Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Seven Hundred And Thirty Fourth Chapter Rectification

"The little girl is the princess of the Sword Dynasty, ranked ninth, and her name is Li Shuangning. Let the little girl answer your questions."

The glamorous woman of the Sword Dynasty bowed her body and gave a salute. She was the most calm among the crowd, maintaining a superior posture from the beginning to the end. Although the contempt in her eyes was well concealed, she was is never dissipated.

Even if he was seriously injured by the second in command right now.

"The Zhongyuan Realm is vast and abundant, and it is much larger than the Earth and Spirit Realm. Even our dynasties have never fully seen the whole picture of the Zhongyuan Realm."

"If you really want to say it, the dynasty behind my little girl and your brothers is just the tip of the iceberg in the Zhongyuan Realm. There are many super sects in the Zhongyuan Realm, and our dynasty is attached to one of them. The next time we wait for disciples to go down to the lower realm, this sect will take the lead."

Li Shuangning spoke eloquently, describing the situation in Zhongyuanjie one by one.

According to what she said, the overlords in the Zhongyuan Realm are the major super sects, who are in charge of dozens or even hundreds of dynastic powers, and there are countless small and medium-sized sects attached to them.

The dynasty behind the group of disciples who were captured by mistake today belonged to one of the large sects called Jianzong. As the name suggests, this sect is full of sword cultivators, and their strength is extraordinary.

After entering the Zhongyuan Realm, what one comes into contact with is the celestial energy, and the transformed power absorbed into the body is called the immortal essence. Generally speaking, the first thing a monk from the lower realm should do when he arrives in the upper realm is to find a skill to generalize it. All the remaining spiritual power in the body is removed, and only the immortal essence is kept, so that the strength can be multiplied.

And the exercises are divided into several levels according to their strengths. Heaven and Earth Mysterious Yellow, Heaven-level exercises are the most, Huang-level exercises are the last, and there are various other lesser-known exercises.

The most advanced exercises in the dynasty behind these princes are only prefecture-level. Because of the status of the princes, the exercises they practice are mysterious-level exercises, which are countless times better than the resources of ordinary monks.

"Sister, take a look at the level of fisting that old beggar Huazi's iron fist is?"

The old beggar interjected, dancing and gesticulating for a while, this was taught to him by Hu Zuo, it is said that it is an unpopular skill, but he still wants to confirm it again.

"With all due respect, this is a street stall. I don't know where the senior got it. This kind of exercise is used to lay a solid foundation for children in the Zhongyuan Realm. Only ordinary people will regard it as a treasure."

Li Shuangning explained. Although her tone was gentle, she always felt a little harsh. In her heart, ten thousand monks in the Fairy Continent looked down on them.

"Then what is your mission from the lower realm?" Li Xiaobai asked.

"The master only told me to collect the spirit energy of the fairy, but didn't say anything else. The reason for this is unknown to the girl and others. This is a high-level secret." Li Shuangning said.

"What kind of realms are there in the human fairyland?"

"The cultivation system of the Zhongyuan Realm is the three realms of immortals, and further up is the realm of semi-saints and saints. In the Zhongyuan Realm, saints are already seniors who can roam the world without being bound by the world. As for saints The above realm, the little girl doesn't even know."

"Well, that's right. I just heard you say that all of you sons of the world are practicing Xuan-level exercises?"

Li Xiaobai asked with a smile.

"That's right, and they are all the exercises of the great dynasties, which are only stronger than the same level of exercises in the outside world." Li Shuangning nodded and said.

"Very good, I will give you paper, ink, pen and inkstone, and write down all the exercises you have learned silently. Whoever writes the most will be rewarded!" A group of disciples curled their lips in their hearts. Do not care.

Not only have they never heard of the ranks of the kung fu, but they even treat their fists as a treasure. They are completely like a bunch of country bumpkins. When their ancestors and brothers arrive, they will definitely capture these guys alive and torture them in every possible way!

But the current situation is stronger than others, they dare not show the slightest dissatisfaction, they all sit upright and write meticulously silently.

An hour later.

In Li Xiaobai's hands, there are more than ten different types of exercises, all of which are mysterious-level exercises.

The disciples of the upper realm were very honest and did not play tricks on the exercises, because they knew that there was no need for it. As long as they waited for a few days, the fairy land would be completely taken over by the upper realm. They have the final say on the law.

"Senior Tianwu, take it and see which one is suitable for you to practice first. It is best to break through the realm as soon as possible."

Li Xiaobai said that exercises are useless to him, but for these half-step immortals in the fairy land, they are treasures. If they can take this opportunity to break through the realm of cultivation, it will be a great opportunity.

"There is one more thing."

Li Xiaobai informed everyone of the existence of the spiritual vortex deep in the frontier.

"It's a certainty that the Fairy Continent will soon become a prisoner. I plan to go to the upper realm to find a way to deal with it. If anyone has the same idea, you can go with me!"


"There is such a thing!"

"It's just a pity. I'm afraid I will fail Mr. Li's good intentions. After all, I am the lord of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Kingdom. As the pillar of West Desert, I must not abandon Buddhist believers."

"That's right, I can't watch the people of Daughter Kingdom being oppressed by monks from the upper realm. Even if I die, I will die with them!"

"The same is true for this king. The East China Sea Dragon Palace needs to be guarded by this king, and he cannot escape."


The masters of all major forces shook their heads in unison, expressing their rejection. They were quite moved by Li Xiaobai's proposal. If they were alone, they would definitely follow each other in life and death. But now they have their own disciples and people, and they have their own sect needs. If they want them to give up these things and watch their respective sects fall into dire straits, they can't do it.

"Wang! Go to the upper realm and be favored by others!"

"Hehe, go to the upper realm and be favored by others!"

"Go to the Upper Realm and take the girls!"

Er Gouzi and Ji Wuqing jumped out out of season, yelling, and the old beggars on the side also came to join in the fun.

Li Xiaobai's face darkened, these two guys still disrupted the atmosphere as usual.

"Old Huo Rong, your Lord Er Gouzi is going to the Upper Realm, and this Huolin Cave will be under your control from now on!" Er Gouzi waved his paws with a very magnanimous look.

"I will go too, and the East China Sea will be given over to the reptiles." Kun said lightly.

"The Aolai country is guarded by the big sister and the third sister. I will go to the Zhongyuan Realm to find the ancestor of the six-eared macaque. After I have learned something, I will definitely return here." Liuren said lightly.

"Then everyone, go back and study first, let's wait a few days before setting off!"

"Thank you son, it's not too late, I'll go down and prepare!"


The upper realm disciples stared blankly at the group of people plotting loudly in front of them.

What did they hear?

These pigs from barbaric lands actually plan to go to the upper realm?

Are they crazy?

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