However, after hearing that this matter was witnessed by several half-step human immortal realm masters, his position was a little shaken. Although he didn't know any old beggars or the second master of Aolai country, he knew that Li Xiaobai would not be so boring. This kind of joke.

The small eyes stared straight at the altar under the magma, could it be true what the other party said?

"This is not a story. To open this altar requires a huge amount of resources, and it must be activated with an extremely strong spiritual essence, so it will be dusty all year round."

"Now the second head of the Aolai Kingdom has gone to various parts of the Fairy Continent to investigate, trying to find all the altars hidden on the continent. It is only a matter of time before the altars are opened. Even if the monks in the upper realm do not open the channel, our side will Trying to get into it."

"After all, this opportunity to go to the upper realm is something that practitioners like me dream of."

Li Xiaobai said lightly, it is imperative to open the altar, as long as he gets the spirit energy, he will set his sights on a higher world.


"If this matter is true, then I will go out from here and go to the upper realm for a while!"

Kun believed in the altar, and Li Xiaobai's expression did not seem to be fake. There is really a second road in this world that can directly reach the upper world, and it is easier and simpler.

"Speaking of this matter with senior, I also hope that senior can provide advice to the younger generation. What kind of purpose does this big boss from the upper world have to approach me as a monk from the lower world?" Li Xiaobai asked.

"What's so difficult about this? Being born in this world is nothing more than rights. These two points are applicable anywhere. If I am a powerful person in the upper world and get something like an altar that can communicate with the lower world, I will definitely borrow Wouldn't it be nice to take this opportunity to invade on a large scale, take down the Fairy Continent in one fell swoop, transform it into your own back garden, ask for resources at will, and enslave all beings?"

Kun took it for granted that the strong and the weak will never have a common language, and it is impossible for the two to live in peace. If the two sides contact, there will only be one ending, that is, the big fish eats the small fish, and the strong annex the weak. Such a simple truth He's known it for as long as he can remember.

"Hiss, what does senior mean to say that the upper realm is very likely to have plots against the lower realm?"

"If this is the case, this altar is not a blessing, but a disaster!"

Li Xiaobai clicked his tongue secretly. If a super boss flew directly from the upper world as the sea clan boss said, wouldn't he be able to destroy the Fairy Spirit Continent immediately?

"There must be a conspiracy, otherwise why would they chat with you eagerly?"

"However, the more powerful the existence, the more restrictions there are. I guess that although the power of the upper realm is powerful, it is impossible to come in person at will, otherwise the other party would have come down and killed me."

Kun said slowly, it has lived for a long time, has rich experience, and can see clearly.

"It should be so."

Li Xiaobai nodded frequently, agreeing to what it said.

"Boy, this altar is placed here. I will go to the upper realm to kill the Quartet on the day it is opened!"

"I finally found a way to get out of this cage. This time, even the old Dragon King can't trap me. You mustn't tell him about this!"

Kun warned.

"Senior, don't worry, this junior is now the son-in-law of the East Sea Dragon Palace. When the time comes, I will release him." Li Xiaobai smiled lightly.

"You are Donghai's son-in-law? Then why are you here?" Kun asked in surprise.

"Because the old Dragon King was afraid that I would run away, he put me under house arrest. I will be released before the wedding day."

Kun "..."

"You told me this shocking secret, and I will never forget you," Kun said.

"Thank you senior for your kindness." Li Xiaobai said.

"Mr. Li, you see that the two of us are united now, can you untie this seat?" Kun said with a smile.

"I can't help senior if I'm at the bottom of the road. In fact, it's better to stay on the pillar, just use this flame to get rid of the cold air for senior." Li Xiaobai also said cheerfully.

I'm so...

Kun rolled his eyes angrily, and greeted Li Xiaobai's eighteen generations of ancestors in his heart.

To get rid of the cold?

Is this what people say?

Why aren't you tied up here to get rid of the cold?

"Forget it, I am very happy to talk with you. In fact, there is one thing that I have always buried in my heart that I have never told anyone. Today, I have hit it off with you. I can't help but want to talk about it. Please don't dislike me for nagging. Yes." Kun's small eyeballs rolled around, and his tone was calm and indifferent.

"Senior, it's okay to say, this junior will strictly keep the secret." Li Xiaobai said curiously.

"Actually, I'm a clean freak, and I can't see all the garbage in my house the most in my life."

"so what?"

"That's why I always feel that the yellow trash stuck on the stone is a bit of an eyesore, can I trouble Mr. Li to help me remove it and throw it away?"

There was a shrewd light in Kun's small eyes, and he looked at Li Xiaobai expectantly.

Li Xiaobai followed what the other party said and looked at the stone pillar, and saw a piece of yellow talisman paper pasted on the bottom of the stone pillar, on which was outlined the magical lines of Dao rhyme, criss-crossing, and vaguely emanating unexplainable fluctuations.

Immediately sneered and said, "Senior, this is clearly a talisman used to suppress you, and you actually want to trick me into helping you out of trouble, senior, you are not kind!"

"Boy, I handed over the fragment to you, so you didn't show it at all?"

"My lord is nearly 500 years old, don't you have any compassion for me, a poor old man?"

A trace of anger flashed in Kun's eyes, and he asked.

"Hehe, senior is now in his prime, and his youth is in full bloom, so don't belittle yourself."

"Furthermore, the information on the altar is a secret among secrets. To be able to tell seniors everything has shown my sincerity, but seniors are not only not grateful, they lied to me instead. They don't show martial ethics at all." Li Xiaobai said indifferently. He said that he thought the other party had changed his temper after seeing him for a month, but he was still so cunning.

"I already know the secret of the altar, and getting out of trouble is only a matter of time."

"Boy, I don't need you anymore, you can get out!" Kun said in a cold tone, the two embarrassments were in front of this kid, and it felt very upset.

The arena was silent.

Li Xiaobai remained silent, quietly soaking in the magma to rub his attribute points.

After a few minutes.

Kun asked with some doubts, "Why don't you get out?"

Li Xiaobai "It's cloudy and cold in the prison, so I take a hot bath to get rid of the cold."

Kun "..."

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