"But senior brother, we didn't perceive the slightest fluctuation of immortality from the person below. Could it be that he walked in the magma purely with his body?"

A disciple asked, the behavior of the person below made him feel that the magma was not as terrifying as what the senior brother said, isn't it possible for anyone to get involved in it?

Could it be that these elites are not as good as the young people who look like ordinary people?

"It's absolutely impossible. No one's physical body can be so strong. Even the masters of the Heavenly Realm of the Li Dynasty dare not stay in the magma for a long time. There must be something wrong!"

The brows of several team leaders also frowned, and they were also confused at this moment.

Where did this person come from, and how did he get into the magma?

Why is he not dead?

If things go on like this, it's not a big deal for these senior brothers to lose their prestige, but it's a big deal for the brothers and sisters to follow suit!

"No, brother, look at the clothes on that person's body have been burnt clean, if you use the body protector of Xianyuan, this result will definitely not happen, so he is walking in the magma with his body!"

The sharp-eyed little clever ghost pointed down and exclaimed, causing everyone to look sideways.

Indeed, what he said is very reasonable. If you use the kung fu to protect your body, your clothes will never be burned. If you use the kung fu, the sin value or merit value will be displayed on the top of your head, which is absolutely impossible like now. Generally nothing unusual.

There are various indications that the person below is swimming in the magma purely with a physical body!

This time, even the team leaders were a little confused. What's going on?

Is that person a big boss, or is there a problem with the magma? They were a little uncertain for a while. To be honest, they didn't think the person below was a big boss. If there was a problem with the magma, it would not be dangerous now. But what a great opportunity.

Successfully snatching the next Fire Tree Silver Flower Fruit will bring huge benefits to their bodies and roots!

At that moment, cultivator surnamed Ye stepped forward slowly, and shouted loudly towards the bottom, "Brothers below, how does this magma feel?"


The corners of Li Xiaobai's mouth turned up slightly, and he also yelled loudly, "Brother, this bath water is really comfortable, warm, and not hot at all!"


As he spoke, he lay flat on his body and swam in the lava.

Attribute points + 200,000...

Attribute points + 200,000...

Attribute points + 200,000...

"It's not hot, it's not hot at all, it's very cool!"

Li Xiaobai smiled with a mouthful of white teeth.

"Hiss! It's incredible, it's really incredible!"

Above the cliff, a group of monks showed astonishment. They never expected that the monk below would say words such as warm and cool. This place is magma. Can you show some face?

Looking at the stunned crowd above, Li Xiaobai smiled faintly, and swam towards the fiery trees and silver flowers in the center of the magma.

"Look, that person is heading towards the fiery trees and silver flowers!"

"This is a great opportunity. If there is a problem with the magma and its power is no longer what it used to be, we might be able to compete with him. I didn't expect to be lucky enough to witness such an opportunity for the first time. It's really good!"

Seeing Li Xiaobai's actions, many monks exclaimed again.

"Don't worry, let's take a look!"

The cultivator surnamed Ye seemed quite calm and calm, and said lightly, staring at the person below.

Huoshuyinhua is a towering ancient tree, the whole body is fiery red, and it seems to be integrated with the magma from a distance, but all the leaves are silvery white, and the combination of red and white is particularly stylish.

There are a total of seven fruits on the tree, all of which are fiery red and have snow-white leaves, which are extremely attractive.

Li Xiaobai didn't shy away from anything, and directly picked off all the fruits from the book one by one, and put them into the interspatial ring.

"The fruit was taken by him!"

"Grandma, this guy must have taken a chance, the magma at this moment is not lethal!"

"Yes, maybe the heat of the magma was sucked away by the fiery trees and silver flowers!"

"Brother, let's go down, if we don't do anything, it will be too late!"

At this moment, the monks on the cliff couldn't bear it any longer, and they tried their best to go down and fight for some opportunities.

"Wait for me to test it out!"

One of the leaders took out a long sword and threw it at the magma.


Green smoke was lingering, and the moment the long sword touched the magma, it turned into a ball of flames and disappeared.

The audience was silent.

Everyone's heart trembled, and the illusion of magma was turned into fly ash along with the long sword.

There was no problem with the magma at all. The problem was with the young man below. It was all nonsense about being warm and cool. That person clearly resisted the magma with pure flesh.

Many disciples had more guesses in their minds. Maybe the young man below is a certain demon boss, and killing people is useless, so at this moment, he did not use the kung fu method but chose to cross the magma with his body. What a terrifying cultivation. !

"Made, there is indeed a problem, and I knew something was wrong, everyone, retreat quickly!"

The expression of the cultivator surnamed Ye changed drastically, he roared suddenly, and led everyone back in a hurry.

The rest of the leaders also performed the same movements. Their faces all looked like they had seen a ghost. This was the first time they heard of a monk who could cross the magma with his body. Could it be that he was a strong man in the fairyland?

From what that means, is the magma used as bath water?

"That thing is really a boss!"

"We almost ran into someone!"

The monks were afraid for a while, and several leaders stepped back and said loudly, "We are disciples of the Great Yan Dynasty and the surrounding sects. Today, we came to the Monster Mountain Range just for training. We don't intend to offend seniors. If we are rude, we hope Haihan!"

Below, inside the magma.

Li Xiaobai collected all the fruits, then slowly took out a long sword, and cut it down on the cliff without any explanation.

100% caught empty-handed with a white blade, activate!

In just a split second, countless disciples exclaimed on the cliff, and their bodies rushed towards the magma uncontrollably.

"what happened?"

"My body is out of control!"

"It's that boss, he's controlling our actions!"

"Made, he really is a boss, his crime value is already five thousand!"

"He wants to kill us all with the help of magma!"

"Senior, we have no grievances with you, why did you kill us, I don't accept it, I hate it!"

Seeing the magma getting closer and closer in front of them, all the monks were frightened, but neither the physical body nor the immortal essence in the dantian could use a single bit, they could only watch helplessly as their bodies submerged into the magma bit by bit among.

Then the body died, the primordial spirit burned out, and a series of treasures in the body exploded in the void.

Several leaders are regretful at this moment, they are so good, why are they envious of other people's opportunities, now that they have not reaped the benefits, they have brought unreasonable disasters on themselves, this wave, I am afraid they will all die.

Even the human body in the fairyland couldn't stand the scorching in the magma. After a few seconds of stalemate, their bodies were burned to ashes.

"Bloodfiend Heart..."

"Sorcerer monk..."

With their last glance before they died, they vaguely saw a huge blood-colored heart and countless tentacles emerging from behind Li Xiaobai, and there was also a strong smell of blood wafting indistinctly.

It's just a pity that in the next second, their world will be forever dark and silent...

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