"Such a person is simply a desperado. This kind of pig like him exudes a sour smell. If he goes to the upper realm, he will die."

"It goes without saying that now the five major entrances are controlled by monks from major dynasties. If they really go, they will fall into a trap and die!"

The upper realm disciples whispered among themselves, obviously shocked beyond words by Li Xiaobai's plan.

This person's brain circuit is completely different from that of ordinary people. As a pig in the earth spirit world, he actually wants to counterattack the Zhongyuan world. Is it because he thinks that he died not fast enough?

It is really incomprehensible, but if they know that there is a sixth entrance in this fairy continent, I am afraid they will not think so.

This is also Li Xiaobai's hole card, as long as he controls the sixth altar, he can repeatedly jump between the upper and lower worlds.

Everyone went back to their homes, making final preparations for the coming storm.

Li Xiaobai dismissed the crowd and sat alone on the bed, looking at the attribute value panel in front of him.

The data is all normal, but the items in the mall have been updated a lot, and the items are still the original items, but the price and efficacy have suddenly increased a lot.

For example, Godzilla has opened a section, which records in detail the prices corresponding to summoning different cultivation levels.

The price of Godzilla in the Immortal Realm has increased to 10 million low-grade immortal stones.

In the realm of Earth Immortals, there are 10 million medium-grade fairy stones, in the realm of heavenly immortals, there are 10 million commodity fairy stones, and in the semi-sacred realm, there are 10 million top-grade fairy stones.

As for the upper holy level, it may be because his defense level has not yet met the requirements, and it is temporarily gray and cannot be opened.

Artifacts such as Dinghaishenzhen also experienced the same changes.

"This system has become more humane. As long as I have money, even if I am in the realm of human immortality, I can summon Godzilla from the realm of heaven or even semi-holy realm to fight for me. Sure enough, if I have money, I can do whatever I want."

"It's just that this fairy stone should be the common currency of monks in the upper realm. The wool comes from sheep, so we still have to get some wool from these second-generation ancestors!"

Li Xiaobai muttered to himself.

Dragging out a group of disciples from the upper realm, it can't be explained that it was a brutal beating, and then they groped and searched for the fairy stone with all hands.

But after searching for a while, he frowned, because after searching for a long time, he only found three fairy stones. The fairy stones were pure white, as if they had been soaked in milk. The spirit of the fairy is the currency and cultivation material of the monks in the upper realm.

The things are good things, but the quantity is a bit too rare. Only three immortal stones were found on the body of dozens of disciples from the upper realm, which is obviously not right.

Even ordinary poor monks should be able to find more than ten yuan or more, not to mention that these guys in front of them are all a group of second-generation ancestors.

"Tell me, where did you hide the immortal stone, be lenient when you confess, and be strict when you resist!"

Li Xiaobai said lightly.

"Ahem, I don't understand what you're talking about, didn't you snatch all the fairy stones from us?"

Yan Shizi said with anger in his eyes, they hid their hands when Li Xiaobai was tortured before, and thought that this guy would not think of it after the incident, but he was afraid that this young man would actually come to search for their treasure.

It's crazy!

"Do you think I'm a three-year-old child, with dozens of princes who only have three fairy stones on them, which dynasty descendants of Shangougou are you? Beggars are richer than you, so hurry up and tell me honestly where everything is hidden!"

Li Xiaobai said viciously, not only a sliver of doubt flashed in his heart, he was sure that none of these princes carried items like space rings on them, how did they store them?

"Actually, there is one thing that my little girl forgot to tell my son. Our monks in Zhongyuanjie only use magic weapons such as storage bags when trading, and all the cultivation resources on weekdays are stored in the dantian. Orphaned son The material was not found just now.”

"Since the young master wants the fairy stone, I will take the initiative to hand it over."

"These are all the fairy stones that my little girl brought with her on this trip. Mr. Li has just entered the fairyland, and these fairy stones are enough."

Li Shuangning said calmly, stretching out her hand to brush over her lower abdomen, a large pile of ivory-white fairy stones rolled to the ground and piled up in front of Li Xiaobai, at least hundreds of pieces.

"It turns out that it is like this, hiding all the treasures in the dantian, there is indeed no need for the interspatial ring."

Li Xiaobai suddenly realized that there was something wrong with the eyes he was looking at all the disciples. There was a green light in his eyes, greedy and longing. In his eyes, these disciples had become treasuries of moving human figures.

I don't know which genius came up with the idea of ​​hiding the treasure in the dantian. In this way, wouldn't it be easier to kill people and seize treasures in the future?

As long as the person is slaughtered, the treasure in his dantian will burst out instantly, which is much more convenient and concise than trying to find out the hidden space ring by fighting wits with others.

All the princes from the upper world didn't know what was going on in each other's minds, they looked at Li Xiaobai's eyes shining green, and panicked in their hearts.

At the moment, everyone didn't dare to hesitate, they all followed Li Shuangning's example and took out all the fairy stones in the dantian, and dedicated them in front of Li Xiaobai.

Prince Yan and Prince Li contributed the most, each with as much as 800 yuan, while the rest of the princes only had 200 to 300 yuan.

Li Xiaobai tapped lightly, and collected all the spirit stones with a wave of his hand, a total of 10,000 low-grade fairy stones.

It sounds like a lot, but for the artifacts produced by the system, it is just a drop in the bucket.

"Why are you so poor? Aren't you the heirs of the dynasty? Why do you have so little resources in each of you? Could it be that you lied to me?"

"I think it's better for me to blow you up one by one, and then dig the baby out of your belly!"

Upon hearing this, everyone waved their hands in fright, "No, no, Mr. Li, you misunderstood. Although we are the sons of the eldest son, we only belong to the group of disciples with the weakest cultivation base in the dynasty. Naturally, if you are not strong, you will not be allocated a fairy stone."

"The bulk of the resources are all in the hands of my elder brother who is highly cultivated."

They are telling the truth, and some clues can be seen from the rankings. These princes are basically ranked more than ten among the princes of their respective dynasties. The number of princes in a dynasty can be imagined. The weak son poured out resources.

"Ma De, this is too little, what is 10,000 low-grade immortal stones enough for?"

Li Xiaobai curled his lips, "What a fucking embarrassment to Zhongyuanjie!"

A group of disciples from the upper realm were ashamed and indignant, they dared to be angry but dared not speak out, even if they were robbed by others, they would in turn despise them for being poor. Is this a human thing?

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