Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 719: Opening Of The Five-Color Altar

East China Sea Dragon Palace, in the other garden of the imperial city.

The old Dragon King was teasing a bird. This is a canary with pure blood, which can make a melodious cry like a silver bell.

On the side, Long Zhan was holding a stack of books in his arms, chattering something endlessly. Yesterday, my uncle and the little princess took action to kill the Prime Minister's Mansion completely. Once Prime Minister Gui died, many matters in the court immediately came to an end. There are vacancies and loopholes, and it is necessary to make an early decision to check and fill the vacancies.

"The vacancy of the prime minister's position is a major matter for the court, and it needs to be decided by the king as soon as possible." Long Zhan said with a worried expression.

"This king already knows about this matter, Zhan'er, who do you think should be the prime minister?" The old dragon king asked casually while feeding the canary.

"I don't dare to speak rashly, everything is up to the king to decide!"

"There are no outsiders here, but it doesn't matter."

"I thought my uncle killed all directions in the Jinluan Palace yesterday, and already deterred all the officials. If he is the prime minister, he will definitely be able to convince the public!" Long Zhan said after thinking for a moment.

"Is Jin Phosphorus a thing in a pool? It turns into a dragon when it encounters a storm. Although Li Xiaobai is the son-in-law of our Hai Clan, he is just a passer-by to our Clan. He has greater ambitions than this king. Can't keep him."

The old Dragon King chuckled and shook his head slowly.

"This king wants Tian'er to be the prime minister, and he is worthy of this position in terms of human morality and cultivation. From now on, the two of you brothers will help each other and lead the Hai Clan to prosperity together!"

"Thank you, Father!"

A gleam of joy flashed in Long Zhan's eyes. Long Tian and him were blood brothers who had been imprisoned for twenty years. Now that they had such an opportunity, he was naturally happy for him.

"Report to Your Majesty, the son-in-law outside the door asks to see you!"

The guard came in to report.

"Oh? Woke up so early?"

"It means that the tossing is not strong enough. When I was young, this king would not get out of bed for three days and three nights. After all, this son-in-law is a human race, so he is not fierce enough!"

Hearing that Li Xiaobai was coming, the old Dragon King had a strange look on his face, it was only the hour of the morning, the sun was rising, this son-in-law had fought Long Xue for 300 rounds in the bridal chamber, why did he come here?

Could it be that he is empty, can't he?

"Since my uncle is here, I will take my leave first." Long Zhan coughed lightly, bowed and bowed to leave.

Outside the door, Li Xiaobai walked slowly.

"The old Dragon King is in a good mood!"

"My son-in-law, how did you feel last night? My son-in-law has a strong body and is not so easy to be satisfied. Don't look at my granddaughter's delicate and soft nature, but the blood of the dragon is flowing in her bones. If you don't feed enough, she may have Resentment!" The old Dragon King said with a light smile.

"Ahem, old Dragon King, don't worry, last night was fine."

Li Xiaobai wiped the cold sweat off his forehead, this old dragon king is too fierce, he dared to say anything.

"What's the matter with me?" the old Dragon King asked.

"I would like to ask how many days are left until the release of the spirit energy?" Li Xiaobai got straight to the point.

"It's been just two days, and this king can sense that the location of the fairy energy this time is located in the very center of the fairy continent, Zhongzhou!"

"Although there are many masters there, and all kinds of powerful forces are entrenched, but you have the help of this king, and the second master of Aolai Kingdom and the old man Tianwu back then. It is not a problem to win the spirit of the fairy, so put your heart in your stomach. This king makes a move, there is no one in the world who dares not to follow!"

The old Dragon King said with a smile, quite mighty and domineering.

"Thank you Dragon King!"

Li Xiaobai also heaved a sigh of relief in his heart, the three top masters helped each other, and the celestial energy was already in the bag.

"Okay, stay with Xue'er for the past two days, relax, and snatching the spirit of the fairy is a tough battle."


After saluting, just about to get up, the canary in the cage suddenly screamed, fluttering its wings frantically as if trying to get out of the cage, and its small eyes were full of anxiety.

At the same time, suddenly the ground shook violently, and bursts of rumbling sounds came from the ground, as if an earthquake had struck.

The prehistoric aura spread from the depths of the sea, sweeping across the entire Dragon Palace. At this moment, the monks of the Sea Clan trembled unanimously.

"what happened?"

Li Xiaobai's eyes were astonished, he didn't understand what happened, this is the underwater world, how could there be such a strong vibration?

"This shock..."

"It came from the prison, could it be that guy wants to get out of trouble!"

The old Dragon King's eyes changed, and he patted Li Xiaobai on the shoulder, and the two disappeared in place instantly.



seventh floor.

The old Dragon King hurried over with Li Xiaobai, and was filled with astonishment at the scene in front of him. Kun was still tied to the stone pillar in good condition, and the terrifying energy fluctuations came from the bottom of the magma.

A big mouth suddenly opened on the steps, gravel splashed, and a terrifying aura swept from all directions.

The vibration came from the bottom of the magma, and waves of turbulent waves were set off in this hot fire field.

Golden rays of light bloomed from under his feet, and in the void, a huge vortex of spiritual power appeared, in which lightning and thunder rumbled, making it impossible to see what it looked like, and layers of turbulent lava waves spontaneously rotated under the influence of the vortex of spiritual power, forming a circle A ring of flame halo, terrifying in power.

"what is this?"

"This power is mixed with a lot of fairy spirit, it doesn't belong to this world, old reptile, boy, let me go!"

Looking at the scene of lightning and thunder in front of him, Kun felt goosebumps all over his skin, and the dark center of the vortex brought him a strong sense of crisis.

"It shouldn't be, there is only one formation under the magma, it is absolutely impossible to have such power."

The old dragon king muttered to himself, frowning slightly, not knowing what happened. The huge vortex of spiritual power in front of him also gave him a strong sense of crisis. Looking at the unstable space channel with lightning, thunder and thunder, he did not know what happened. I suspect that if I step into it, I will definitely be smashed to pieces, and I will never recover.

"It is the five-color altar that has been opened!"

"There is no one else on the seventh floor, who did it?"

Li Xiaobai is very familiar with this scene. This is clearly the appearance of the altar when it was opened. The huge vortex is the passage between the two worlds. It's just that no one has touched the altar. Why did it suddenly open?

Layers of terrifying fluctuations emanated from the spiritual power vortex, slowly rising from the bottom of the magma, hanging high in the center of this small world, and constantly building a stable passage in it.

"Quickly release this seat. This is the channel for the five-color altar to communicate with the upper realm. It was opened from the other side. The monks from the upper realm are coming!"

Kun was still screaming on the stone pillar, twisting his body constantly.

"Communicate the upper world? What do you mean?"

"The Second Master told me about the five-color altar before. Could it be that there is also an altar in my East China Sea dungeon?"

The old Dragon King was a little dazed, combined with Kun's words, it reminded him of Liuren's previous warning.

Before Li Xiaobai could explain, the huge vortex of spiritual power suddenly became illusory, and then rose continuously, passing directly through the sky prison, rushing out of the top of the tower, and drifting towards the top of the East China Sea!

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