Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 708 Goodbye Five-Color Altar

Attribute points +10000...

Attribute points +10000...

Attribute points +10000...

Ten fragments in a row, one hundred thousand attribute points are credited.

Achievement Troublemaker available.

So far, the number of blood-stained fragments is more than half, and the progress of the achievement task is more than half. Li Xiaobai also discovered the distribution of these fragments, and they seem to be placed in important places in the Fairy Continent.

And these important places are all places with good terrain and rich aura of heaven and earth, so they are probably also places where big forces are entrenched, and they are very recognizable.

"Judging from the streamer just now, the blood-stained fragments seem to have been shot up from below. Are there other treasures at the bottom of the magma?"

Li Xiaobai frowned slightly, talking to himself, relaxed his body and began to sink slowly, ready to look at the bottom, he had taken out a Ye Ming pearl from his body early on, and holding it in his mouth would allow him to stay here Breathe freely in the lava sea water.

The lava is no better than the real sea. The interior is radiant, translucent and shiny, and its spiritual power is extremely strong. He guessed that there should be a formation in this lava secret realm, which cooperates with the sky prison to suppress it.

After sinking more than ten meters, Li Xiaobai felt his feet touched the ground, and a sense of down-to-earth came.

"The bottom of the lake is extremely quiet, and it's not as terrifying as the waves on the surface of the lava."

Walking forward slowly, he groped forward in the world at the bottom of the magma, and soon his footsteps stopped, and a familiar object suddenly appeared in front of him, bursting with five-color light, it was a small five-color altar.

This altar is exactly the same as the one found in the depths of the frontier, with five colors of brilliance.

"There is actually a five-color altar here, and it seems that it has not been discovered yet."

"It seems that the second master didn't come to Donghai to check. I don't know if there is also a powerful person from the upper realm behind this altar."

Li Xiaobai felt very surprised that there was such a place on the site of the Old Dragon King of the East China Sea that could communicate with the upper world, but depending on the situation, the other party didn't know about it, otherwise he would definitely not have stayed here.

Looking closely at this altar, it is different from the dusty altar in the frontier. Because of the lava in the ground, the one in front of me is not covered in dust, nor is it corroded and melted by magma. The surface is very smooth and looks brand new.

It is really puzzling to put the altar here. It is reasonable to say that the altar is a tool to communicate the two worlds, but who would set up the entrance in a piece of magma?

"Go up and talk to Kun, maybe he knows something."

Li Xiaobai didn't put the altar away. The altar was placed at the bottom of the magma and at the top of the dungeon. There was no need to worry about safety. It was definitely the strongest place in the Fairy Continent, much better than what he carried with him.

The most urgent thing is to understand the inside of the altar as soon as possible and prepare early.

Thinking of this, he swam up quickly and resurfaced on the surface of the magma.

"Boy, you are not dead!"

"This underground lava is blessed by formations. Ordinary Mahayana monks will be reduced to ashes if they touch it a little. Even if my body is burned repeatedly, it will burn. How can you be unscathed?"

Seeing Li Xiaobai coming out of the magma, Kun's tone was quite surprised, rushing into the magma was only a dead end, and the other party was able to escape unscathed, which is really unimaginable.

You must know that even this magma feels a little dangerous.

"It's just magma. I usually use it as hot water for bathing." Li Xiaobai smiled lightly.

"It's nonsense, you must have some kind of great secret, and even this magma can't hurt you at all, I have a plan here, are you interested in doing something big together?" Kun said.

"I'm not interested in the prison escape, but there is one thing I want to ask my seniors, so please let me know."

Li Xiaobai said with a smile, he knew what the other party meant. He had heard that the 'evil' on the sixth floor had said that the big boss of the sea clan was going to join the prisoners to escape together.

But he will be able to go out in a few days, and there is no need to escape from prison.

If the big boss of the sea clan in front of him knew the truth of the matter, he might be so angry that he would vomit blood immediately, because he was the only one who was acting passionately from the beginning to the end.

"Tell me, what do you want to ask?"

"Senior, do you know what's under the lava?"

"There are the bloody shards you just mentioned. When I first came here, I stirred the magma with magical powers and vaguely saw it. The power on it is obscure even for me, but it is just a fragment after all. It is not a big deal if you get it. Use." Kun said truthfully.

"Have you ever seen a five-color altar?" Li Xiaobai asked.

"Is there anything else down there?"

Kun asked suspiciously, and immediately, without waiting for Li Xiaobai to open his mouth, he began to use his kung fu, and began to tear the magma below with his supernatural powers. Huge ravines with deep visible bottoms criss-crossed and appeared, revealing the delicate and small magma. Five-color altar.

"There really is something. Could this thing be the formation eye, boy, if you destroy it, maybe this seat will come out!"

Kun shouted loudly, its first reaction was that this thing is the eye of the array. After all, this whole small world operates according to formations, and suddenly seeing such an altar-like thing, one would instinctively think in that direction.

Li Xiaobai knew that the big boss of the sea clan didn't know the altar, but when he saw the big guy silently gathering the spirit energy and preparing to launch a violent attack, he was startled and stopped quickly and said, "Stop, this is not a formation eye!" !"

As he said that, he told the story of the frontier altar, hoping that Kun could analyze something from it. After all, this person has lived for many years. Considering his age, he is the head of the three heads of the old Dragon King and Aolai Kingdom. Grandparents are well-informed.

There is nothing to hide about the altar. The monks from the upper realm have plans for the fairy land, and sooner or later they will put it into action. It is only a matter of time before the altar is exposed. Besides, Kun is being tightly controlled at this moment. Can't do much either.

After listening to Li Xiaobai's narration, Kun fell silent.

After a long time, it asked, "Boy, did the old Dragon King beat you up when you came in?"

"No, I walked in by myself." Li Xiaobai felt a little strange.

"Then what's wrong with your brain?"

Li Xiaobai "..."

"What you said is too mysterious. If the altar is really a channel to communicate the two worlds, wouldn't everyone of us be able to go to a higher level world to practice?"

"Young man, I really don't see it, you are quite good at telling stories."

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