Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 754 High-Risk Actions, Please Do Not Imitate

"Go here!"

Li Xiaobai pointed to a certain area on the map and said, this is a magma area, which is also the periphery, and it is the first dangerous place that can be encountered when entering from the outside.

According to the records on the map, there are no monsters here, only an ancient tree in the magma. On the ancient tree is a kind of fruit called Fire Tree Silver Flower. The whole body of the fruit is as red as a scorching sun, but the two leaves are as white as snow , hence the name.

We don't know the effect of this fiery tree and silver flower, but it must be a treasure of genius, which can lay a solid foundation for people after taking it.

This thing is not of much use to Li Xiaobai, but to the rest of the people, it is a timely help. The more stable the foundation is, the smoother the road ahead will be.

What's more, this is a gathering place for countless newcomers and monks, and it is a good place to do things. They are going out anyway. Since they are on the way, why not do things along the way?

"The location is good, we can just run away after we're done."

The old beggar agreed.

"Finish the last vote and leave."

Kun also said.

"Wang, Master Ergouzi wants to be favored!"

"Hehe, this deity wants to kill someone!"


After half an hour.

A group of people slowly came to the magma field on the map.

This is a cliff, the cut surface is very neat, under the cliff is hot magma flowing continuously,

It has not yet approached, but the smell of baking is rolling in.

At this moment, the mountain was crowded with many monks, most of them were half-stepped into the human fairyland, and a few leading ones were from the human fairyland, and they were stopping on the cliff.

The monks in the Immortal Realm are all senior brothers in the sect. Today, they received the task of the sect and brought a group of disciples into the Monster Mountain Range to practice. They said it was practice, but in fact they came for an outing.

The main purpose is to let the disciples recognize the road of the Monster Beast Mountain Range, so that they can come forward on their own in the future, and the second is to take the disciples around the outer area to get acquainted with the environment a little bit, just like in front of them. The disciples visited the magma.

Occasionally encountering three or two monsters is also dealt with by the brothers, and there is no need for these brothers and sisters to do anything.

All in all, it was a relatively easy job.

"Brother Ye, there are so many new faces today, the sect is thriving!"

The leaders of several people from Wonderland got together and said with a smile.

"Which year didn't people sharpen their heads and drill into the sect? In another year, those who can survive will be able to survive. Now these are just recruits. The difference is too far!"

"Among the Great Yan Dynasty, the most indispensable thing is newcomers!"

Cultivator surnamed Ye waved his hand and said lightly.

"That's true. Every year, the Fire Tree and Silver Flower is a must-see event. It seems to be turned into a scenic spot, but there are still so many monks flying moths to the flame, dreaming of flying into the sky. I really don't know if they should be said to be persistent. Still stupid."

"Who says it's not? My junior brother told me to be here last month. People nowadays always want to take shortcuts. The shortcuts are not so easy to take. One wrong step will cost your life!"

The team leaders kept talking, did they lament a few times, the monks who have been training outside all the year round occasionally meet, most of them are complaining, it should be because they are busy with training and earning spirit stones to become stronger quickly, and there is no time to sit down and talk to others These.

"By the way, this year is almost the day of the selection of the Sword Sect? I don't know how many people from the Great Yan Dynasty will be able to advance this time. Can Brother Ye give us some details?"

A female cultivator from a certain sect asked.

"Hehe, I'm not afraid to tell you that this time, my Great Yan Dynasty acquired a few geniuses in the barbaric land of the earth and spirit world, and their qualifications are comparable to the disciples of the super sect. This time, my Great Yan Dynasty's eyes are not It will only be confined to Jianzong!"

The cultivator surnamed Ye smiled lightly, and said with pride and complacency in his eyes.

"Is it true, can there be geniuses in the earth and spirit world?" The rest of them all looked a bit poor.

"The mighty king brought it back in person, and there is still a fake. It is said that the Supreme Emperor was alarmed that day to come forward in person. Now those few people are unified by the Supreme Emperor. In the future, they will definitely be sent to various famous sects. These people, They have reached the sky in one step, and even the Mighty King is entrusted with their blessings, and he was directly conferred the rank of Noble, and his status is equal to that of the true disciples of the Heavenly Immortal Realm!"

"Aptitude is everything these days!"

Chang Xu, a monk surnamed Ye, lamented that these are not secrets. The return of King Mighty Wu caused a great commotion that day. Sooner or later, this matter will spread to the ears of other sects and dynasties.

"Your Great Yan Dynasty picked up the treasure this time, and it's about to prosper!"

Several people said with envious expressions.

While chatting, I suddenly realized that something was wrong with the surrounding environment.

There were quite a few disciples, but the voices of their voices gradually became smaller, until finally there was no voice at all.

"What happen to you guys?"

"Aren't you quite happy just now?"

"Are you tired of watching it so quickly?"

Several team leaders got up and asked with some doubts, but they found that their juniors and juniors were all staring at one place with a dull expression.

"What are you looking at?"

The team leaders looked a little puzzled, following the gazes of the disciples, their pupils shrank suddenly.

I saw a young man walking slowly in the magma below. Seeing everyone looking at him, he waved at them with a playful smile, as if the surrounding magma didn't exist at all.

"This... what's going on here!"

Compared with the disciples, the shock in the hearts of the several team leaders was stronger, and they had higher cultivation bases, so they could better understand the horror of the magma below.

This is a dangerous place born naturally between heaven and earth. How many disciples died in it, not to mention them, even the disciples at the peak of the human fairyland would have to fall.

In the past, only the seniors in the Earth Wonderland were able to collect a little or two, but they would never stay in it for too long. Now this young man walked through the magma directly on foot, and he was not injured at all. What's going on?

"Is this guy... really a human?"

Everyone was dumbfounded, and many disciples questioned the warnings of the team leaders just now, "Senior brothers and sisters, is this magma really as terrifying as you said?"

"Of course, never question the warnings of senior brothers and sisters, we are professionals!"

"As someone who has experienced it, I can tell you very responsibly that this is a dangerous move and must not be imitated!"

"This person looks ordinary or even has no merits, but he is actually a senior who hides deeply. It must be like this, otherwise it is absolutely impossible to walk freely in the magma!"

Earlier, the monk surnamed Ye said loudly that he was afraid that these newborn calves who are not afraid of tigers would also follow suit.

If these students die in large numbers this year, their end will be death!

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