next morning.

An old acquaintance came to the East China Sea Dragon Palace, none other than an old beggar.

The old man Tianwu has a great reputation, and the old Dragon King didn't have much contact with him, nor was he cheated by the other party, so he was very polite to him.

The old beggar looked very anxious, as if he had discovered some big secret and was eager to tell him, but when he saw Long Xue beside Li Xiaobai, he suddenly calmed down, his small eyes kept shining, and he looked up and down Looking at each other, as if they found some treasure.

After these two nights of fighting, Long Xue is like a ripe red apple, exuding the ultimate femininity all over her body, her every frown and smile is full of coquettishness, anyone who looks at it will want to take a bite impulse.

The old beggar, this old pervert, is naturally no exception.

"Needless to say, this is my brother and sister. I've heard my Li Xiaobai mention you a long time ago. When I saw you today, you are indeed very charming. Come on, call me big brother, come and listen?"

The old beggar said with a playful smile while clasping his dirty feet.

Li Xiaobai rolled his eyes straight, this old bastard has no face and skin, he did not hesitate to downgrade himself in order to make Long Xue call him his brother.

You are more than enough to be our grandpa at this age, okay...

"Hello senior!"

Long Xue smiled sweetly, almost seducing the old beggar's soul away.

"Hey, brother and sister have really sweet voices, boy, you are so lucky!"

"Ahem, what is the purpose of senior coming here?"

Li Xiaobai pulled Long Xue behind him, and asked with a smile.

This old thing is old and unscrupulous, and even his own wife won't let go of his treacherous eyes. If he didn't know that the other party was just joking, he would go fuck him in the morning.

"By the way, the old beggar came here to talk to you about something." The old beggar's face suddenly became serious.

"But about the altar?" Li Xiaobai asked.

"That's right, I'm sure you've all seen it. Yesterday, the five altars in the east, west, north, south, and middle all merged into the void and opened a hole. That crack should be the entrance passage for the people from the upper realm to descend in two days."

"But the altar in the hands of the second master only formed a vortex of spiritual power in the frontier, and did not merge into the void to form a crack!"

"The second leader speculates that the altar is special, and it should have been quietly left by the mysterious existence behind it. The Tianjiao of the Ten Thousand Races in the Upper Realm doesn't know about it."

The old beggar took a sip of tea, and threw out a piece of heavy news.

"What, is that altar privately owned?"

"So, if you get in touch with that person, wouldn't you be able to get some news from the upper realm?"

The old dragon king stood up immediately, with a look of excitement on his face.

"So that's the case. No wonder among the many altars, only that person was in contact with the monks from the lower realm. The relationship is private."

"This is our chance. People in the upper world don't know the existence of this sixth altar. We can just use this as a breakthrough. Let's go and see it first!"

Li Xiaobai nodded and said.

"The Second Leader also means the same thing. I am here today to invite everyone to come over and communicate with that mysterious existence." The old beggar said.

"Invite Jiang Kun, let's go and have a look together. It would be great if we can know the strength and cultivation of the Tianjiao of the upper world." Li Xiaobai said immediately, time is not waiting for us, and now we must race against time.

There is a teleportation formation that Li Xiaobai once arranged in the frontier, and one only needs to be placed in the East China Sea Dragon Palace, and the two sides can communicate with each other through the formation.

Seeing him sketching on the ground, the entire group looked puzzled, not understanding what he was doing.

"Husband, what are you doing?" Long Xue asked.

"Describe the teleportation formation." Li Xiaobai said without raising his head.

Long Xue's vermilion lips parted slightly, making a surprised mouth shape, not because she was surprised by Li Xiaobai's erudition, but because the sketches on the ground even killed her would not have imagined that they were formations.

This is obviously just a circle with a few bricks, not to mention runes and dao rhymes, there is not even a decent pattern, this thing can teleport people?

The rest of the people also looked stunned, and some couldn't believe that the child's scribbled ghostly talisman was actually a teleportation formation.

"Boy, what treasure are you playing? If your thing can teleport, I will wash my hair upside down!"

Yuan Kun saw the scene as soon as he received the news, and couldn't help but sneer. In his opinion, this thing has no spiritual power at all, and it's a waste of time.

"Ahem, son-in-law, let's fly there. The frontier is not too far away for us, and we can reach it in just a cup of tea."

The old Dragon King also said with a stiff smile, obviously he couldn't believe the suspected "formation" in front of him.

The old beggar didn't say much, he knew that Li Xiaobai had a lot of secrets, neither Huazi nor Bathhousezi could understand it with common sense, and the formation in front of him should be the same.

"The world laughs at me for being too crazy, and I laugh at others for not being able to see through."

"Several, please come inside!"

A few minutes later, Li Xiaobai drew up the formation. He said it was a formation, but in fact it was just a circle surrounded by bricks. Place the bricks to create an effect.

"This thing can really teleport?"

"Boy, don't waste my time."

"Let's give it a try."

Several people stepped into the formation dubiously, and Li Xiaobai took out a handful of top-grade spirit stones to activate the formation.

In an instant, a dazzling white light emanated from the feet, and everyone felt a blur in front of their eyes. When they regained their clarity, the surrounding environment changed drastically, and earth-shaking changes took place.

"This... has really reached the frontier?"

"Boy, how did you do it? Could there be some kind of mystery in that pile of rotten rocks?"

"Impossible, that thing doesn't even have formation lines, how could it be a formation?"

Several people were really shocked, this method subverted their cognition.

"Husband is really good, he can do everything!" Long Xue excitedly kissed Li Xiaobai on the face.

"Hahaha, Ji Cao, Wuliu!"

"Everyone, we have arrived, let's go."

Li Xiaobai put his arm around Long Xue's shoulder and said with a smile.

This is the main city of the frontier, and when we reached the depths of the frontier, several city lords were already waiting here.

A huge vortex of spiritual power floated up and down in the void, and the inner space had stabilized, and the sea was calm. As long as they wanted, they could now follow the passage and enter the world at the other end.

"Miss Xue'er has become more feminine now, and she is really getting more and more beautiful. As expected, it's different after being married and being nourished by a man." Liu Ren looked Long Xue up and down, and said with a faint smile.

"Senior, don't be joking. What's going on, can you get in touch with the mysterious person on the other end?" Li Xiaobai asked.

Liu Ren shrugged his shoulders, and before he could speak, a voice suddenly came out of the vortex, "Very well, it seems that everyone is here, so next, listen to my orders carefully!"

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