Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 704 Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder \"Extremely\"

fifth floor.

Li Xiaobai couldn't help but smile when he heard the 'fierce' yelling from behind, that little girl is quite cute.

Pass through the barrier and enter a brand new space.

The smell of blood in his mouth and nose disappeared in an instant, and he greedily breathed in the fresh air. He didn't know if it was a psychological effect, but he felt that the air in the fifth floor was particularly fresh and pleasant, as if it came from a grassland.

Attribute points +40000...

Attribute points +40000...

Attribute points +40000...

The value of the attribute points of this layer skyrocketed again, reaching as much as 40,000. It seems that every time one goes up, the system attribute points will increase by 10,000.

After taking a few deep breaths, Li Xiaobai completely got rid of the bloody smell in his nasal cavity, and he couldn't help showing a smile on his face, "It's better to have a clean and tidy room, which is pleasing to the eye and smells good."

Then walk towards the center of the fifth floor.

On this floor, he also didn't see any people directly. The person living on the fifth floor should be the "Ji" of the four-member group of "Extremely Vicious". The third floor is a miser, and the fourth floor is a big eater. I don't know this floor. What kind of existence will it be.

As before, adhering to the idea that thieves do not leave empty space and put an end to all extravagance and waste, Li Xiaobai pocketed all the Ye Mingzhu on the side of the road as he walked. But there are a lot of people around, and the complete set should be able to sell for a good price.

In the center of the fifth floor, there are two small wooden houses, and the decorations in front of each small wooden house are exactly the same. There are two rows of vegetation in front of the houses, and each has a fenced enclosure. The first row is spider plants, and the second row is some unknown. famous yellow flowers.

There is a cobblestone pavement outside the fence, and there is a small lake on each side.

As he got closer, Li Xiaobai frowned slightly, feeling that the scenery in this place was a bit inconsistent. It was beautiful, but it seemed to be too symmetrical, and the symmetry was a bit abnormal.

The two wooden houses are exactly the same in height, short, fat and thin, and even the number of logs used on the eaves is surprisingly the same. Not only that, he also found that each tree on the hanging baskets on both sides has nine leaves, no more than one, no less. The size, length and width are exactly the same.

"Is this copied with magical powers?"

"But what's the point of doing that?"

Li Xiaobai was a little puzzled. He didn't need to look at him to know that the size of the two lakes should be exactly the same. Not only that, the number of cobblestones paved on the roads on both sides was probably exactly the same, but he didn't understand. What is the opponent's intention to create such a mirror world?

Could it be that this is where the 'extreme' domain is located?

Just as he was about to explore further, he heard a "squeak", and the door of one of the wooden houses opened, and a man in white walked out slowly with a scripture in his hand, closed the door, and stood in the middle of the two houses. He smiled and said, "The visitor is a guest, but brother, is the new inmate on the fifth floor?"

"I'm Li Xiaobai, I'm here to experience life, I happened to pass by the fifth floor..."

Li Xiaobai felt relieved, cupped his fists and said, it seemed that the 'ji' on this level didn't have much hostility, but then he saw the eyes of the young man in white suddenly change.

The young man in white suddenly screamed, as if he had seen something terrifying, pointed behind Li Xiaobai tremblingly and said, "You are not an inmate on the fifth floor, you just came from the fourth floor." !"

"Damn it, you actually came directly from that hillbilly's territory, do you know that there are bloodstains under your feet!"

"Because of you redneck, my fifth layer is asymmetrical!"

'Ji' looked ferocious, and rushed towards Li Xiaobai in a flash, with a strong and fierce aura rushing towards his face, setting off gusts of wind.

Li Xiaobai looked shocked, and instinctively took out a long sword to subdue the opponent, but the young man in white didn't attack, but passed by and quickly rushed to the entrance of the fifth floor, took out a handkerchief and began to wipe the ground quickly bloody footprints.

Appear anxious and irritable.

After a cup of tea, the young man in white wiped away the bloody footprints on the ground, and then knelt down to wipe Li Xiaobai's shoes clean.

"You country bumpkin almost ruined my event!"

"The guy who came up from the fourth floor really doesn't understand any rules!"

"Come here, stand on this stone brick and don't move!"

The young man in white had a cold tone and cold eyes, and directed Li Xiaobai to stand in the middle of the road, and then he and Li Xiaobai stood on the same straight line and faced each other far away.

No need to ask, Li Xiaobai has already fully understood that this guy is an obsessive-compulsive disorder!

Moreover, he is an obsessive-compulsive disorder with extreme cleanliness, so all the objects on the fifth floor are double, and they are exactly the same!

"Uh, I'm Li Xiaobai, I'm being polite here, may I ask your brother's name?"

Li Xiaobai asked.

"I'm 'Ji', I don't welcome you here, so go away."

'Ji' said angrily, opening his mouth is to chase people away. In his opinion, Li Xiaobai's existence is completely an anomaly, an existence that can only walk around on the fifth floor and disrupt his symmetry law!

"Can you tell me about the sixth and seventh floors?"

Li Xiaobai didn't take it seriously, and continued to say that there were no traces of blood-stained fragments on this floor either.

"It's just two vulgar people, what can I say?"

"Leave quickly, don't disturb the fifth floor!"

'Ji' said lightly, with disdain for him in his words.

But due to etiquette, Li Xiaobai still made a pot of tea, and they each had a teacup in their hands. It could be seen that he was a very cultivated person.

"I want to go around every floor. I heard that the prisoners on the top two floors are all great masters. Can you explain in detail?"

Li Xiaobai said slowly.

He found that the other party's movement of holding the teacup would follow his movements, and it was always symmetrical with his posture. funny.

"Don't move!" 'Ji' was exasperated, and the anger in his eyes burned again.

"The person imprisoned on the sixth floor is nothing more than a lunatic. He only brags about how powerful he is all day long. He has a whole body of cultivation, and he has already been crippled."

"As for the seventh floor, it's not a place for you country bumpkins to go to. There is a terrifying existence imprisoned there. It is very likely that he is half-step into the realm of immortality. He can shatter you with a sneeze. Don't take it for yourself. Disgrace, step back quickly!"

For Li Xiaobai, the look of disdain in the eyes of "Ji" is not a contempt of strength, but a temperament. The eyes are like saying that no matter how strong you are, you are just a country bumpkin!

"That's it, then I will take my leave."

Li Xiaobai looked at the other party's disdainful eyes, and a smile flashed in his eyes. He casually wiped a little dirt on the ground, and lightly tapped it on the white shirt on his chest. It was very dazzling.

Sure enough, in the next second, 'Ji' blew up again, and the stain on Li Xiaobai's chest made his eyebrows almost twist into a twine, and violent emotions emerged in his heart again, and he rushed forward without saying anything. Xiaobai had a set of cleaning done on the skirt, almost refurbishing the whole skirt.

"Hey, thank you buddy, I'm sorry to bother you to clean up my country bumpkin's clothes yourself."

Li Xiaobai smiled sinisterly.

"A mere hillbilly, dare to tease me, you are finished!"

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