All the ancestors hurriedly said.

From the huge crack in the sky, powerful aura spurted out one after another, and dozens of fairy lights flew out from the dark and deep passage, enveloping the powerful fairy aura to stir up the situation.

"It's the spirit spirit! It's finally released!"

"The disciples of the Tianjiao from the Upper Realm are also here!"

Down below, the monks involuntarily widened their eyes, staring at the scene on the sky.

Blossoms of pure white flowers slowly floated down, which were the essence condensed by the spirit energy, continuously drifting out from the dark and deep space channel, sinking and floating in the void.


The roar of the beast resounded through the heavens and the earth, and one carriage after another slowly drove out from the passage.

The creature pulling the carriage is a creature that has never appeared on the Fairy Continent. It looks like a white horse, but it has sharp and slender golden horns between its eyebrows, and it has wings on its back. Terrifying monstrous flames emanated from his body.

The carriage pulled behind him was inlaid with gold and silver, full of aura of wealth under the brilliance.

Each carriage was pulled by two terrifying creatures. On the left and right sides, a team of servants held high banners and followed the team slowly, full of arrogance.

Li Xiaobai saw that the names written on each flag were different. The three teams headed by the leader took the lead. They all correspond to the power of their respective dynasties.

The rest of the cultivators were even more stunned. The party who appeared on the stage was simply too grand, and even the fierce beasts pulling were so powerful that they were worthy of being people from the upper world.

"My lord, we have successfully crossed the void and reached the lower realm!"

The servants report.

"Well, I see." Several indifferent voices came from inside the car.

Seeing this, many ancestors clasped their hands together and said to several cars in the void, "Welcome the envoys from the upper realm!"

"On behalf of the Fairy Continent, we welcome all the envoys from the upper realm!"

The ancestors were very enthusiastic, but it's a pity that they didn't like them.

The curtains of the carriage were lifted from the corners of their clothes, and for the first time the arrogances of the upper realm looked at the mountains and rivers of the lower realm, but their brows were slightly frowned unconsciously.

"This is a place for people to stay. It's full of barbarians. I really don't know what the higher-ups are thinking. They actually let the sons of our great dynasties come to such a dirty and despicable place."

The eldest son of the Yan Dynasty said indifferently that he was slender and handsome, and he looked like a disciple who had grown up in a favorable environment all year round, and his words were full of the sense of superiority from the superior.

"Yeah, in this barbaric place, what treasures can we find? Look at those pigs below, they are all paying homage to us!"

The eldest son of the Li Dynasty also agreed, with a mocking smile on his face. He was tall and burly, with strong muscles, and he was the eighteenth son of the Li Dynasty.

"Brothers, don't forget the mission assigned by the masters. Hurry up to collect the spirit energy, and we can also get some benefits."

Among the three, the only female disciple said indifferently, her voice was cold, her face was cold, and her eyes were full of confidence and pride.

"To the extreme, to the extreme, let's do it."

A few people talked to each other, leaving dozens of ancestors aside, let alone paying attention, and they didn't even mean to look at them seriously.

The ancestors felt a little embarrassed.

The patriarch of Qizong rubbed his nose, and continued to say respectfully, "I have prepared the best residence for the envoys on the Fairy Continent, and I invite the envoys to move to Qizong."

"Yes, envoys, rest assured, we will definitely serve you with all our strength and meet all the envoys' requests!"

The ancestor of Danzong also hurriedly said that he looked like a dog licking.


"A pig in a barbaric land is also worthy to talk to my young master?"

"It is your honor to be able to witness the true face of my son. Seeing that the sons of the three dynasties do not kneel is already a capital offense. If you dare to say more, you will be punished immediately!"

The eyes of several servants turned ferocious in an instant, and they waved their palms casually, driving them away like swabbing flies.

The complexions of the ancestors were as if they had eaten a fly, and they turned into the color of a pig's liver. They did not expect that the arrival was so domineering. They didn't even bother to do the most basic hypocrisy and obedience, and they made no secret of their contempt for the lower realm monks.

"Don't waste time with these rubbish, the fairy gas is about to be released, so hurry up and collect it!"

Several princes walked out of the carriage slowly, and they were about to pluck the white flowers floating around by using their spells.

"Not good, the envoys from the upper realm also want to compete for the spirit energy, what should we do?"

All the ancestors were a little panicked. Without the spirit of the fairy spirit, it means that it is difficult for them to improve their cultivation base, but if they want to snatch it, they will undoubtedly offend the monks in the upper realm, and they have no courage.

Just when everyone was hesitating, a piercing laughter drifted into their ears, "Hahaha, tell me that you old ancestors are usually not good at air, why are you doing dog licking now?"

"Do you know that licking a dog will lead to nothing in the end."

Li Xiaobai stood on the roof with Long Xue in his arms, laughing loudly, his eyes full of disdain.

"Ants in the upper realm, stop your death-seeking behavior quickly, this fairy spirit is all mine!"

"Hehe, two elder brothers, it's really interesting that there are pigs in this barbaric land who dare to provoke us." The female cultivator of the Sword Dynasty covered her face and smiled lightly.

"It really is a bunch of ignorant thugs who have the audacity to provoke us, who of you will kill that pig?" The prince of the Yan Dynasty laughed sarcastically, his eyes flickering coldly.

"Dare to call us ants, this is the first time in the world. This pig's brain is probably broken, but that little girl looks good. It's a pity to follow that pig. It just so happens that this son lacks a maid who warms the bed. In the future, you Just follow my son."

The eyes of the Prince of Li Dynasty were attracted by Long Xue, and his eyes were a little hot.

"Bah, you're just greedy for my body, you're a scumbag!" Long Xueqiao blushed slightly, and spat.

"Hahaha, lady, let's see how your husband kills everyone today!"

"Two, if you don't take action now, when will you wait!"

"Fuck them to death!"

Li Xiaobai waved his hand. Behind him, the old Dragon King and Liuren had been waiting impatiently for a long time. Liuren's body was full of golden light, and golden hair kept gushing out from under his skin, covering his whole body. For ten thousand feet, hit everyone in front of you.

Seeing this scene, the complexions of the ancestors in the sky suddenly changed, and they couldn't help shouting, "Second master, you dare to disrespect the envoys from the upper realm. Are you trying to trap my Fairy Continent in an injustice?"

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