"Go on to the music, go on to the dance!"

The old dragon king touched the blood on his face, and all the previous hesitation disappeared. Thanks to this human body firework, he awakened the blood and violence of being a dragon. A monk is fighting against the destiny. He has a big heart and can swallow mountains and rivers with anger , How can you shrink back and waver because of some trivial things?

The former Sea Clan senior named Kun said it well. Years of bureaucratic life smoothed out his edges and corners, allowing him to form an inertial thinking that takes the overall situation into consideration in everything. But in the final analysis, his Sea Clan is strong because he has Does his half-step immortal exist?

Now that a mere prime minister is making trouble at his granddaughter's wedding banquet, he can simply kill him, so why hesitate?

He is really stupid to be a king. Prime Minister Gui is indeed involved in a lot, but he has the final say in the end of the Hai Clan. If there is no leader, just assign another one.

After living for so many years, it's not as clear as two young people!

Looking at the figures of Long Xue and Li Xiaobai, he seemed to see himself who swept the world back then. If no one offends me, I will not offend others. If anyone offends me, all his families will be wiped out!

This is the demeanor one should have if one wants to cross the continent.

In front of the hall, all the officials returned to their seats one after another, wiped off the blood and took their seats again. A circle of dancers continued to dance tremblingly. Their bare feet were covered with mud and blood. Every step was taken carefully, looking weak and helpless. The scene just now terrified them.

Is it a human thing to set off human fireworks to celebrate a wedding at a disagreement?

The child was taken down. Even after witnessing such a heroic scene, there was still no wave in the child's eyes. It must have been tampered with on the soul. This life was ruined. It was the real reason why Li Xiaobai tortured and killed Prime Minister Gui's grandson.

"There have been some small episodes, but it's harmless. Now this palace is a little less elegant and a little more bloody. This is the courage that my Sea Clan monks should have. Let's continue with the marriage, and let the king preside over it himself!"

The old dragon king laughed. It had been a long time since he had such fun. He didn’t have to have both sides, balance the interests of all the officials, cast aside all the shackles of being a king, and only focus on one thing. This is a rare experience for many years.

"Let the king decide!" Baiguan had no objection.

"The two newcomers logically need to worship the heavens and the earth, but the monks of my generation want to symbolize the destiny and break the trend to enter a new realm. On this day, it doesn't matter if you don't worship!"

"Let's pay homage to the high hall for the second time. Observing filial piety is the foundation of human beings. I hope you two will keep it in your heart." The old dragon king said lightly.

Li Xiaobai and Long Xue knelt down together, and respectfully kowtowed three times to the old Dragon King.

All goodness and filial piety are the first, this is the general ethics, the foundation of human nature, you must abide by it.

"Husband and wife salute, Li Xiaobai, the king Xue'er is entrusted to you, and I hope you will treat her well in the future. If she has been wronged, I will ask you!" The old dragon king said with a smile.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, I will treat my wife well."

Li Xiaobai smiled slightly, turned around, and looked at Long Xue with tenderness in his eyes. Before stepping into this hall, he was still a little apprehensive, but when he really faced all this, all he felt was sweetness and happiness .

Since then, there has been one more person in the world who needs his protection, and this sense of responsibility will make him stronger.

Long Xue's pretty face was slightly red, and she bowed to Li Xiaobai, stood up, her eyes were full of love.

"From now on, we will be a family. There is no need to worry about the bridal chamber. The experience of those who have been here tells you that it is more convenient for you young couple to do things at night. Now let's drink first, and make your uncles feel comfortable!"

The old Dragon King said.

"I wish the son-in-law and the little princess grow old together and have a precious son soon!"

"Your Majesty will soon be full of children and grandchildren. Congratulations!"

"You can open your mouth for anything useful in the future, we are all a family, so please don't be polite to us!"

"My son-in-law, I look forward to standing side by side with you on the battlefield!"

"The little princess is so beautiful today..."

Everyone toasted and drank together, and praised Li Xiaobai and Long Xue, and the voices of praise and blessings were endless. With Prime Minister Gui's lesson from the past, no one dared to seek trouble with the newlyweds anymore.

All the dishes on the table were replaced with new ones, and only then did everyone start to exchange glasses and chat with each other.

Li Xiaobai and Long Xue busily ran around the hall, continuously toasting all the officials, not long after Long Xue became a little tipsy, and toasted all the officials one by one, each official only needed to drink a cup , but in total, Long Xue and Li Xiaobai would have to drink a hundred cups.

In addition, it was really good wine, very strong, soon Long Xue's face was flushed, his eyes were slightly blurred, and the maid at the side helped him down to rest first.

Because Li Xiaobai has a systematic relationship, it can be said that he never gets drunk after a thousand cups, and he drinks with civil and military officials.

"I didn't expect that the son-in-law not only has a high level of cultivation, but also has such an extraordinary capacity for drinking. Long admires it!"

Long Zhan already had a big tongue after drinking, and he stammered.

"Yeah, I really didn't expect that the son-in-law is so bold, he is really a hero of the world!"

"I, Donghai, have recruited a good son-in-law!"


The civil servants were amazed, and the generals admired him. With such a drinking capacity, even the best in the army are far behind.

The son-in-law is really a god!

After three rounds of wine and five tastes of food, all the officials and the old dragon king were almost drunk. Many ministers were lying on the ground crookedly, drunk and unconscious, and no one used their cultivation to force them to drink. Let out the drunkenness in the body, and head-to-head with pure alcohol, this is the way to drink comfortably.

Li Xiaobai put down the wine glass in his hand, and saluted the old Dragon King, "It's getting late, I'll take my leave first."

"Well, it's normal for young people to be angry, but you still have to pay attention to restraint. Don't hurt your body. If you do this thing too much, you will become addicted." The old Dragon King narrowed his eyes slightly, as if he was reminiscing about the past.

Li Xiaobai was speechless, this old guy was probably also a vagabond when he was young, he didn't know how much emotional debt he owed.

He bowed again, turned and left.


A side hall, a quiet attic.

Long Xue was taking a bath, washing off the blood and drunkenness from her body, the petals were fragrant, exuding the scent of a girl.

Li Xiaobai came to the door slowly, knocked lightly on the door and said, "Honey, can I come in?"

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