a toad, a cold white jade toad.

How can there be the slightest bit of might and domineering that "fierce" said before?

Also claiming to be a swallowing beast?

This product is really unreliable!

"Hehe, it turned out to be a toad. Let's go play with the mud. Uncle has gone to the fifth floor."

Seeing the body of this product, a look of disappointment flashed in Li Xiaobai's eyes, he lost interest in it, and turned around to leave.

"Hey, this baby is a swallowing beast!"

"The descendants of the Moonlight Clan, how can they be compared with a vulgar thing like a toad!"

Hearing this, 'Fierce' immediately frowned like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, and said angrily.

She also knows that her appearance is not good, but she firmly believes that her blood is strong, and she is a descendant of blood descended from the upper realm.

Li Xiaobai thought for a while, flipped his wrist, took out a pack of Hua Zi and threw it to 'Ji' and said, "If you smoke this, you don't have to eat minced meat every day."

'Fierce' was a little puzzled, took out a Huazi and put it into his mouth like Li Xiaobai, lit it, swallowed a cloud of smoke, and then his pupils shrank suddenly, and his little face was quickly congested and red, full of disbelief.

"What is this!"

"It can actually improve this baby's comprehension. If one sticks down, the inheritance in this baby's mind will become clearer!"

"Hey, uncle, you actually have such a fetish. In the future, this baby really doesn't have to eat flesh and blood!"

'Fierce' was in high spirits, his eyes filled with excitement.

"Practice well, be a well-educated toad, don't do this barbaric act of eating raw flesh and blood again, let Yang Tian get you some cooked food next time."

Li Xiaobai smiled lightly, turned around and walked towards the fifth floor. He had already confirmed that there were no blood sacrifice fragments on this floor, and there was nothing to miss.

The 'fierce' behind her was stunned for a moment, then yelled and cursed again, wanted to get back on the stage but held back, the sugar coating and shells completely subdued her, and she couldn't resist Li Xiaobai in the slightest.

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