Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 705: The \"Evil\" Of Precision

'Ji' looked annoyed, a terrifying aura gushed out from his dantian, and he was about to strike.

A golden book page emerged from the void, slowly falling towards Li Xiaobai, intending to suppress him.

Li Xiaobai smiled slightly, not dodging or dodging, tapped his toes, and kicked a cobblestone on the road aside, 'Ji' immediately screamed, picked up the pebble, carefully placed it back on the road, The terrifying pressure in the void dissipated in an instant.

"Hahaha, people in the city are different. Such a love of cleanliness is indeed different from people from the countryside like me. They are very pursuing everything. I admire it, so I will leave first."

Li Xiaobai laughed loudly, intentionally left a line of footprints in the dirt, and walked away.



"Country people are just ignorant!"

"Don't let me see you again!"

In the back, 'Ji' angrily scolded Li Xiaobai for being nothing. He wanted to do something but forcibly held back. He squatted on the ground and carefully wiped the shoe prints. For him, keeping the fifth floor clean and tidy was the most important thing.

Li Xiaobai chuckled inwardly, he was able to deal with obsessive-compulsive disorder with ease, especially with such obvious obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Just a stain, a string of shoe prints is enough to disrupt the opponent's pace, I really don't know how such a guy has cultivated to this level.


sixth floor.

This is the last person in the group of four, the location of 'Evil', according to 'Ji', this person is a bit crazy, a lunatic out and out.

But Li Xiaobai didn't care, in his opinion, 'Ji' was more like a lunatic, with obsessive-compulsive disorder to that extent, he was already a lunatic.

The attribute points brought by this layer have increased to as much as 50,000, but the frequency of increase is not as fast as before.

The aisle was empty, and a man could vaguely be heard cursing, as if he was scolding someone.

Li Xiaobai continued to walk in for a while, and when he paused, he heard another man's voice. It seemed that there were two people arguing with each other on this floor, which made people a little confused. Is it imprisoned by one person?

Why is there an extra person on the sixth floor? Could it be that he was brought in recently and the other prisoners didn't know?

Walking towards the direction where the sound came from, it was a cave, perhaps because no strangers had come here all year round, the door was open, and the sound inside was more real.

"Trash! Trash! You are a trash!"

"You can't even do such a small thing well. If it weren't for the sake of you and me being brothers, I would have killed you a long time ago!"

"If it wasn't for you, how could I have been caught by the old Dragon King?"

"Hurry up and wipe the floor clean!"

The man roared violently.

"It's my fault, brother, calm down, I'll wipe it off!"

Another voice came out obediently, looking very fearful.

"Well, there are really two of them?"

Li Xiaobai frowned, wanting to get closer to hear what the two of them were arguing about in the cave.

But at this moment, the noise in the cave stopped abruptly.

"Who's outside!"

"Dare to eavesdrop on what I'm saying, are you getting impatient?"

The rough voice suddenly said.

"Brother, maybe the warden is here."

The submissive voice reminded in a low voice.

"You bastard, you're so stupid, that guy Yang Tian always walks in with integrity, how could he stand at the door and eavesdrop like this guy!"

"Hurry up and see who is coming?"

The rough voice said angrily.

Li Xiaobai knew that he had been discovered, so he didn't hide. He walked out of the corner generously, stood in front of the cave gate, and said with a smile, "You two Taoists are friends. I'm next to you, Li Xiaobai. I passed by the treasure land to find something."

But then his eyes froze for a moment, because at the moment, there was only a pale young man in the cave, wearing a red robe, as thin as a stick, with blue lips and sunken eye sockets. God is extremely depressed.

But the hair color is very novel, half black and half white, quite well-proportioned.

"It turned out to be Mr. Li. My name is 'Shan'. I'm being polite here. I don't know what Mr. Li is looking for. Maybe I can help some people."

The young man smiled lightly, appearing very friendly.

"'Good'? Could it be that there is another person named 'Evil' in the cave?"

Li Xiaobai asked, a little puzzled, looking around but still did not find the figure of the other person, very mysterious.

"Why tell him so much!"

"This kid looks like a newcomer in the dungeon, kill him with your hands!"

The young man's complexion suddenly became ferocious and ferocious, which was quite different from the meek expression just now, as if he had changed into a different person.

"We are all inmates, multiple friends have multiple paths, we cannot kill them!"

"No one can live with us in the same room. One mountain cannot accommodate two tigers. There is only one overlord in the fifth floor. Either he dies or I die. Be him!"

"do not kill!"

"Kill him quickly!"


The young man staged a scene in the cave where people changed into living beings. He kept talking to himself like a face-changing Sichuan opera, and his voice switched back and forth between rough and weak. If he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes, he would never have thought of it. The conversation was actually made by one person.

Li Xiaobai understood that there seemed to be two consciousnesses in this young man's mind, one was 'good' and the other was 'evil', this is a typical schizophrenia.

Moreover, the split was very thorough, and a second personality was born. From their quarrel, Li Xiaobai deduced that 'good' is the leader of this body, and 'evil' should be born later, otherwise the other party would have already died. I rushed up and started.

"Trash, you have always been so weak, that's why you were imprisoned by the old Dragon King, and you have to obey my orders in the future! Hurry up and give me the dominance of your body, and I will help you kill him!"

"This person can go up to the sixth floor. He is considered an outstanding person in the Mahayana period. He must have a lot of treasures on him. We may be able to recover more spiritual power by taking it for ourselves. At that time, we will cooperate with the one above to escape from prison. Get out of this cage completely, understand!"

'Evil' said bitterly, a little impatiently.

"No, with the Imprisonment Pill, no matter how much spiritual power you recover, it will be futile. We simply don't have the ability to mobilize the spiritual power in our bodies, so we can't commit murder in vain! And it was because you were killing people outside that we were killed by the old man. The Dragon King was captured!"

"From now on, you are not allowed to kill people at will!"

'Good' said very firmly, ignoring the request of 'Evil' at all.

"Bastard, don't expose me!"

Li Xiaobai was dumbfounded as he watched from the sidelines, these two people actually conspired loudly in front of him, they wanted to escape from prison, and they escaped from prison together with that terrifying existence on the seventh floor.

This is a little too much information.

"Ahem, it seems that there is nothing I'm looking for here. The two of you continue, so I'll take my leave first."

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