Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Seven Hundred And Twentieth Chapters Turbulent

The Fairy Continent trembled.

The news from the upper realm was too horrifying, and the common people were panic-stricken. Even if the second-in-command of many powerful forces had greeted the old beggar, they were a little flustered at the moment. After all, in their eyes, only those who cultivated into the realm of immortals could enter the upper realm. the mysterious zone.

People who walked out from there, coming to the Fairy Continent should be equivalent to a full-level boss entering Novice Village, that is massacre mode!

"Did I hear you right, it's actually the living gods from the upper realm who are coming down!"

"Are they here to observe the sentiments of the people, or are they going to lead the Fairy Continent into a new era?"

"People say that we are using this place as a training ground for disciples, let's pack up our things and run away!"

"There are cracks in the sky, east, west, north, south, where can we go, let's be honest."

"That's right, the sky is falling and the tall ones are holding it up. I hope these big forces can hold it up."

The monks talked a lot, feeling anxious about the upcoming unknown existence.

East China Sea Dragon Palace.

Inside the Imperial City Hall.

The old Dragon King looked solemn. The movement made by the people from the upper realm was so terrifying that it almost tore the entire sky apart. Those words made the entire Fairy Continent understand the cause of the incident .

Now on the mainland, both monks and ordinary people are talking about this matter. The Heavenly Talents of the Upper Realm will end in two days. Before that, they need to come up with a countermeasure.

All the civil and military officials were anxious, and Li Xiaobai took Long Xue's hand and stood in the position of Prime Minister Gui.

Long Xue seemed a little nervous. Originally, she was still indulging in happiness and sweetness, but she didn't expect that the whole continent would suddenly fall into a strong crisis. Nothing will happen in the future, right?"

"Don't worry my wife, with me here, nothing will happen." Li Xiaobai gave her a reassuring smile.

"Everyone knows what happened after the incident, and you all think that after two days, the heavenly talents from the upper realm will all descend to the lower realm, how should I, Donghai, deal with myself?" asked the old Dragon King.

"I think that the visitor is not kind, and I will not be offended if people don't offend me. If the arrogance of the upper world wants to bully us, he would rather die than surrender!"

Long Zhan said directly, there is nothing to hesitate about this matter, the worst is to die, and he will never kneel down and be a slave.

"What does the son-in-law think?"

"Open the dungeon. I am quite familiar with the people inside. Letting them follow me in the future is enough to deal with all kinds of emergencies. It is not a weak force."

"Two days later, get the fairy spirit first, and the rest will be covered by soldiers." Li Xiaobai said.

"The sky prison is full of vicious criminals. If they are released, I'm afraid..." Some officials looked worried.

"Bastard, everyone inside is full of talents. It's a waste of money to be imprisoned by you without seeing the light of day. Hurry up and get them out. I really don't think anyone cares about your Broken Dragon Palace. I and others will go to the upper realm to practice in the future!"

Kun said furiously.

"Indeed, this king also has this intention. The prisoners in the prison are all masters. Gathering together is definitely a force that cannot be ignored. Let them be released today so that they can adapt to the life of the outside world."



At the same time, all major forces in the Fairy Spirit Continent almost unanimously held an emergency meeting.


Inside Huolin Cave.

Patriarch Huorong leaned on the throne, and a group of high-level clan members gathered in the cave to discuss how to deal with the upper realm. The leader was a dog that looked like Erha, and was staring at the little dog at his feet. Grass chicken.

"In the past few years, there have been quite a few powerful seniors in my Huolin Cave who have ascended to the upper realm. I wonder if they can make friends with the heavenly pride of the upper realm?"

An elder said.

"This is a very good move. After all, my family and the upper realm are inextricably linked. I believe that even the arrogance of the upper realm should be a little bit thin."

Many elders agreed, Patriarch Huo Rong also nodded slightly. He also wanted to make friends with the upper realm. This time, all the people who came down were contacts.

"Wow! Fuck them to death!"

With a sudden sound, Er Gouzi slapped the little grass chicken to the ground, raised his head and stared at the world with disdain.

Everyone was speechless, do you know who is coming? Someone can crush you to death with one finger.

But they didn't dare to say more, the status of this dead dog is very different now, not only is he friendly with that Li Xiaobai, but also has some connection with the second leader, such an existence they can't afford to offend.

"Ahem, what Holy Son Huolin said is very true. How about this? After two days, if people are strong, we will stay dormant. If they are weak, we will beat the dog in the water and steal their skills to make our family's foundation!"

"Wang, old rabbit, who are you calling a dog, you are the dog, and your whole family is a dog!"

"Heck, you are the weak chicken, and your whole family is weak chicken!"

The corners of Huorong Patriarch's eyes twitched, and the veins on his forehead twitched violently.

He is about to hate this chicken and dog in his heart. Since he came back from the frontier, these two guys have been against him everywhere. It is just a momentary hypocrisy. Isn’t there someone behind him? I slaughtered that Li Xiaobai and ate roast chicken and stewed dog meat!


Nanming's Daughter Country.

Su Yunbing held up the sledgehammer in his hand, "If people don't attack me, I won't attack others. If people attack me, I will destroy them all!"

Ye Wushuang "Give the spirit spirit to my junior brother!"

Lin Yin "Let's go!"


Western Desert Ten Thousand Buddhas Kingdom.

Numerous good men and women flocked to ask the eminent monk to express his enlightenment.

Looking at the darkness below, Master Xuan Bei recited a Buddha's name, "Amitabha, you have friends who come from afar, you need to treat them with a normal mind, and use the Dharma to influence all beings. My Buddha is merciful."

"May I ask Master if there is anything we can do?"

"Old Na Xuan Bei, crowdfunding temples..."


North Territory.

On an unknown mountain top, filled with evil spirits, a man in black looked up to the sky and smiled, "Master, our time is finally coming!"


that night.

East China Sea Dragon Palace, inside the bamboo building.

Li Xiaobai and Long Xue returned to the boudoir.

There was another ups and downs, tossing until the middle of the night, the two hugged each other, Long Xue was short of breath, dripping with sweat, she seemed to feel a sense of crisis, and she was extraordinarily crazy tonight.

"Xue'er, in fact, you don't have to worry too much. This space channel is a chance for us. If we can successfully enter it and enter the upper realm to practice, our strength will definitely improve by leaps and bounds."

Li Xiaobai patted her on the back lightly and said.

"Husband, I guess you will find a way to enter the upper realm, I support you!"

Long Xue smiled lightly, and then asked, "However, the female cultivators in the upper realm must be more outstanding. They must be nourished by the spirit of the fairy all the year round. If you go to the upper realm, you will see more beautiful women. Won't you just want me?"

"Xue'er, I like the inside."

"And I'm face-blind. I'm not with you because you're pretty, because I don't know if you're pretty."

Long Xue "..."

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