Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 718 Bridal Chamber Wedding Night

"Husband, come in, I'm scrubbing my body, please wait for a while."

Long Xue's voice came from inside the house.

Li Xiaobai's heart was pounding. It was the first time he had experienced such a scene, and he was a little nervous. He was lying on the bed for a while, what should he do first?

It seems that I have no experience. If I knew it, I should go to the Goulan to ask a few seniors for their experience.

He took off his robe and sat on the bed. This is Long Xue's boudoir, the furnishings are very simple, the bed is big, the quilt is pink, full of girlish atmosphere.

Perhaps to create an atmosphere, all the Ye Mingzhu had been taken away, and there was only one candle flickering in the room at the moment.

There was a faint fragrance in the room, and behind the curtain beside was Long Xue who was taking a bath, listening to the sound of the slowly flowing water, Li Xiaobai was distracted for a while, but just separated by a wall made him feel like scratching his heart Feel.

In my mind, I couldn't help imagining the situation where the water flowed across the suet jade-like skin, and I couldn't get rid of it no matter how I shook it off.


At this time, the beauty behind the curtain suddenly yelled, making Li Xiaobai tremble all over with fright. After all, he was guilty of being a thief, and he imagined some bad things in his mind, and he was a little lacking in confidence.

"Ahem, my lady, please tell me."

"I forgot to take the bath towel, it's on the bed, can you pass it to me?" Long Xue said with a smile.

"It's just a little effort."

Li Xiaobai stiffly picked up the neatly stacked bath towels on the bed, walked towards the curtain full of excitement, and stretched the bath towels in, but no one took them.

After a while, Long Xue's helpless voice came from behind the curtain, "Husband, you are so far away, how can I pick it up, come in and give it to me."

"it is good."

Li Xiaobai took a deep breath, opened the curtain and stepped into it. This is also a room, and it's quite spacious, filled with steam and steam. There is a huge bathtub in the center, and Long Xue's back is facing Li Xiaobai. Only a smear of fragrant shoulders was exposed, and beads of water slipped from the delicate neck, making the mouth of the person watching dry for a while.

Taking two steps forward, Li Xiaobai turned his eyes away, not daring to look at the other party, and handed over the bath towel in his hand, "Madam, please use it."

"Husband seems a little nervous?" Long Xue teased playfully.

"Ahem, handing someone a bath towel for the first time, it's inevitable that I'm a little nervous."

Li Xiaobai said with some embarrassment, he noticed that the hand he stretched out was trembling slightly, and secretly cursed himself for not being up to date.

"There's a spoon over there, can you rinse it for me?"

Long Xue didn't take the towel immediately, but turned her head and winked at Li Xiaobai.

Li Xiaobai was taken aback by this move, he didn't know where to put his eyes, the blood all over his body went straight to his brain, his face was red to the base of his ears, his brain was a little confused, his body involuntarily walked to the side, and picked up a A wooden spoon, which is specially used for washing and rinsing the body.

Slowly scooped up a spoonful of water from the wooden basin and poured it on Long Xue's body, the movements were quite gentle, and he didn't even dare to breathe.

However, he also noticed that the moment the water washed over Long Xue's body, her body was trembling slightly, and the roots of her ears were already flushed. This woman, like him, was quite nervous at the moment!

After discovering this, Li Xiaobai felt relieved, not as nervous as before.

Time passed by every minute and every second, he poured water on Long Xue's body one spoonful after another, and before he knew it, it was already the middle of the night. "Husband, I've finished washing, give me the bath towel."

Long Xue's heart seemed to have calmed down, and she spoke slowly.

"My lady, please use it."

Li Xiaobai handed over the bath towel, but he didn't expect the beautiful woman in front of him to stand up suddenly, and quickly closed his eyes and turned to the side.

There was a soft rustling sound in his ears, and then he felt his hand being held.

"Husband, it's time for the bridal chamber."

"Ahem, yes."


The candlelight flickered in the room, Li Xiaobai and Long Xue stared at each other on the bed, the atmosphere was very ambiguous.

"Husband, there are no maids in this bamboo building today, only you and my wife." Long Xue said.

"Well, I felt it when I came." Li Xiaobai nodded and said.

"Then what are you waiting for?"

Long Xue was wrapped in a bath towel, stretched lazily, outlined a shocking curve, a pair of long legs were placed casually, and her cheeks looked charming under the candlelight. At this moment, Li Xiaobai understood what was going on. It is called the wedding night in the bridal chamber, and the beauty in the candlelight is simply a fairy.

"Um, shall we start now?"

"if not?"

"Ahem, it's my first bridal chamber, I don't have much experience, what do you think my wife should do?"

"Everything is up to the husband."

"Sitting or lying down?"

"As long as your husband likes it."

"My lady, do you like bright or dark halls?"

"If your husband likes it, I like it."

"Let's make it darker then."

After finishing speaking, Li Xiaobai blew out the candle, and the small bamboo building fell into darkness, only the moonlight lightly shining on the room.


next morning.

Li Xiaobai opened his eyes, feeling extremely happy physically and mentally. He had a romantic night and enjoyed the lingering joy. The taste of the forbidden fruit for the first time made people want to stop.

He stretched out his hand to caress Long Xue's cheek, he was still in a deep sleep, he could still see crystal tears in the corner of his eyes, curled up in his arms like a kitten.

He realized a lot that night.

There are many things in the world that can make people grow up instantly, maybe it's just the taste of victory, maybe it's just the sense of accomplishment of earning money, but he felt the responsibility from this night, getting married is not to tie him to a certain place, but also a sense of accomplishment. It is not depriving him of his freedom, but giving him a spiritual support, giving him a sense of mission, and having people who need to pay for it.

Future actions will be more decisive and straightforward, with clear goals.

He got up, put on his clothes quietly, and walked out of the room. The bamboo forest in the small building was hidden, and the buildings emitting soft light could be vaguely seen in the distance.

The Dragon Palace under the sea was day and night, and Ye Mingzhu radiated light all the time. Looking at this unchanging scenery, Li Xiaobai felt extraordinarily gorgeous.

"It is said that a gentleman is happy to die eighty-nine times, so-called whether it is satisfactory or not, it all depends on one thought, and the world is viewed with the heart, and it is the color of the heart!"

Old people used to say that the swaying of the bamboo forest is not caused by the wind, but by the heart. Today, he has realized the core of these words. Sure enough, this happy person is different. When he walks out of the room, he feels that the whole world has changed. radiant.

Maybe this is the joy of newlyweds.

"Go around the Dragon Palace and greet the old Dragon King. By the way, when will you help me grab the fairy spirit?"

Li Xiaobai happily walked out of the hut, and walked slowly towards the imperial city.

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