next morning.

Li Xiaobai and his party arrived in Zhongzhou.

Today is the day when the celestial energy will be released. People in the whole continent are waiting for this day. The streets and alleys are filled with celestial daily newspapers. Everything you see is heavy news. There is nothing to say, old man Tianji It must have started to lose money and make money again.

This guy is quite economical, but it's a pity that according to the current situation, the Fairy Continent will soon fall. At that time, no matter how many spirit stones he earns or how famous he is, in the eyes of the powerful monks from the upper realm, he will be just a Only ants.

"Husband, I'm a little nervous, what if the person coming is very powerful?"

Long Xue looked at Li Xiaobai with worry in his eyes.

"Don't worry, my wife, your husband will return victorious, and the people of the whole country will cheer for my victory!"

Li Xiaobai's eyes were full of confidence. The top experts in the mainland were all on his side. If he couldn't even deal with the first batch of monks from the lower realms, then he really didn't have to mess around.

"Young Master Li recharges his energy and stores up his energy. It is not an easy task to digest all the fairy energy. We will force those ancestors back in a while. You don't need to take action, you just need to use all your strength to transform the immortal energy."

Liu Ren exhorted.

This time, with the monks from the Zhongyuan Realm as a threat, those hidden ancestors on the Fairy Spirit Continent will definitely jump out and compete for the fairy spirit. All want to save their lives in the coming dark age.


Li Xiaobai nodded, his expression was indifferent, there was a system, and it only took a moment to absorb it. When his defense power advanced, he would be a genuine human immortal body, which could beat the entire fairy land.

"Don't worry, this king asked Kun to summon the masters of the prison to come to support, our team is unprecedentedly large!"

The old Dragon King was full of confidence.

Above the sky, the sound of thunder continued, and from time to time, there would be dazzling rays of light piercing the sky, causing a burst of exclamation. It was a powerful senior who had not been born for a long time, and his momentum was unprecedentedly strong.

In Zhongzhou, countless monks gathered together, looked up at the sky, and exclaimed one after another.

"That's the ancestors of the three major sects. I didn't expect to be able to see them in my lifetime. Even the few sect masters who usually look higher than the top can only stand behind as a foil. It's unimaginable!"

"That's right, the one on the left is the second shopkeeper of Jubao Pavilion. I don't know if the big shopkeeper who has never seen the end of the dragon has come."

"These are nothing. If you look over there, all the dormant ancestors of the major forces in Zhongzhou have awakened. I just heard rumors earlier, but I didn't expect it to be true. They are all in a group there. This is the strongest lineup, right? "

"Yes, but most of the people here are the ancestors of Zhongzhou, why didn't people from Ximo, Nanming and Donghai come?"

"It should be the finale. The masters of the Huolin Cave didn't show up. I have to say that the monks in the upper realm are really proud. All the strong people in the entire fairy land came to welcome them. If I turn around, I can brag to others. lifetime."

"Bullshit, the ones here are living gods from the upper realm, they can crush us with their hands, can you be respectful?"

The monks were chattering all over the place, and they seemed extremely excited. One after another, the ancestors were recognized. Today is an unprecedented event. They can guarantee that there has never been a moment like this in the fairy land. Today is so grand.

One after another, the ancestors of the half-step human fairy realm popped up from all over the place, like Chinese cabbage, and the hearts of those who watched were surging. It turns out that there are so many strong people in their fairy land!

Above the teahouse, Li Xiaobai and his party poured their own drinks, calm and indifferent.

"It's really lively." Li Xiaobai looked up at the sky and saw many familiar faces.

"Hehe, it's just a bunch of mobs. Our opponents are monks from the upper realm. These bullying grasshoppers have already lost their vigor and sharpness. It's just a matter of defeating them. It's nothing to worry about."

Liu Ren took a sip of tea, and said lightly, he didn't pay attention to the ancestors of all ethnic groups who were enshrined by the world's stars, which was quite domineering.

Li Xiaobai knew that she had this strength. In the past, the second head of the frontier family, one person and one stick, shocked more than ten ancestors, and she was extremely tyrannical.

"Ahem, it's rare for us to gather together. Why don't we take this opportunity to unify the Fairy Continent?" The old Dragon King said beside him.

"Actually, you just want the Sea Clan to occupy part of the Human Clan's territory, right?"

Liu Ren seemed to be smiling but not smiling, and he saw through the Dragon King's careful thoughts at a glance.

"Ahem, where does this come from, this king just wants to contribute to the development of the Fairy Continent."

The old Dragon King said awkwardly.

"Grandpa, senior, the sky has changed!"

"The monks from the upper realm are coming down!"

On the side, Long Xue suddenly pointed at the sky and said excitedly.

"Yeah, the main event is about to begin."

Several people nodded and looked at the sky outside the window together.

in the sky.

That huge crack suddenly burst into light, and after ten thousand rays of light passed, the crack slowly opened like a human eye, revealing a dark and deep passage.

A streak of white fairy light shot out from it, sliding down in the void.

The horrifying aura poured out from it, and all the monks present felt their hair stand on end. Under the shroud of that aura, their primordial spirits were trembling, and those with weak cultivation were even more overwhelmed, kneeling directly down.

They all understand that this is a terrifying existence in the upper realm who has opened the passage between the two realms with great means!

Just a breath of air almost caused them to collapse. It was hard to imagine how terrifying that was.

"Old Man Qi, we guessed well. If such an existence comes to the Fairy Continent in person, it will be a catastrophe!"

"Old man, do you need to say more about where the upper world is? We can't afford to offend you."

"In recent years, there have been several senior experts in my family who have successfully ascended to the upper realm. I don't know if they are safe in the upper realm. Can they rely on this relationship to make friends with the monks in the upper realm?"

"Don't dream, the nearest person who ascended to the upper realm was hundreds of years ago, who would recognize you!"

"By the way, why didn't those few come here? Could it be that they were hiding and didn't dare to come?"

"If we neglect the monks from the upper realm, we can't afford to walk around. The old rules, we all look at which old people are not present, and we will blame them for everything in a while!"

A group of ancestors retreated one after another, quite consciously lined up on both sides, ready to welcome the arrival of the arrogance of all races.

At this time, above the sky, a voice without any emotion floated out of that huge eye.

"The strength of this seat is too strong, and the space channel has not yet been fully stabilized and cannot bear it. Therefore, we will come to the lower realm at a later date. Today, we will send the first batch of disciples to familiarize themselves with the lower realm environment. I hope the residents of the lower realm will treat them well."

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