Several people quickly counted the battlefield, and divided up all the fairy stones and magic weapons all over the ground.

"Get rich?"

"Get rich!"

"How to divide?"

"The plan this time was planned by the old beggar. The old beggar also acted in the early scenes. He contributed the most and should occupy the majority. Let's divide it into 50%. You can choose the rest yourself."

The old beggar said shamelessly.

"No, no, this plan can be proposed by the old man Tianwu at any time, but in the final analysis, it is because I have taken action to defeat these monks, and I have carried the most crime points. This 50% of the big head should be kept by me!"

Li Xiaobai shook his head and said.

"As the saying goes, it's hard to make a boat with only one tree. If you don't have me, an amazing, talented and gorgeous person to play against you, the other party won't be fooled. I think it's better to put the 50% with me for the time being!"

Liuren said with a somewhat ugly expression.

She cursed in her heart that these two people were nothing, and it was only at this moment that she really understood why Li Xiaobai would take all the evil points on herself from the beginning, and why the old beggar would suddenly show courteousness Make a trap to kill monks.

Emotions are waiting here. They expected the situation in front of them and wanted to get more resources, so they made sufficient preparations in advance. They are really old foxes and little foxes!

"Hehe, this deity is the weakest in cultivation, and this deity has a big head!" Ji Wuqing came up and began to pull the fairy stone into his arms.

"Go away, it's all Er Gouzi's!" Er Gouzi slapped him to the ground and said viciously.

"How can there be so many talks, this seat thinks that it can be divided equally, and we have to continue to cooperate in-depth in the future, what is this petty profit?"

Kun's face was calm, with a calm look, and a touch of reproach and helplessness flashed in his eyes, as if he was very chilled by the actions of Li Xiaobai and others.

It made several people feel ashamed for a while.

That's right, they are all little friends who came up from the Fairy Continent, and they should work together to advance and retreat. How can they forget their roots just because they just met some resources?

"Ahem, Senior Kun's words are reasonable, but I'm being rude, let's just split them equally."

"Yes, yes, indeed, before I knew it, the old beggar's money-greedy problem was committed again. Everyone contributed their efforts, and it should be shared equally!"

"We're all a family. If you have money, let's make money together. Money is something outside of your body. Don't hurt the harmony between us because of this."

The three of them were a little embarrassed, and unconsciously committed the problem of greed for money.

It's still that senior Kun sees it clearly, and it's different after living for a long time!

"It's so good."

Kun smiled slightly, as if he was relieved that everyone had come to their senses, but in fact, his heart was in a cold sweat.

It's a risk, he is the most useless among the few people, if the loot is divided according to the size of the credit, he will probably get the least. Fortunately, he cleverly led the topic, and now he can make a lot of money when he is divided equally.

Hey, ginger is still old and spicy!

Several people divided up the spirit stones, and Li Xiaobai gave away all his magic weapons, which were useless to him. In exchange, he got a lot of spirit stones.

Counting it carefully, he now has tens of thousands of low-grade immortal stones in his hand, and the thousand top-grade immortal stones he looted from the altar earlier, he is already a little rich man.

The rest of the people had similar expressions on their faces, their eyes were shining brightly, and their breathing couldn't help becoming a little short of breath. Sure enough, killing people and seizing treasures is the fastest way to make money!

"Hey hey, old beggar, how does this money make money?" The old beggar almost laughed from ear to ear. After killing this group of disciples, he gained a large amount of wealth.

"Very good, I like it very much."

Kun said with bright eyes.

Then several people looked at each other in blank dismay, their fiery eyes intertwined.

The old beggar narrowed his eyes slightly, "Actually, the old beggar has a bold plan."

Li Xiaobai said happily, "Is it a coincidence, isn't it? In fact, I also have a bold plan!"

Liu Ren "My plan may be more daring..."

Kun "How about we..."

"Do it again!"


"Great goodness!"

Li Xiaobai licked his lips, with a strange gleam in his eyes, and confided all the thoughts in his heart, "If we do this, we will definitely make a lot of money!"

"Boy, your thinking is very dangerous now, you will be killed by the law enforcement team."

Kun muttered, "It's only been less than a day since I came to Zhongyuanjie, and the other party wants to come out with the whole big news. In comparison, its plan is much smaller.

Although he really wanted to kill someone, but his strength didn't allow it!

If the crime value exceeds 5,000, it means that you have entered the area targeted by the law enforcement team. You must be more careful in your actions, at least you can't kill people indiscriminately.

Li Xiaobai picked up a map of animal skins from the pile of resource materials that exploded from the ground, and said slowly, "The time is not waiting for us. We are new to the Upper Realm. If we want to gain a foothold quickly, we must obtain resources. The fastest The most convenient way is naturally to attack the monks!"

"As the old saying goes, you will win if you fight hard!"

Long Xue and the six senior brothers and sisters were all taken away, which made him unmotivated to develop steadily. He had to be aggressive to become stronger as soon as possible and rescue them.

"Hiss, this is plan 666!"

"Hehehe, the old beggar has always believed in the judgment of the young master, and today he is risking his life to accompany the gentleman!"

"Brother Kun, are you cowardly?"

The old beggar laughed, he liked this kind of messing around the most.

Also, the plan was crazier than his.

"I'm the same, it's nothing more than a mere crime. If you practice in this world, who doesn't have a few lives in their hands?"

"The strong come out of the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood."

"Brother Kun, if you want to take the route of merit value, we can understand that in the future, let us do the killing?"

Liu Ren also nodded in agreement.

"Fart, nonsense, stinks, stinks!"

"Fuck the merits of his mother, I will be cowardly? I am just worried about this kid. Since you have made up your mind, then let's make him turn upside down and ruthlessly search for a fortune and leave!"

"We're going to take the purest magic path!"

Kun was furious, his face was red with anger, and his neck was thick.

"Hehe, you can do whatever you want, but next time you have to let the deity kill you!"

Ji Wuqing yelled, the evil value elixir that he had taken earlier had exerted its effect in his body, now his mind is full of evil value, and he only wants to kill and set fire.

"Wang, all scriptures belong to Ergouzi. Ergouzi must accumulate merits and become a supreme existence admired by all people!"

Er Gouzi raised his head to the sky and screamed, ran to the pile of corpses and began to rummage, but he really let him find a few scriptures.

However, they are just relatively common high-end products, such as "Lotus Sutra", "Yan Leng Sutra".

"There are many dangerous places on this map, which one is Mr. Li planning to go to?" Liu Ren asked.

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