"Who is coming!"

"It's him, that guy actually came after him!"

After seeing Li Xiaobai's figure, the evil cultivators were visibly agitated. After knowing that the other party had been promoted to the realm of immortality, their hearts were extremely flustered.

After all, for the matter of the blood sacrifice fragments, they had hunted down each other quite a lot. At this moment, the seniors of the evil sect from the upper realm had not yet come to the Fairy Spirit Continent, so they were not their opponents.

"Wang, accept favors!"

"Hey, get a favor!"

Er Gouzi and Ji Wuqing grabbed the Zijin gourd at the same time, and shouted in unison, "I call you, do you dare to agree?"

In an instant, Feixian's light bloomed, and all the people he saw in front of him were included in it. In the blink of an eye, the number of monks in this evil sect dropped by half, and all of them were included in the purple gold gourd.

Li Xiaobai walked up to the trembling Evil Sect Master with dull eyes, and asked lightly, "There are a total of 108 blood sacrifice fragments in the Fairy Continent. I have already collected 105 pieces, and there are still three pieces left. Do you know the whereabouts?" ?”

"Can you change your life if you say it?"

The patriarch of the evil sect looked a little pale, and he couldn't see through Li Xiaobai's methods at all. A treasure that could take away more than ten Mahayana masters and countless disciples in an instant was definitely a method from the upper realm.

"Say!" Li Xiaobai has no patience.

"On the altar of my evil sect."

"What is the purpose of this blood sacrifice fragment, and what kind of conspiracy is behind it?"

"Can you change your life if you say it?" The voice of the master of the evil sect trembled.


"This blood sacrifice fragment is the eye of a formation. There are a total of 108 formation eyes, scattered all over the Fairy Continent. Once activated, it will form a large blood sacrifice formation. It was arranged by a great master in the upper realm. , and the specific details are not known, so please be clear, my lord!"

The evil sect master said.

"Blood Sacrifice Formation?"

"What will happen if it is turned on?"

Li Xiaobai asked with a frown.

"I will sacrifice the blood of all the creatures on the Fairy Continent, and turn them into pure nourishment to help that unknown big shot from the upper world break through."

"Who is that big man, and what power does he belong to?"

"The name of that lord is too small to be known, but my senior from the evil sect belongs to a super sect called the Blood Demon Sect in the upper realm."

The Sect Master of the Evil Sect knew quite a lot, so he searched his guts and told all the information he knew, just hoping to save him a way out.

Li Xiaobai was secretly shocked. Although he didn't know the name of the Blood Demon Sect, he was quite clear about the weight of the words "Super Sect". An incredible force.

The Fairy Spirit Continent was actually targeted by the big shots in the upper world early on, what a fateful fate!

"According to your plan, when did you plan to activate the formation?"

"The original plan was to wait until almost all the monks from the upper realm arrived before opening it, but now Mr. Li has taken away the fragments and destroyed the formation. The blood sacrifice formation has already existed in name only."

The Sect Master of the Evil Sect hurriedly said.

"You guys have a good plan!"

"That big man in the upper realm has a big plan, and he wants to kill these monks from the upper realm together. It's an amazing plan."

Li Xiaobai was thinking in his heart that the Blood Demon Sect and these dynastic sect forces from the lower world were obviously not on the same side, and it could even be said that they deliberately waited for them to be blamed, and then they would end up together.

The skill and courage involved are simply frightening. Blood sacrifices to the creatures of the entire Fairy Continent just to help a certain powerful person break through the realm have already reached the extreme of demon heretics.

Zhongyuanjie took the initiative to open the space channel, maybe there was this force behind it to fuel the flames, but now it was destroyed by itself.

"Then what does the Blood Demon Sect plan to do next?" Li Xiaobai continued to ask.

"This has not been arranged for the time being, but the young master has taken all the fragments. After thinking about it, he will face the pursuit of the Blood Demon Sect, but don't worry, the young master will definitely give the young master more good words in front of the adults in the upper realm. A few words!" said the master of the evil sect, with a strong desire to win.

"Hehe, no need, Ergou Xiaoji, take him in!"

Li Xiaobai waved his hand, and walked slowly towards the crack in the sky in the Northern Territory, where the remaining three fragments were located.

"Accept people's favor!"

"I'll call you, do you dare to promise?"

Before the master of the evil sect could react, Er Gouzi swung the gourd excitedly and immediately took it into his pocket.

"Hehe, it's a pity that all the old clappers are accepted, they are too pale, I want a girl!"

"Silly dog, we have to accept the holy son and the holy daughter when we go to the Zhongyuan world!" Ji Wuqing said with some dissatisfaction.

"It's natural, we have to take in some people with status."

the other side.

Li Xiaobai put the last three fragments into the system.

Attribute points +10000...

Attribute points +10000...

Attribute points +10000...

Achievement Troublemaker available.

drop! Detect that the host has completed the achievement task, get the title, trouble maker!

drop! Detect the host to get the title of Troublemaker, and reward items Firecracker Thunder!

Firecracker Thunder is a bamboo that contains extremely unstable immortal energy. It will explode when it is hit. A single power is equivalent to a full blow of a monk in the realm of human immortality. (The price is one thousand low-grade immortal stones).

(Note that art is a blast!)


This reward was far beyond Li Xiaobai's expectations. It directly opened a new item, and judging from the situation, it was not only cheap, but also very useful.

A firecracker thunderbolt only needs a thousand low-grade immortal stones, if you exchange it for a dozen or so and throw them together, it will be a continuous firecracker, and it will definitely blow up the sky.

In the system mall, there is an extra product column. In addition to Firecracker Thunder, there are several other options. It should be the advanced version of Firecracker Thunder, but they are all in a gray state. Presumably it is because their own defense is not enough. .

"This thing can be used like an armored vehicle, and the effect is very domineering!"

Li Xiaobai's eyes lit up, and he muttered to himself, he has obtained two achievements in total, the first reward was a heavy truck, which is useless now, but the current firecracker thunder is solved His urgent need allows him to have more bargaining chips to compete with the upper realm monks.

It cost a thousand low-grade immortal stones to exchange for one.

This is a piece of emerald green bamboo, about the length of two palms. As soon as it is taken out, the surrounding air trembles. There seems to be an infinite violent breath inside the bamboo that is urgently needed to vent and wreak havoc. It looks like it will explode at any time, and it looks extremely Danger.

"Wang, kid, what's in your hand?"

"Heck, silly dog, can you have some eyesight!"


Li Xiaobai "..."

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