Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Seven Hundred And Thirtieth Chapters Achievement Task

"Ahem, my elder brother has several times more fairy stones than me. If Mr. Li wants resources, he can go and rob him."

The eldest son of the Yan Dynasty said angrily, this fellow beat him up and looted his resources, and finally turned around and mocked him for being poor?

And the other party is also the person from the lower realm that he despises the most.

"I don't want to talk to poor ghosts, you just stay in my magic weapon for now."

Li Xiaobai quickly browsed through the mall, and picked out a magic weapon in the shape of a gourd. This thing is called the Purple Gold Gourd. It was originally used to collect Gu insects and feed things, but it is also suitable for detaining monks. The price is a lot of magic weapons The cheapest one among them only needs one thousand low-grade spirit stones.

"what are you going to do?"

"We have obeyed the agreement and handed over all the exercises and resources to you, you can't go back on your word!"

"You have to be trustworthy in life, you can't do that!"

"No, Li Xiaobai, it's still a big mistake for you to imprison me. If you keep making the same mistakes now, the Heavenly King and Lao Tzu will not be able to save you!"

All the princes were taken aback by Li Xiaobai's actions. They didn't know what this purple gold gourd was, but since it was brought out by the other party, it would definitely not be a good thing.

"Hehe, don't be so cautious, I won't kill you, you are my important tools for making money in the future, it's too late to hurt you!"

"Don't worry, don't worry, let me read the manual first."

Li Xiaobai said with a chuckle, called out the instructions on the Zijin Gourd on the system panel, and said, "I'll call you, do you dare to agree?"

As soon as the words fell, a celestial light suddenly shot out from the purple-gold gourd. Dozens of princes in front of them were shrouded in light, and their bodies gradually shrank before being sucked into it.

Plugging the mouth of the gourd, Li Xiaobai shook for a while, quite heavy.

"Wang, boy, what kind of treasure is this? Master Er Gouzi wants it too!"

"Heck, I want it too!"

Er Gouzi and Ji Wuqing's eyes straightened when they saw this scene, and they directly took the monks into their pockets, which was the way they dreamed of.

If they had that gourd, they could be favored in the future!

"It's not impossible, but don't use it indiscriminately. This gourd can only catch monks in the realm of immortality, so take it easy."

Li Xiaobai bought a gourd from the mall again and threw it to the chicken and the dog. Later, he met a good genius and let the two gourds help him collect it. It was a good helper.

"This is the deity's!"

"Go and cool off!"

Er Gouzi slapped Ji Wuqing over with a slap, and held on to the gourd without letting go, ecstatic, he grabbed a red rope from nowhere, passed it through the gourd and put it directly around his neck.

"Master Ergouzi calls you, do you dare to agree?"

Er Gouzi followed Li Xiaobai's appearance before, pointing the mouth of the gourd at Ji Wuqing, and Ji Wuqing was taken in without any resistance under the celestial light.

"Hahaha, Lord Ergouzi is invincible!"

"This thing works really well!"

Er Gouzi seemed extremely excited, and his great cause of regaining people's favor could finally start.

Li Xiaobai's forehead was full of black lines, and he slapped Er Gouzi over with a slap, and released Ji Wuqing, "This gourd must not be used indiscriminately. From now on, you and Ji Wuqing will use it together and supervise each other."

"The second batch of monks is coming, and I have to complete some things as soon as possible."

"Go to the Huolin Cave first!"

Li Xiaobai said that there are still a lot of blood sacrifice fragments on the Fairy Continent that he has not discovered. Now that he has been promoted to the Immortal Physique and became the first person in the Fairy Continent, it is natural to put this achievement task on the agenda.

At present, he has fifty-five blood-stained fragments in his hand, which is fifty-three short of one hundred and eight.

According to past experience, if his guess is correct, these fragments should be distributed among the major forces, and he can always come across them by searching them one by one.

"let's go!"


Inside Huolin Cave.

Patriarch Huorong and a group of elder disciples dared not speak out. Li Xiaobai's deeds have spread throughout the entire continent. The first person born on the Fairy Continent to be a master in the realm of immortality is indeed a hero in troubled times. Even the Immortal Realm can't change anything in the coming wave.

Li Xiaobai walked slowly in the cave with Er Gouzi and Ji Wuqing. When he entered the cave of Patriarch Huo Rong, a few streams of light flashed by and entered Li Xiaobai's eyebrows.

Attribute points +10000...

Attribute points +10000...

Attribute points +10000...

Get Blood Sacrifice Fragment x10...

Achievement Troublemaker available.

"what is that?"

Everyone was very surprised, including Patriarch Huorong, who didn't know that there was such a thing hidden in his cave, but how did Li Xiaobai find out?

"Continue, next place!"

Li Xiaobai ignored it, turned around and left after getting the blood sacrifice fragments, quite simply.


Nanming's Daughter Country.

Su Yunbing personally took Li Xiaobai around, and when he reached the Guanghan Temple in the center of the city, several streams of light flashed by.

Attribute points +10000...

Achievement Troublemaker available.

"Little brother, if you have anything to do, just tell us. Although your cultivation level is far superior to ours now, the senior brothers and sisters will always be your strong backing!"

Several brothers and sisters patted Li Xiaobai on the shoulder and said.

"Thank you, brothers and sisters!"


After searching one sect after another, Li Xiaobai's movements were so fast and wild that no one in the entire Fairy Continent dared to stop him. It is the strongest, no one dares to offend the other party at this juncture.

Soon, the values ​​on the system attribute value panel soared, and the number of blood sacrifice fragments continued to increase.

Achievement Troublemaker available.

Just the last three bucks.

"Go to the Northern Territory!"

Without the slightest hesitation, Li Xiaobai drove his sports car to the north at high speed, where the monks of the evil sect controlled the altar, and the remaining fragments must be in his hands.

After half an hour.

A group of people arrived in the North Territory, looking at the rolling mountains in front of him, he was filled with emotion, this is his birthplace and the place where his dream began.

Who would have thought that a mere little-known disciple of the Xianyu Sect, who was a mere little-known disciple in the Xianyu Sect, would now grow into the overlord of the Fairy Spirit Continent.

But there is no time for nostalgia right now.

"Er Gouzi, let's find trouble with the evil sect, and we're ready to be petted!" Li Xiaobai said lightly.

"Wang! Boy, I'm just waiting for your words, let Er Gouzi come out!" Er Gouzi immediately became excited, wishing he could grab the gourd and kill all directions immediately.

"Hehe, this deity also needs to be petted!"

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