Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 750: Mysterious Treasure Appears

"Wealth and wealth are in danger, let's go to this swamp."

Li Xiaobai pointed to a piece of water on the map and said, this location is slightly closer to the inner area, and it clearly shows that there is a monster that has just entered the fairyland, and this is the only one in the outer part of the fairyland The lair of monsters.

And most of the disciples around here should be cultivators from the Human Wonderland.

After all, the inner circle is the scope of activities of the monks in the fairyland.

"Well, this one is really good, the location is central, and there should be quite a lot of monks nearby."

The old beggar nodded in praise.

"Then let's go!"


A few minutes later, a devastating golden beam of light erupted from a swamp, reaching into the sky.

It was a thick golden giant stick, standing up to the sky, floating in the void, and the scriptures flowed up and down to suppress the void.

After manifesting for a moment, it suddenly withdrew its light and disappeared.

At this moment, all the monks and disciples around could see clearly, the light was dazzling, there must be some kind of treasure born!

This is a rare spectacle, it can trigger a vision, it is a good treasure.

In a certain jungle, a small group of people immediately turned around and swept towards the direction where the golden light burst.

"I said, what is that golden stick? Could it be some magic weapon?"

"It must be a magic weapon. It's all caused visions, but the aura it emits seems a little weak."

"That's right, it only has the aura of a half-step human immortal realm, but since it can communicate with different phases, it has some peculiarities, maybe it's a growth treasure!"

"Let's go first, let's talk, baby is good or not, you will know when you get it!"

"Looking at the direction, it seems to be the swamp where the crescent rhinoceros is!"

"Beast companion, there is a high probability that it is a good thing!"

At this moment, all the monks within a hundred miles of the swamp put down their work and rushed over in unison.

The same dialogue was repeated in all directions, and everyone was shocked that there was such a treasure hidden in the lair of the meniscus rhinoceros. It was a godsend!

No wonder the rhinoceros in this swamp are so powerful, but they can have the cultivation base of the fairyland in the periphery, presumably because of the help of this baby.

It may be very difficult to seize the treasure!

After a cup of tea.

There were crowds of people outside the swamp, and a lot of monks gathered. There were monks coming from all directions, at least more than a hundred people had gathered.

These people are all in the Immortal Realm, with extremely strong aura. In the dark, Li Xiaobai smashed his mouth, he didn't expect to attract so many big fish, but it was still within the controllable range.

"That golden light came from here just now, but I really didn't see any treasure right now!"

A monk frowned and said.

"It goes without saying that since the treasure appeared near here, it was naturally taken over by the crescent rhinoceros. I am afraid that the golden giant stick is hidden under the water!"

"But that rhinoceros is a monster in the fairyland, we can't afford it!"

The monks talked a lot, their brows were furrowed, and they looked very troublesome.

"Hey, look quickly, a disciple of great power is coming!"

"That's the inner disciple of the Great Yan Dynasty, Yan Xiao! It is said that his cultivation at the peak of the Immortal Realm has been favored by a certain prince, and he gave him the surname of the Great Yan Dynasty. He is considered to be half of the royal family!"

"And over there, that is a senior sister of the Sword Dynasty. I met her in the Jianzong selection competition last year. Her swordsmanship is superb, and she was only close to becoming an inner disciple of the Sword Sect. It is said that the elders of the Sword Sect were willing. Let her become a disciple of the outer sect of the Sword Sect, but this girl is very angry and flatly refuses, after a year of dormancy, she is going to officially enter the inner sect this year!"

"Hiss, these two geniuses have been attracted, it seems that this treasure is amazing!"

The monks looked around and saw a lot of familiar faces, and even recognized a lot of eminent families.

After hearing the endless compliments from around, Yan Xiao and Luo Shui nodded slightly, their eyes full of arrogance.

"Luoer, what level do you think this treasure is?"

Yan Xiao looked at the iceberg beauty at the side, with a flash of admiration in his eyes, he asked with a light smile.

"Brother Yan, why bother to ask the question clearly? The thing that can trigger the vision of heaven and earth is naturally a good thing. Although the breath is a little weaker, it is better for us to refine, isn't it?"

"Also, my name is Luo Shui, not Luo Er."

Luo Shui had no expression on his face, his eyes were fixed on the swamp in front of him, as if he was thinking about something.

"Hehe, Luo Er, you and I have known each other for many years, why are you so far away?"

"Why don't you and I work together to take out this treasure, and I can give this treasure to you after it's done. You only need to give me three thousand top-quality spirit stones?"

Yan Xiao smiled brightly, his face was handsome, his outline was clear, he was a perfect girl killer, but it was a pity that the woman in front of him didn't like him, which further aroused his desire to conquer.

"Is this true?"

Luo Shui's eyes lit up, he looked at Yan Xiao and asked.

"Of course it's true, once a man says something, it's hard to follow!"

Yan Xiao laughed out loud.

"Senior Brother Yan, Senior Sister Luo, we all know that your cultivation bases are unpredictable, but your opponent is a monster from the Immortal Realm. Although we have a large number of people, if we really fight, I'm afraid we won't have the upper hand!"

A monk interrupted at the right time, full of worry.

This crescent rhinoceros itself has rough skin and thick flesh, not to mention its strong defense, the crescent horn at the center of the brow can even shoot out a series of powerful moon blades, killing people without blood, this is the origin of the word crescent , very difficult to deal with.

"Hehe, Junior Brother, you don't know about this."

"The crescent rhinoceros is indeed a fairyland, but it is a relatively lazy kind of monster. When it is full of food and drink, it will become extremely lethargic. As long as the human race does not violate it too much, let it If it feels threatened, it won't wake up."

"It should have been disturbed by the golden light just now. It is in a state of half-dream and half-awake at the moment, so its breathing is a bit disordered. You can see that the ripples on the lake surface should be caused by its breathing. Let's wait for a while until it falls asleep completely and peacefully. Quietly go into the water to find the baby!"

"As long as you don't disturb it, we're safe."

Yan Xiao smiled casually, appearing quite graceful, and explained to everyone present, these words were also told to him by the elders of the clan, unexpectedly they came in handy today.

"Brother Yan is a great talent, not only is his cultivation strong, but even the habits of this monster are easy to grasp, it's too strong!"

"From this angle, I feel that Senior Brother Yan is exceptionally handsome!"

Many monks immediately cheered, and the young girl Huaichun became nympho.

Luo Shui also had a flash of surprise in his eyes, "I didn't expect Brother Yan to be so knowledgeable?"

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