'Evil' still stays in the cave and fights with himself, and screams when he sees someone coming to leave, but 'Good' doesn't move at all, no matter how fierce he is, there is nothing he can do.

A scolding battle was inevitable, Li Xiaobai turned and left in silence.

The Blood Sacrifice Fragment is not on this floor either, it seems to be on the seventh floor.


After a few minutes.

Li Xiaobai came to the step entrance on the seventh floor.

This floor imprisoned the legendary half-step immortal masters. Unlike the lower floors, the top floor formed a small world of its own. There was only one stone wall at the entrance. In front of the stone wall was a small bronze pagoda, which was exactly the same shape as the Linglong Pagoda. A smaller version of the Dungeon.

Twisting slightly, a circle of holes above the stone wall appeared, stepped into it, and faced a turbulent heat wave.

Inside the small world is a secret place of lava. The underground magma is rolling and roaring, and the heat waves are rolling. There is almost no place to stand under the steps. From time to time, huge red waves hit the steps, splashing lava. At the position, a huge prismatic stone block stands, submerged straight into the underground magma.

On the prism-shaped stone, a huge azure blue monster was pierced through and firmly nailed to it. The chains on it, as thick as a horned dragon, were scorched red by the hot breath, intertwined layer by layer, three layers inside and outside. Three layers wrapped the monster tightly, and the parts where the skin was in contact with the chains were obviously burnt, and there was even a faint smell of meat and burnt.

This monster is fat and huge, with a round body and a thin wing on each side. It is indeed a kun!


"Who is here, could it be the old Dragon King?"

A voice resounded faintly, echoing in this small secret realm.

"My lord, Li Xiaobai, is here to find something. Please don't take offense if you disturbed senior."

Li Xiaobai involuntarily widened his eyes and said, he knows this look and this voice too well. This is clearly the big boss of the Sea Clan who was imprisoned in the three small underground secret realms that day. A sum of attribute points, I didn't expect that the monk captured by the old dragon king this time was actually the other party.

When the boss escaped from birth, the phantom of the primordial spirit revealed was the kun in front of him. It is difficult to find a second one of this thing in the world.

It has to be said that this big guy is indeed a bit of a loser, just a few days after escaping from the secret territory of the three sects, he was captured by the old dragon king and suppressed in the small world in the prison.

"It's a bit of a skill to be able to get here..."

"Huh? What did you say your name is?"

Kun, who was originally calm, suddenly opened his eyes wide, and the two small eyeballs shot out, fixedly staring at Li Xiaobai on the steps below.

"Senior, stay safe!"

"It's been a long time since we met again. It's been a long time. I miss you so much."

Li Xiaobai said hello with a smile.

"Bastard bastard, you will appear here, the heavens have eyes!"

"That day you deliberately played with me, and I secretly swore that one day I would make you look good, but I didn't expect you to be imprisoned in just a few months. You are finished, and you will die alone in this prison. , sleeping forever in endless despair!"

Kun roared hoarsely, and the chains all over his body were rattling and rattling. Layers of lava churned and swept, covering the chains with a layer of strange red light, and firmly suppressing them on top of the stones. .

As the saying goes, enemies are extremely jealous when they meet, in his eyes, Li Xiaobai is clearly his enemy.

At the beginning when he was in the secret territory of the three sects, the other party not only did not save him, but deliberately played tricks on him. If he hadn't been exceptionally witty, he might still be trapped in the three sects at this moment. This was the biggest humiliation he had suffered in hundreds of years!

The old dragon king had to go to the back row, and Li Xiaobai was the one he most wanted to take revenge on.

At this moment, being able to see the other party in the dungeon, let alone how happy it is in the heart, the dungeon is a place where there is no entry and exit, and this guy entering here is equivalent to a death sentence.

Seeing Kun's crazy appearance, Li Xiaobai also had mixed feelings in his heart, and he was very emotional, "I didn't expect that when you and I met again, the scene was so amazingly consistent, and it was also in a small world. , Senior, you are also suppressed and unable to move, and this junior is also trapped in this small world."

"It's really a fate to meet a thousand miles away!"

"You bastard is now imprisoned in the sky prison, but you don't need to be imprisoned in a papery small world like the three secret realms. Even if you are half-stepping into the fairyland, you can't get out, and you are the same!"

"Here, no one can save you, you can only spend the rest of your life in this dark world!"

"Laugh to your heart's content, soon you won't be able to laugh anymore!"

Kun said indifferently, Li Xiaobai was really happy to be caught, and I didn't expect the old Dragon King to do a good deed.

"But senior, you seem to be worse than me. You were directly nailed to the pillar of shame. Not only can you not move, but you also have to be roasted by lava day and night. This should be quite uncomfortable for sea monsters, right? ?”

"The floors below are still more comfortable, warm in winter and cool in summer, and there are prisoners chatting on each floor. Everyone and He Meimei live happily every day."

"In comparison, senior, you are indeed a bit pitiful. After all, every time I see you, you are in a state of being suppressed. Maybe the strong are destined to live alone all their lives."

Li Xiaobai shook his head and sighed, as if feeling sorry for the other party.

Hearing this, Kun's expression changed drastically, his fat body twisted continuously, and there were bursts of thunder in the void, as if he couldn't hold back the urge to do something, but he was forcibly suppressed by the chains on his body.

The other party's words deeply stimulated it, indeed, what if this guy comes in, it is the worst mess in the seventh floor, it can't even move, it is the poor man who will die alone in the endless darkness !

"Hey, it's too hot on this floor. There are three players missing when playing cards downstairs. This junior is going to make friends first. Senior, please take care of yourself."

Li Xiaobai said something with a smile, turned around and prepared to leave.

"and many more!"

"Boy, it's too rude to leave after you come and say hello!"

Seeing that Li Xiaobai was about to leave, Kun lost his composure for an instant. Although he scolded fiercely, he still wanted to find someone to talk to. He didn't want to endure endless loneliness again.


"Senior, what else do you want?" Li Xiaobai asked pretending to be surprised.

"Long time no see, I miss you very much, don't rush to leave, let's have a chat."

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